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Reporting back after the onset last Feb

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  • Reporting back after the onset last Feb

    Hi everyone!
    I posted here last year that I got a severe breakout for dry eye in Feb 2016 out of nowhere and it got really bad throughout the whole year 2016. Initially I couldn't stand the screen for more than 10 mins. Then it got stretched to 1 hour in a few weeks. I was really stressed and felt desperate as I had to start a new job in US which required staring at the screen for 12 hours a day! For some reason the first day of the job I survivied and it kept going while every day was a big torture. I tried xiidra in June and it didn't help at all and thing continued to go downward until late Nov. I came to a point that I felt like everyday was a nightmare, i.e., eye irritation, constant eye drops, extreme driness and burning. You name it. Basically constantly being bothered and thinking about eyes and how my life was better before and how this ended my quality of life. Then at the beginning of Dec (I still vividly remember), it's a friday night. At that night due to a few reasons I decided to go to church (wasn't a christian) and in the same time I started using Restasis (yes the very night when I decided to join a bible study the next day when I was wondering how I could last for the whole session as most of the night I stayed home due to my eye problem). The next day I woke up and my eye felt dramatically different! It did go up and down after that (my eye condition) but it generally stayed at a a much better level than before (so that Friday night was definitely the start point for something). I also got baptized in Feb (thank you lord!) this year and continued to use restasis since. I have stopped using all kinds of eye drops other than restatsis (twice a day and 2 drops per time). I would say 90% of time I don't even think of my dry eyes and it has got probably 80% better. Many times I even forget I have dry eyes. Light tolerance is way way better now. Systane ultra high performance also worked great for me (also started using last Dec and I haven't used it for probably 2-3 months since I didn't feel the need to alleviate dryness).
    I haven't visited back here for a few months because of the great improvement (I think this validates someone else who said people who are still suffering the worst symptoms tend to post more and upon improvement they may stop posting). I decided to come back and share my story and tell everyone who is still suffering from this horrible illness: hang in there and keep trying different things and you will find something that will get your life back! Stay positive, stay hopeful and stay strong!