So yesterday I went back to the specialist annoyed at that opatanol didn't work me, he looked at my eyes and gave me quite a bit of information. He checked my lower lids telling me I got a 5 each time again and showed me my right lower lid which most of them produce good oil and most are open and the same with the other. My top ones are they need more pressure to express oil maybe he said due to because they are longer. I'm confused at this because then I asked how is it he said it's okay not great but not bad, he also told me my oil is better which confuses me even more if my oil in my bottom lids are good and most are open then ??? I have mgd/pac a mix of both, both specialist seem to think once my symptoms reduce and signs my eyes will get better compfortable. What a thought! I was just wondering if anyone found catacrom to be effective? And is there anything else like that I can use? Or isn't there anything like that? I know I have allergies which effect my eyes, and eye lids too. So I wonder if my eye lid allergies go down will my oil go back to normal? It's confusing to me, because he told me my bottom right is the best and I seen on the thing that a lot of my oil is being produced. He couldn't show me my top ones much. But it confuses me as to if my oil glands are producing good oil on most on the bottom then why I'm having so much problem he seemed to think they are okay. But more pressure on my top ones. It's so confusing this, I'm glad my oil has gotten better and got told it's too early to get my oil layer checked. It's just werid if most of my bottom are okay and producing good oil and my top just need more pressure then does it mean it's more allergies? I'm going to try these he's wrote a letter to my gp and giving me a copy too. I hope my symptoms get relieved recently my eyes have been hurting more, inflammation maybe? Sorry for the questioning and all.