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Bumps and recurring infection

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  • Bumps and recurring infection

    So according to two ophthalmologists, I have tiny red bumps underneath my left lower eyelid causing a slight raise of the lid. Both doctors cannot confirm exactly what they are. Both did confirm that the eye itself is in good health. One ophthalmologist believes the bumps are related to my psoriasis. The eye or the bumps don't hurt and so far, it is not effecting my eye sight. However, a month ago it was slightly infected (first noticed the infection when the crust from my eye had a funky odor). So then I was prescribed with antibiotics and it cured the infection (bumps didn't go away though). Fast forward to today, its infected again and I still have the bumps. Thus, tomorrow, I will be taking my first dose of the same antibiotic I took a month ago (hoping that it clears the infection up again).

    I am very concerned because I am undergoing a myomectomy soon and need my eyes to be 100% in good health for the anesthesia. According to the anesthesiologist, if infection or swelling persists, I may wake up blind. SO I have a few questions:

    1. Can psoriasis form underneath the eyelid?
    2. Will I wake up blind from these bumps? (since the bumps aren't really effecting the eye)
    3. Is a steroid necessary? (the ophthamologist that thinks its psoriasis, doesn't want to put me on a steroid because of the potential increase of intra-ocular pressure. The myomectomy will be cancelled if my pressure is elevated)
    4. What else can be potentially causing these bumps?

    Off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of that may be causing the recurring infection is my eye make up. But I didn't apply the makeup too close to the eye. Can this be a potential cause?

    any help is greatly appreciated!