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Full scleral lens wearer?

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  • Full scleral lens wearer?

    For those who wear scleral lens full time, do your dry eye get better or stay the same after full time wear?

    I have wear my scleral lens full time for two weeks. I feel drier in my left eye (which is my worse eye) after taking off the scleral lens at night, it is super dry and annoying. I'm a little worried if wearing scleral lens will make my dry eye worse ( though I feel good when wearing them).

    Any opinion?


  • #2
    Hi Carol,

    My dry eye is much better after wearing a scleral lens. My case is somewhat unusual in that I only have dry eye on the left side due to facial nerve damage. My eye care before was keeping a layer of Refresh PM gel on the eye around the clock. Now I wear the scleral lens during the day and use Thera Tears Gel drops with the Quartz silicon shields at night. I can sometimes go for several hours in the morning before I have to insert the scleral lens. It did take a while to get to this point, though I can't remember if it was more or less than two weeks.

    What are you using after you remove your lens?



    • #3
      Do you use drops while wearing the lenses? I haven't tried sclerosis myself, but oddly enough I found my schrimer scores drop after being quadraplugged. Someone on the forum stated feedback loops are the reason. Apparently when our eyes are moist we secrete less tears. That may be wh at is happening after you take your lenses out.



      • #4
        When I tested sclerals for 2 hour, my eyes were worse when I took them off.
        So I have asked myself the same question: despite I feel fine when wearing them, would sclerals make my eyes worse?


        • #5
          Hi, thanks for your reply. I can wear my scleral lens for 10+ hours and feel very nice. But my left eye feel super dry after taking scleral lens off which make me need to wear them all day long. I'm worried about making my eyes worse for long term usage.

          I don't use anything even before wearing scleral lens because I feel them useless(last only for 10 mins or so). Do you wear your scleral lens every day? How many hours per day do you wear them?



          • #6
            Hi Carol,

            I wear my scleral lens every day, usually from mid-morning to bedtime, about 12-14 hours. My routine is to take out the scleral lens, remove eye makeup if I am wearing it, wash my face, put in eye drops (Thera Tears Gel or Refresh Optive Advanced), then put on my Quartz eye shield and go to bed. The eye shield fogs up right away so I know it's keeping the moisture in. I can get by for a short while wearing Onion Goggles or Dustbuster glasses if there is something I need to finish, but it's best to go right to bed.

            In the morning I can take off the eye shield and go for a couple of hours before I need to put in the scleral. Sometimes I need to put it in earlier for one reason or another, but that's fine too. If I wear it longer, I might need to take out the lens and replenish the fluid. Sometimes it works just to put a drop in over the lens. For filling the lens I use plain saline, the kind that is typically used in nebulizers.

            Hope that helps.


