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Unbearable dry eyes

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  • #31
    Last edited by MGD1701; 07-Apr-2017, 07:58.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
      Hi WVM,
      have you tried EvoTears for the night? It works for me.
      Indeed dry eye is hard to deal with as small detail matters and we need to do our own homework/studies etc..
      For example, some people may need more than 10 minutues with Blephasteam otherwise not effective.
      Hey, no I only tried during the day, I'll order it and test again. But it's very, very expensive here and not covered.
      I'll try Blephasteam for 15 minutes tonight. Thanks for the tip.


      • #33
        Last edited by MGD1701; 07-Apr-2017, 07:59.


        • #34
          Originally posted by WVM View Post

          Not yet, do you have reading materials about this? What to eat, and what to avoid? I'm willing to give everything a shot.

          Another thing: the light therapy for my severe atopic eczema is not working. My dermatologist is considering switching me to oral immunosuppressive like Azathiprine, Mycofenol or our personal favorite Ciclosporine. Now, these medicines carry risks so I will have to do regular blood tests. However, to be honest, if these medicines could 'fix' both my eczema AND dry eye problems, I'd rather live ten years less in good health than in my current state. Difficult, difficult,...
          I actually did my own research rather after going to lots of optometrists and specialists that kept recommending new eye drops, regimens and trying to convince me to manage it.
          You are welcome to check my blog, it worked for me and it i am still using the tablets since 3-4 years now


          • #35

            I already take these:, two a day. It contains both omega-3 and Vitamine E but it doesn't help me. Does switching to Theratears still make sense?



            • #36
              Omeg 3, Vit. E

              Hi WVM
              How about taking in a natural way by food?
              For example use oil, butter or eat nuts with Omeg 3, Vit. E in your salad, breads or cooking.
              It is also economical.
              Omeg 6 alone seems no good but with Omeg 3 are ok, according to a Canadian eye dr.
              Last edited by MGD1701; 07-Apr-2017, 08:47.


              • #37
                Originally posted by WVM View Post

                I already take these:, two a day. It contains both omega-3 and Vitamine E but it doesn't help me. Does switching to Theratears still make sense?

                Yeah i tried to get natural omega3 as suggested before, but it didn't seem enough. I eat healthy and incorporate fish and olive oil & nuts, but the combination of flaxseed and omega3 seemed to work for me. It was practically godsend


                • #38
                  Just wanted to remind you that
                  1) heat above 40C will damage cornea ( so be careful when do warm compress.)
                  2) if you do Blephasteam, you could extend to 15 minutues from 10, (if you feel little secretion).
                  Last edited by MGD1701; 02-Apr-2017, 15:33.


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the head's up. I'll try Theratears supplements once I run out of Omega 3. I've had a fantastic last 3 days with not a lot of pain, I just don't know why it's going well right now as I didn't do any significant changes....

                    1. I'm using Systane Ultra at the moment instead of my usual 'Hylan' Eye drops (natriumhyaluronaat/carbomeer 981)
                    2. Blephasteam twice a day
                    3. Switched back to higher Omega 3 dose

                    Wish I could figure out what it is that's helping me so much right the last 3 days. It feels great!!!


                    • #40
                      Hi WVM
                      Great to hear you have finally made big improvement.
                      How long you use the Blephasteam, 10 or 15 min.? How long can you feel the secretion?
                      It really matters.


                      • #41
                        Hi WVM, i'm also from the Netherlands (And suffering from the same condition). However, im interested in two things. You mentioned you wear contact lenses. Why do you even wear them? In my case I can't even wear them. Also, which specialists did you go to? I went to see 2 different "eye docters" (opthometrist?) and went to a specialist in Maarssen where they tried a few things (Gland expressions and IPL), which unfortunately didn't help.


                        • #42
                          Hi Chibo
                          Have you tried BlephEx and Probing (to open clogged ducts)? Many doctors recommend Blephex.
                          Do you know why Expression and IPL not helped?



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
                            Hi WVM
                            Great to hear you have finally made big improvement.
                            How long you use the Blephasteam, 10 or 15 min.? How long can you feel the secretion?
                            It really matters.
                            My condition has worsened again since monday, so it was probably the rest of the weekend helping. Too bad.
                            I use Blephasteam for 15 min, but I have to give it back to the doctor on Friday and I don't think I will spend €220 on it. I don't have that kind of money. I will keep on using my Therapearl hot/cold mask.

                            Originally posted by chibo View Post
                            Hi WVM, i'm also from the Netherlands (And suffering from the same condition). However, im interested in two things. You mentioned you wear contact lenses. Why do you even wear them? In my case I can't even wear them. Also, which specialists did you go to? I went to see 2 different "eye docters" (opthometrist?) and went to a specialist in Maarssen where they tried a few things (Gland expressions and IPL), which unfortunately didn't help.
                            Hey, nice to meet you. I wear contact lenses yes (will get my scleral lenses soon though). No doctor has ever asked me to stop wearing then, and they actually help. My dry eyes hurt much much more when wearing my glasses.

                            I'm being treated at Deventer hospital.


                            • #44
                              Hi WVM
                              A new microwaved mask, BlephaCura The Eye Doctor, made in UK/Germany is effective, about 25 Euro.
                              Many doctors recommend Blephasteam/42.5C and American brand Bruder (made in China).
                              The most economical is facial steamer but you need to be very careful with the heat/temperature, maybe about 41C is safer - just need some practice.

                              I remember a person from Holland wrote in this Forum - who had treatment with Blephasteam then a nurse did 'expression' in a hospital. Maybe you can ask this on Friday too?

                              Last edited by MGD1701; 05-Apr-2017, 00:08.


                              • #45

                                Is it worth buying the Blephacure Mask? Right now I'm using this mask: Not sure if the masks have differences? If yes, i'll absolutely buy it.

                                Seeing doc tomorrow. Fingers crossed. I will ask for expression but I'm not sure if they can do it there.


