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Need encouagement

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  • Need encouagement

    Hey guys,

    I need some advise. I have been locked up in my apartment for a week because I can't go outside because any breeze pains my eye.

    I tried to go to the supermarket today and failed miserably and came straight back home.

    I'm 5 days post lipiflow and my symptoms are at an all time low.

    Doctor said that although my meibum is now coming out when he expresses that the mucin layer need to heal.

    I have a lot of inflammation on the white part of the eye with a yellow ting to most of the conjunctiva.

    I have been on a course of pred forte to try an calm the inflammation but am getting a bad rebound effect when i wake up.

    Does the mucin layer heal itself over time?

    What are my options here.

    Any advise is appreciated.


  • #2

    Try investing in some moisture chamber glasses to keep the breeze outside and flow of air-conditioning in supermarkets off your eyes while they're recovering.

    I would give it time post-Lipiflow, some here have said that the procedure can leave their eyes feeling rough for some days until they see benefits.
    There are some conditions that are contraindicated for Lipiflow though, so you may want to check yourself against them here:

    Have you asked an ophthalmologist about the "yellow tinge" and if there any signs of infection? If so topical antibiotics or oral doxycycline may be suggested.

    As you're on prednisilone, a steroid, make sure the opthalmologist is checking your eye pressure if you're going to be on it for an extended time.

    If you find it's worse upon waking up, you could try a sleep mask to protect your eyes at night, preferably a contoured one that doesn't apply pressure on the eyes. Some also find a moisture sleep mask like Tranquileyes helps them.

    You could also ask your ophthalmologist about trying some kind of night lubricant such as Xailin Night (white soft paraffin, white mineral oil and lanolin) or VitA-POS (vitamin A, liquid paraffin, wool fat). Some find it helps reduce friction and inflammation, others can't tolerate them.

    Hope you find relief soon.
    Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
    Avatar art by corsariomarcio


    • #3
      Hi Kane. When I had zero tear film for several years, Genteal Severe Eye Gel was the only thing that gave me some temporary relief. I don't think I could have made it through those really bad times without it. The gel stays on the eye longer, and it was very soothing for me and many people. Just might be something to help you get through this period, especially when you go out of the house.

      BUT first ask your ophthalmologist if you can use it, given you recently had Lipiflow and have some inflammation on your sclera (which could be due to dryness, but just in case not). Genteal is supposed to be preservative-free once on the eye, but still should be used sparingly, as some people developed an allergic reaction to it from long term and excessive use.

      Ok, hang in there, Kane. Hopefully things will get better soon.


      • #4
        I don't know about the mucin layer, but I can tell you that it took a very long time for my eyes to heal. A year or so. I was in very bad shape. The improvement was so slow that I did not notice of a day to day basis. Just keep up whatever maintenance that you are doing - compress, fish oil, lipiflow, etc. Phoenixeyes is right, I think you need moisture chamber glasses when you go out (go to a motorcycle shop and try on the sunglasses with gaskets like Wiley), and Tranquileyes for sleeping. For now, anyway. This was the only way for me to make it in an air conditioned office, or outside in the wind for a long time.


        • #5
          Hey Waesk,

          Just want to let you know you're not the only one going through something like that. I myself took all of last week off since my eyes have gotten so bad. Stayed cooped up in my apartment the whole time just taking Xiidra and my Serum drops. I went back to work today and had to leave early since the pain had gotten so bad. So here I am on the forums trying to find new things I can do.

          Don't give up hope. If you ever need someone to talk to during those times when you can't leave your apartment feel free to send me a message and perhaps we can exchange some info.



          • #6
            I would definitely invest in some moisture chamber goggles/glasses. I have been dealing with severe dry eyes for several years after having an allergic reaction to medication and the wiley x glasses have helped me quite a bit throughout this process. If it has a yellow tent to it you may want to ask your doctor to take a culture of your eye. About 2 months ago my doctor found out that I had an infection in my left eye and now I am currently on Vigamox, Bacitracin, and Prednisolone Acetate. He did place me on polytrim but that wasn't doing much so I'm no longer taking that. My left eye seems to be clearing up. It feels alot better than it has in a long time. I would recommend seeing your doctor and have them take a culture of your eye if they haven't already to rule out an infection.


            • #7
              Hi Kane,

              How are you feeling? Have you noticed improvals? What symptons led you to try Lipiflow in first place?



              • #8
                hi.i have mgd and dryeyes.
                just tea tree oil help me.

