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Is it my dry eye causing unexplained Eye pain on upper eyelid near orbital bone.

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  • Is it my dry eye causing unexplained Eye pain on upper eyelid near orbital bone.

    I have mgd and when my eyes are dry they are itchy, watery, stinging, burning just the usual symptoms.
    However, some days I have a completely different type of eye pain. It's more intense like an ache or very deep pressure on my upper eye lids but right up near my orbital bone.
    First I was prescribed migrane tablets as I felt it wasn't my actual eyes that were the problem but it was more like a headache that just happened to manifest on my eyelid.
    However this didn't work so I'd like to know if this sounds at all familiar with any fellow dry eye sufferers as I cannot get relief (strong pain killers do not work I just have to bare the pain and i can usually sleep it off that night and wake up and the pain be gone). I'll nearly never have it two days in a row but on bad periods I'll have it a purple of times a week but on good periods I won't have it at all for maybe 2 weeks. It usually starts either when I wake up or early morning and I can't get rid of it and have to wait to go to sleep that night to sleep it off.

    Any thoughts?!

  • #2
    I have something similar, which happens for me around my eyebrows. Sometimes I will get headaches on the outer corners of my eyes. That area is right where the lacrimal gland is, the gland responsible for making your tears.

    In my case I think it is either the lacrimal gland that is inflamed, or it may be sinus pressure. I find that for sinus pressure natural supplements work well, including Quercetin and Bromelain. The supplements help to reduce inflammation. I also would recommend NAC supplement for sinus pressure as that has anti-mucus properties.


    • #3
      Ah thank you! Yes sounds similar .do all of these remedies work for you?


      • #4
        Chloetee, yes, they help with the pain and pressure, but unfortunately do nothing for the dry eye. The quercetin might actually make things dryer as it is a natural antihistamine. My sinus issues are caused by allergies and I can feel my sinuses tense up if I walk into a dusty or musty area. For the longest time I thought my sinus problems were caused by a sinus infection but then found out it was due to allergy.

        I would also recommend nasal irrigation. You rince your sinuses with a neti pot and it helps break up and free any mucus. There is a product in the US called Alkalol that works well.


        • #5
          I usually think stinging/burning it due to mgd when the tears evaporate very quickly. For me, when I was at my worst last year I would get these symptoms a lot. I think I'm doing better due to hardly any symptoms but itching. The itching may indicate allergy or just dirt in your eye, either or id say its something to check out. I had hardly any itching and I have allergies, thankfully treating them. As ive learned on here, any hint about what may be causing your eyes to be worse or get better will help. So id say check that out if possible.


          • #6
            Yes the stinging/burning/ itching is dry eye it's the aching and pressure I'm unsure about.
            What did you use to help with your symptoms ? Anything specific you would recomend?


            • #7
              I also have pain in my lacrimal gland, but only in the left eye. Something happened to my eye which caused it to ache like crazy and become more dry. I think some kind of infection maybe. I believe doctor said there was a small amount of inflammation in the gland.

              Still have this problem, it's the most pressing right now, I got this on top of my extremely dry eyes, pain is not as acute as during the episode but still very bad, always my left eye that hurts when I'm on the computer now. I wonder why my lacrimal gland hurts so much, would like to hear from more people with lacrimal gland pain, what caused it etc.

              My pain happens when the eye is dry and I'm focusing on things like screen, do it too much and it always will start aching.


              • #8
                Update: An MRI showed my lacrimal gland was inflamed, only slightly swollen at the time but I took the MRI on an unusually good day with almost no problems, I expect it's even more inflamed when I'm in pain.

                I recently have been having some similar but different pain, more sharp and also sensitivity to touch in the area.

                If you have pain where your lacrimal gland is you might have inflammation there for some reason. inflammation in the lacrimal gland is usually because of some inflammatory disease or an infection.

                I'd be interested to hear more about your pain in the lacrimal gland, is it both eyes or just one? Is it more dry than usual, stuff like that.


                • #9
                  I too have unexplained right eye pain all the time. Sometimes worse than others. It's kind I'd at the back if my right eye which is my worse eye. Difficult yo describe the pain. Wish I knew what it was. I have mgd since December 2015.

