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Stressful times trigger bad mgd?

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  • Stressful times trigger bad mgd?

    I first came here as a desperate 22 year old in early 2013. I'm now 26 years old and have been treating my dry eye (mgd) since then. I use an Eye bag, drops when needed and I take Flaxseed Oil everyday. I have flare ups and I have just been suffering from a bad one recently. I think because I've been under a great deal of stress. On New Years Day my boyfriend ended our relationship and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I THINK I'm starting to heal from that now, but my eyes have gotten at times pretty damn bad and I can't stop messing. If you read old threads of mine, you'll see my problems began after a similar stressful year in 2012. I'm going to get in to see an Optician when I can just so they can look at the health of my eyes as I like to keep updated.

    Is it possible that stress really can cause this horrible disease? Its heartbreaking to read peoples experiences here. The disease in itself is very very stressful and nobody who has normal eyes understands!

    I'm a bit stressed at the moment because I'm looking for a job with MORE hours and as im having surgery soon (unrelated to eyes) AND will have a loan to pay for so I need to keep my job. But when I have flare ups, I get very scared for my future.

  • #2
    My MGD started when I was 22 as well, but am 28 now. It has gotten better but also came on at a very stressful time along with rosacea. My MGD does flare if I'm stressed so I know that plays a role, as does diet. I'd see an opthomologist for treatment. I use soft steroid drops, Restasis and doxycycline. I am hoping to stop the doxy one day though.

    Good luck


    • #3
      my dry eye started during a stressful time and gets worse during stress. its worth noting that crying will make your dry eye worse. we dont have enough water or oil (or both) to dilute the salt in our eyes so its a real irritant. try washing out your tears with extra drops if you cry, it will help. this small discovery helped me so much in my worst days.
      i linked (i think some place in one of the other forums here, but shouldn't take to long to find it if searching) a study that thought it highly likely that depression can make dry eye happen (i think it was a studies they used with those that had returned from war, PTSD) so stress cannot be ruled out.
      also one of my NHS ophthalmologists told me he also believes stress is causing dry eye in many young people today and thats because some of the neurons that fire at us to signal emotions also go to the glands in the eyes and tell them to make tears (hence why antie depressants cause dry eye, its messing with that system) he didnt have proof but said its a theory that that he thinks will be proven eventually. he told me he had scene those recover from severe dry eye over long periods of time when they had a change in situation or perhaps stopped worrying about there dry eye and became used to it, only to see it improve to the point of almost full recovery as the stress of it was one of the triggers.
      i like to think of those words in stressful times.
      People have recovered, so can we.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Faith1989 View Post
        My MGD started when I was 22 as well, but am 28 now. It has gotten better but also came on at a very stressful time along with rosacea. My MGD does flare if I'm stressed so I know that plays a role, as does diet. I'd see an opthomologist for treatment. I use soft steroid drops, Restasis and doxycycline. I am hoping to stop the doxy one day though.

        Good luck
        You might want to give nutrition a try, i am trying to spread the message about it through my blog. It worked for me after years or seeing different specialists and trying all possible eye-drops and punctal plugs. Read my story


        • #5
          Hey radnad when you began taking theratears in how many weeks did you feel relief? help me plz im 15 and have dry eyes


          • #6
            you are nice radnad thanks for spreading ur knowledge


            • #7


              • #8
                Originally posted by Faith1989 View Post
                My MGD started when I was 22 as well, but am 28 now. It has gotten better but also came on at a very stressful time along with rosacea. My MGD does flare if I'm stressed so I know that plays a role, as does diet. I'd see an opthomologist for treatment. I use soft steroid drops, Restasis and doxycycline. I am hoping to stop the doxy one day though.

                Good luck
                Faith how are you doing now?

                I have been following your post through out the forum (I feel like I have read every post on here).

                What are the main things that have helped you along the way. I have MGD evaporative and aqueous deficient.

                Has diet been a big contributor? I have just started the GAPS diet.

                I think mine is quiet severe as I cannot handle going outside in the wind and my eye are bloodshot and veiny.

                Look forward to your reply.




                • #9
                  Kane so sorry for my late reply. MGD has really ruined my life BUT it has gotten better. Diet has played a major role as it is an inflammatory condition. I know how many carbs/sugars I eat plays a big role. I try to do more of a candida like diet. I try to limit carbs and sugars as much as possible. My MGD is caused by rosacea so I use 40mg of doxy daily. I use soft steroids like FML if I need to. My pressures have never gone up from it, but there is a risk of early cataracts. It's more of a quality of life thing at this point. I use restasis twice daily and it still burns at first even after many years. I still have bad days but even my bad days aren't as bad anymore. I also use Cliradex wipes at night.

                  So to answer your question yes I am better now but still have bad days...

                  Hope this helps.


                  • #10
                    Hi Faith,

                    do you find you can ever get away with eating sugary/carb type foods or do your eyes really pay for it if you do? can you go out for a nice meal and have a dessert the odd time or is it really not an option?!

                    Like Kane, have read a lot of your posts lol....I read a post of yours way back in 2014 and you said there is hope for redness but it just takes time and that the whites of your eyes are white this still the case?!

                    How often do you use steroids?!

                    And what type of job are you in is it a computer/desk based job or something that is easier on the eyes?!

                    Hope you don't mind me asking just really trying to gather as much info as possible!



                    • #11

                      No I do not eat desert ever lol unless it's like some berries or something. I honestly don't remember the last time I had one. It took years for me to even get better enough to work full time. I am a manager at a retail store so not to much computer no. I was reading an article today about acceptance. I am so consumed in how to cure an uncureable disease I don't think about much else. My mind is occupied. I am going to try to accept this as part of my life and try to move on. It will be hard as there are still flare ups and I'm not saying I will just ignore them, but maybe try to just accept this is part of the disease.

                      I cannot emphasize how much diet has had a major role in getting better. My eyes are still white yes but my lids can still swell. I use one drop of FML pretty well at least every second day. I know it's dangerous but it's a risk vs quality of life like any other med. My doctor knows I do this. I am seeing my specialist again Monday in Ottawa. I will post what he says.


                      • #12
                        Oh goodness lol.....a life without desserts I don't know if I can imagine that! I keep telling myself 'tomorrow I will start my diet' ha! are u so disciplined?!

                        Do you wear moisture chambers in the store you work at or can you manage without them? I'm looking for work literally 8-12 hours a week just to take my mind of things....but in the long term I'm going to have to consider a career without too much computer use. I'm graduating from PR in July but I don't know if I'll even use my degree as PR is office work and using computers and I need to think about my eyes now with everything!

                        I know what you mean about really is so hard isn't it. It's 2.15am here and I'm lying thinking about it mind is occupied too, with worry about the future!

                        My naturopath keeps talking about 'the body can heal itself' ....but I guess I'm skeptical about that because of the chronic nature of this condition..

                        yeh ur right, what I've realised is quality of life is sooo important! I'm going to ask my opthamologist if I can use maintenance doses!

                        Are u able to lie out in the sun in summer over there or does it bother your eyes?!....before all this I loved going over to Toronto to lie in the sun for a month (us Irish folk are sun deprived ha!) I'm horrified of the prospect of not being able to enjoy a holiday as I know the sun is a trigger for rosacea!

                        Sorry for my my long post lol, it's just Great to get info from others in the same situation!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gemma90 View Post
                          I first came here as a desperate 22 year old in early 2013. I'm now 26 years old and have been treating my dry eye (mgd) since then. I use an Eye bag, drops when needed and I take Flaxseed Oil everyday. I have flare ups and I have just been suffering from a bad one recently. I think because I've been under a great deal of stress. On New Years Day my boyfriend ended our relationship and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I THINK I'm starting to heal from that now, but my eyes have gotten at times pretty damn bad and I can't stop messing. If you read old threads of mine, you'll see my problems began after a similar stressful year in 2012. I'm going to get in to see an Optician when I can just so they can look at the health of my eyes as I like to keep updated.

                          Is it possible that stress really can cause this horrible disease? Its heartbreaking to read peoples experiences here. The disease in itself is very very stressful and nobody who has normal eyes understands!

                          I'm a bit stressed at the moment because I'm looking for a job with MORE hours and as im having surgery soon (unrelated to eyes) AND will have a loan to pay for so I need to keep my job. But when I have flare ups, I get very scared for my future.
                          Hi there Gemma. How is your condition today?
                          I identify my experience until now with your words. But not only stressful times as you said. For me, it definitely becomes worse (more burning; more pain) whrn i have to concentrate and think more at work. Or when i'm driving. Update!


