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  • #31
    Hello Ericska,
    Thanks for the kind words- my family issues are a complicated story and it's the holidays, so that just makes things feel worse. My sister-in-law died suddenly and my brother is bereft-I live too far away to be much help an my older brother, who lives in the area, is estranged from us because we basically had a terrible upbringing-it's a long awful story . I'm just sad about the whole situation now and it brings back a lot of bad memories-I'm in phone contact with my brother who is just grieving-.
    I'm so happy to read that you have such lovely co-workers and will be going to your office celebration- We isolate too much, so this is great news.
    Your ability to type with eyes closed is a marvel to me,as I can just about type with them open, You remind me of someone I worked with long ago, who could type like the wind while holding a conversation on a totally different subject. She was like some sort of savant with that typewriter!
    I've head of scleral lenses, but I don't know about any other type of lens for dry eye. Can you elaborate? My current doctor (who is so full of himself) said at our last meeting that the eye surface looks good and he doesn't think sclerals would help. I guess I'm happy at this news but it doesn't change the way my eyes feel and look. The bad tear film is not going to change. I liked using the dexa, my eyes did feel some dryer, but overall, felt better- I know they looked better-less inflamed. That's the thing that bothers me most- my appearance, but the pressure became a problem after a couple of months
    Are serum tears available to you? I'm now using 50% I think it's helped some, though right now it's hard to give an accurate assessment as the weather here has been freakishly warm -57 degrees yesterday and the humidity very high. The real test will be when things get cold and dry and the heat's on, then we'll see if I continue with the hassle of getting them- We have to drive to the hospital, get blood drawn and then come home and go back since they use "clean rooms" also used for radiation and chemo patients- so process the tears in between. It takes several hours to ready the prescription so it's too long to hang around there.
    Would you be able to do this at the hospital where you work- that would be great!
    When is your staff luncheon? I'll be with you in spirit- wishing you a wonderful time! Please tell me how it goes. I'm having some trouble posting to this site, so I'll go for now..
    Last edited by bunnyrabbit123; 15-Dec-2015, 15:13.


    • #32
      HI Bunny - I responded in a PM ..


      • #33
        Dear E- I hope things are going better now that you have time off. I've sent you a couple pm's. Write when you can.

