Hi all, sorry to post twice in the last few days, I just can't help but get worried. Had plugs on bottom put in on Monday. Top is not plugged on one, other eye is fully plugged. Left eye (the one with only one plug) still pretty much dry, right one has plenty of tears now.
I thought I had gotten the inflammation down before inserting the plugs with a two week course of steroid drops. Eyes looked fine after this two week period.
Fast forward to this morning...
Eyes don't necessarily feel that terrible, but they are very veiny looking with the inner corners, and parts of lower lid of the eye being pretty bright red. They more or less look somewhat like they do when the doctor says they are "inflamed." The left eye (the bad eye) feels a little scratchy/burny but the right one (fully plugged) feels fine.
I have a follow up several weeks from now, but do you think this is backup inflammation and I should continue on with my steroid drops at a low dose (like once or twice a day)? Doc says I can use the drops as needed but just don't go overboard.
I don't know what else to do. I thought I was going to get relief from these plugs and now I just look scarier than ever. If it is backup inflammation, can I get it to go down without removing these plugs? Plugs are so expensive...
They did use that fluorecein stain to check my pressure and that stuff is always brutal and takes some time to recover from. Or do some people just have naturally vascular eyes that react strangely to drops, preservatives, serum tears, or anything otherwise new? This redness is driving me crazy. Only difference now, is I actually LOOK it.
I thought I had gotten the inflammation down before inserting the plugs with a two week course of steroid drops. Eyes looked fine after this two week period.
Fast forward to this morning...
Eyes don't necessarily feel that terrible, but they are very veiny looking with the inner corners, and parts of lower lid of the eye being pretty bright red. They more or less look somewhat like they do when the doctor says they are "inflamed." The left eye (the bad eye) feels a little scratchy/burny but the right one (fully plugged) feels fine.
I have a follow up several weeks from now, but do you think this is backup inflammation and I should continue on with my steroid drops at a low dose (like once or twice a day)? Doc says I can use the drops as needed but just don't go overboard.
I don't know what else to do. I thought I was going to get relief from these plugs and now I just look scarier than ever. If it is backup inflammation, can I get it to go down without removing these plugs? Plugs are so expensive...
They did use that fluorecein stain to check my pressure and that stuff is always brutal and takes some time to recover from. Or do some people just have naturally vascular eyes that react strangely to drops, preservatives, serum tears, or anything otherwise new? This redness is driving me crazy. Only difference now, is I actually LOOK it.
