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  • #76
    I have been using Ziidra for about 7 weeks, morning and night, 1 drop in each eye. My continuous tearing problem with severe dry eye has improved greatly. I have minimal and short-term burning so that is no problem. I would like to taper down in the last 2 weeks of my prescription, not covered by insurance and as I'm on Medicare, no discounts on Xiidra are permitted. Has anyone tried just using the drop at night for a few weeks before stopping--Other than extreme fatigue and very bright store lighting, I am doing so well now--can really manage with occasional artificial tears. I do rub my lids with hexane free, certified organic castor oil both morning and night and that seems to help lid soreness. I am hoping to end this saga and would like some tips on best way to go.


    • #77
      Originally posted by robynfrance View Post
      I have been using Ziidra for about 7 weeks, morning and night, 1 drop in each eye. My continuous tearing problem with severe dry eye has improved greatly. I have minimal and short-term burning so that is no problem. I would like to taper down in the last 2 weeks of my prescription, not covered by insurance and as I'm on Medicare, no discounts on Xiidra are permitted. Has anyone tried just using the drop at night for a few weeks before stopping--Other than extreme fatigue and very bright store lighting, I am doing so well now--can really manage with occasional artificial tears. I do rub my lids with hexane free, certified organic castor oil both morning and night and that seems to help lid soreness. I am hoping to end this saga and would like some tips on best way to go.
      I kind of wish I saw this post sooner, but I would say if you found relief with xiidra then don't stop it because your issues are likely to come back and we all know once you have dry eyes it's hard to find relief.

      Doesn't Medicare have a prescription drug plan that can help pay for the prescription cost?. I know father is on Medicare with a prescription plan pays for a lot of drugs. The amount of pills he takes is ridiculous.


      • #78
        Hi guys!

        What's your experience with using Xiidra long term? I intially found great relief with these drops but now I feel like effect might be declining and suddenly they sting/itch more than before. I am also thinking whether there could be some long term side effects that are not known, as they have not been on the marked that long. Any thoughts? and does anyone know what the main differences are between xriidra and restasis? is one meant to work better for people with an autoimmune disease for example?



        • #79
          Originally posted by Ingrid2309 View Post
          does anyone know what the main differences are between xriidra and restasis?
          Check "COMPARING THE TWO THERAPIES" on this page:


          Q: If a patient is maintained well on Restasis, would there be any benefit from switching the patient to Xiidra?
          A: We don’t know for sure, unless they are still symptomatic. But if they are maintained well, then probably not. We’ll learn more as we treat more patients.

          Q: Is there a potential synergistic effect with Restasis that might suggest a benefit of dual therapy?
          A: There could be; Xiidra affects activation, recruitment and downstream inflammation, while Restasis has overlap but primarily prevents migrating T-cells. So, once controlled with Restasis, there may not be a need. But early in the condition the two may be very additive, or Xiidra may be used alone to gain control of the disease. There is still a lot to learn from early patient experiences.

          Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
          Avatar art by corsariomarcio


          • #80
            Is anyone on Xiidra with punctal plugs in at the same time? Is it safe to do both therapies together?


            • #81
              Originally posted by bobf View Post
              Is anyone on Xiidra with punctal plugs in at the same time? Is it safe to do both therapies together?
              I've seen some on the Facebook group say they have both and they said they don't have the "bad aftertaste" issue some have after it drains down into the tear duct thanks to punctal plugs.
              Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
              Avatar art by corsariomarcio


              • #82
                I started Xiidra one week ago - no relief from symptoms yet but I am hoping things will get better in time. I am also planning on getting punctual plugs at the end of the month and can report back on using both together.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by bobf View Post
                  Is anyone on Xiidra with punctal plugs in at the same time? Is it safe to do both therapies together?
                  Yes, I’ve had punctal plugs for about 2 1/2 years and have been using Xiidra for the past 6 months. It’s fine to do both.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Ingrid2309 View Post
                    Hi guys!

                    What's your experience with using Xiidra long term? I intially found great relief with these drops but now I feel like effect might be declining and suddenly they sting/itch more than before.
                    I’m experiencing the same thing. Xiidra worked incredibly well for about 6 months and the abruptly stopped working. I had the same experience with Restasis, although that worked for me for about 1 1/2 years. I don’t know what I’m going do now.

