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Long Term dry Eye sufferer

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  • Long Term dry Eye sufferer

    I will try to be as brief as i can !

    I have had dry eyes for 8 years now, i did used to use an eye bag but last few years ive used a facial steamer and found actually this was a god send and worked really well it has helped me express my oil so much better and in fact have been ok ish for the last few years off and on.

    However ive noticed my eye lids now had little lumps on them and seem to have a chalazion i just cannot get rid of, I have just the last few days gone back to a wet warm compress to try to get rid of these bumps on my eyelids and this horrible chalazion ive had for a year or so.

    The chazilluion has been causing me problems when i do my eye massage and seems to get irritated which makes me feel like ive got something sharp in my eyes

    There is so much conflicting info about all this stuff, I always though you did a warming of the glands and then a massage, yet some people dont say do the massage just do the compress.

    I am considering doing a warm compress maybe in the morning and then using my facial steamer in the evening to see how that gets on.

    When people do a compress ? are u making it hot (obviously not to hot to burn) and then doing an eye massage after? or just doing a compress ?


  • #2
    I haven't had this myself but another dry eye friend had a chalazion-as I recall, they don't go away by themselves. I think you need to have that removed by your eye doctor. As far as massage and hot compress, I've given up on that stuff. It never did anything for me except make matters worse


    • #3
      Can't comment on exactly what you have without seeing the eyelids but chalazions generally will not spontaneously resolve. If anything, there will be intermittent periods of worsening whereby the affected lid area becomes red, swollen, and tender. Depending on the size and location of the chalazion, there can also be some vision loss due to the chalazion(s) pressing on the cornea. Go see an eye care professional for further care and management of this issue.

