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Very depressed it's affecting my life

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  • #16
    Ive never asked my gp, as i do not think they would be able to help, my bf is going to make another appointment soon i think so i might ask about it. I might get print outs and ask if they can do anything about it.


    • #17 this is the website i seen its only to be started by opthamologists, as ive read. Maybe why my optremist couldn't prescribe it for me?


      • #18
        Epicjinx, you need to be patient I'm afraid. Ikervis is never going to be first line therapy and as you've read, would only be started by ophthalmologist in hospital clinic. Remember, even if you were prescribed it, it could take three to six months to work. The optometrist can prescribe steroids for short term if they feel it necessary and will probably refer you to hospital for further treatment. There are still so many things you can do to help so don't give up hope. Hang in there.


        • #19
          I know, but i dunno what else to do.I dont mean to be rude, but its gotten worse over the last few months, I know it takes so long to work and if it does then i can get on with my life, my optremist didnt even want to offer me steriods at all when i asked, or serum eye drops at all they said they couldnt give me anything of that sort. I'm already referred to the opthamologist but it will take months. What other things? I've tried eye drops/gels/fish oil/castor oil. They do Not work. I need something that does.


          • #20
            Good you are going to GP because you need a Medical Letter for your HND course. Are you going to exams and doing coursework ok? College needs to know your medical condition so they can do what's needed to help you.

            Is there a reason why you didn't phone your GP yourself? Have you got disabilities? That might get you good access to A&E Eye Clinic. The GP could phone them for you. You could have an eye exam and anti-inflammatory steroid drop same day.

            You can also phone the dry eye specialist Optometrist to ask if they have a cancellation appointment because you are in pain. They could phone or text your mobile when they have.

            You can also phone the Ophthalmologist office at the hospital to ask for a cancellation appointment because of pain.

            Maybe ask your BF and mum to read this thread so they can see how to help get treatment. It's important you take charge though, because no one else really knows how it feels and what the anxiety is like. Don't risk your eyes.

            People on Ikervis got it from the hospital Ophthalmologists, as we were saying. As Unicorn says, Mr Ivins is a Prescribing Optometrist, not like Specsavers.

            Have you tried antibiotics for MGD yet?

            For printouts, NHS website is best. Also Search on 'blepharitis' as well as 'dry eye'. NHS website warns about cornea damage if left untreated.
            Last edited by littlemermaid; 05-May-2016, 08:00.
            Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


            • #21
              In Greater Glasgow, we are asked to see optometrist for all eye emergencies (other than out of hours), who can then refer same day to hospital if necessary.
              Since you are in pain, Epicjinx, it may be worth asking to be seen as emergency at Peter Ivins - i know they keep two slots per day available for emergency cases, rather than waiting for full dry eye assessment. I myself have been seen there same day when I phoned with sore red eyes (reaction to preservatives in steroid drop).

              edited to add: emergency appointments are covered by NHS and you wouldn't be charged. You wouldn't, however, get the range of tests/treatment plan that the Dry Eye Assessment would give you.


              • #22
                I dunno I want to wait for the full thing, I'm just hoping for relief. I can bear it but the dryness I can't, it's annoying. Thank you for that, sorry I'm just very depressed and those eye drops seem like they might help me. I've tried a lot of eye drops, gel, oil based eye drop, fish oil, flax oil, theralife, evening primrose I think???. I do not want to go for emergency it's I'm not in pain alof of the time just sometimes the dryness bugs me. Little mermaid: I was at college and my bf thinks my chest pains I get is serious and I was doing my work. He really wants to get it sorted for me as the other gp seen me and thought it was to do with my heart. I know about my eyes that's why I'm scared if they get any more worse that will happen... im already referred and don't want to cancel it or at least I don't even know how to cancel it. I haven't tried antibiotics. I'm sorry I'm just very nervous because I do not want pain I want it to get better not worse. As its already quite bad. The only thing that helps is I think I mentioned.


                • #23
                  Hope the GP appointment goes well. I would make a list so you remember to tell the GP everything. Sorry, but you have to say how depressed and anxious all this is making you, and get regular counselling. Ask the GP what to do in a crisis if you feel desperate. I think you're being very sensible but obviously it's scary for any of us struggling to get good eye doctors. Shocking a vulnerable 19yo gets treated like this. Hope the College counselling service can help you too, especially if they have a drop-in. You really need some support. Boyfriend sounds lovely but it's a lot for him alone, bless him. You think you would like a regular counsellor?
                  Last edited by littlemermaid; 05-May-2016, 14:47.
                  Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                  • #24
                    The woman gp I see is lovely, I will she will probably give me something to help with it and such. I know it's never easy getting a good eye doctor aswell, I've already been to somewhere before so I'll ask again I left when I was 16 I think because I was happy, now I have to deal with this. He is, he's helped a whole lot. It's nice, if I didn't have him I dunno where the hell id be.


                    • #25
                      Good plan. Maybe ask the GP to go over past and current meds to see if they have dry eye side effects. Do you need anti-histamine if it's not working?
                      Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                      • #26
                        I will ask but I think I may have caused it due to computer use I think hormones I dunno but all I know is my eyes are worse on them, if what isn't working? I dunno what you mean by that sorry, I take an antihistamine due to allergy on my eyes and can't take the eye drops due to bac/bak which is annoying but makes no diff for me.

