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How to live a normal life when

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  • How to live a normal life when

    - you have mild pain in both eyes
    - your eyes bother you all day , all night
    - your BUT seems to be more than 10 and schirmer more than 10 too
    but your eyes are overly inflamed.
    - you have a chalazion

    im 23 years old , my dream was to live my life fully after my lasik operation. Going out without glasses , doing sport without contacts , travels after my studies,it s now one year that i live in hell.

    I tried Predforte 3 months , it did nothing. i tried manuka honey , it moved my flaps, im on restasis for 2 month (low changement)

    What i have to do ? The better solution is death? or im wrong and i can hope so good things for the future;;;

  • #2
    Dont give up there is not an instant fix but you will find the right eyedrops and treatment that will improve things. I had lense implants 4 years ago and have chronic dry eye and blepharitis and nerve damage as a result. Things do improve the pain gets less you learn how to manage things. Your eyes may fully recover but it takes time be patient and dont give up.


    • #3
      Take one day a time. I live the same way. Everyone assures me that pain won't be the same, and time heals all the wounds.Our body is smart, and miracles happen. Don't give up. You are not along.


      • #4
        I believed in all doctors i saw, what a mistake. I saw one of the best doctor in USA he told me it was big allergy so i used three months steroids , my inflammation was still the same. And we knot that steroids are the best counter inflammation. i have a scirmer of 13 and 16 without aneasthasic and with i dont know.

        I will see Dr Alio , to do flap lift and use pro plasma three to six months , i hope it will help me to live normally again.


        • #5
          So, you still believed in doctors. Re-opening the flap can make things worse.


          • #6
            What can i do? Nothing i try is helpfull , if the only thing that can help is this , i have to try it cauz i cant live like that. If im not better , i will kill myself , so its a last chance.


            • #7
              Is this the last chance? Have you already tried contacts( plain like a bandage) or sclerals? Did you see dry eye specialist? Did you see neurologist? Did you try holistic medicine? You says restasis is helping you, maybe you just need more time. I have a friend who has dry eyes after LASIK done in 2001. But she lives, because she has a family and a child. And she is planning to come in USA soon to see Dr. Boshick who makes sclerals. 10 hours to flight to try! I hope you will find the right doctor who can help you. Sometimes you just don't want to fight anymore. But you didn't try EVERYTHING yet.


              • #8
                Listen to me Peter. I was where you were once, with eyes that royally sucked beyond belief. And guess what... I hung in there, and now it's a few years later and I'm literally having the time of my life! You can be the same if you hang in there.

                You're young, you have the potential for DECADES of AWESOME years ahead of you... if you have a to ride out a few lousy ones to get to the good part, isn't it worth it when the good is bound to outweigh the bad by a long shot?

                Trust me, you can learn to better manage your eyes, and you have every reason to believe that things will improve with time.

                I know things are horrible now, but it will not be this way forever.

                You WILL get better at figuring out what does and does not work for helping your eyes. And once you figure these things out (which will likely take a fair bit of experimentation on your part), you'll find yourself on a steady path to better and better days ahead.

                Just because you haven't found a solution yet does NOT mean that you won't find a solution later.

                DO keep searching for answers and you WILL find solutions. It would be completely illogical to throw in the towel now when the odds are EXCELLENT that your eyes will be feeling much better if you give it more time, AND that you'll be able to cope with your current situation better if you keep working at it.

                The best is yet to come Peter (and you won't want to miss it!)... please believe me on that...


                • #9
                  wow,just reading all these responses was beautiful. It gave me hope and in time i hope my body will correct itself too,thank you


                  • #10
                    The biggest problem here is that my dryness and my eyes inflammation does not come from the operation itself but because of use of dexamethasone drops , i explain it when i introduce myself. A non lasik doctor fought i had some alley issues and told me to use in both eyes, but after the first drop my eyes were not producing anymore water. Then i used honey because i read it was good against inflammation. Unofrtunately it moved my flaps and now i have consistant pain. So , no things can't be better if i just wait , i have to think and evaluate each things before doing it now. And the flap lift ( cut cornea nerve inducing pain and dryness) and PRP to help regenerate them seems the best way to go for me.


                    • #11
                      So im not like normal lasik dry eye sufferers who can think . maybe in one year im gonna be better. Things got worse after the dexamethasone and even worse after honey si time won't heal that , i pray for the treatment of Dr.Alio saying 80% of his patients who get this treatment get better. by better i just hope no pain anymore , i can handle the dry eyes


                      • #12
                        Peter, we discussed in a previous post - I also have severe inflammation that I think was aggravated by steroids. My eye doc told me that it will take months to resolve but that it will get better. Let's hope that is true for both of us! Some days are so very hard, I know.


                        • #13
                          At least your doctor believe you when you told him its because of steroids use. Everyone of them was like " its not possible , steroids are against inflammation , dont cause inflammation, blablabla " . Patients are the people who really knows what happens to their bodies and why , not f***king doctors.

