Hi, I am new to this forum and am seeking input/advice/words of wisdom. This post is probably going to end up quite long. I'll try to break it down.
In Short
I had lasik one month ago, on 10/4/2013, which resulted in flap wrinkle with corneal edema and I still have blurry vision in one eye, even though doc says I'm 20/20. Also still struggling with post-operative dryness, pain and other symptoms, especially sensitivity to cold air. The one thing that has gotten noticeably better is light sensitivity, that's only bothering me at night now for the most part.
How It All Went Down
My flap wrinkle was obvious almost immediately after surgery (I called surgery center within an hour or so after b/c of one eye being cloudy, while the other was clear). At 1 day check, they easily saw the wrinkle and re-floated the flap. Then a horrible month of crazy fluctuating symptoms ensued, including lots of pain and discomfort and barely being able to drive or function normally. My eyes have been sensitive, painful at times (sometimes feeling like an exposed nerve pain, other times shooting pains behind the eyes or overall aching and feeling like someone is squeezing my eyeball). My right eye is also sometimes burning and watering or when exposed to very cold air (grocery stores) it will sometimes "go crazy" (don't know how else to describe it - it's like all of a sudden symptoms all come on at once and I can hardly deal with looking at things) anytime I left the house and tried to do anything where there was a change in light or temperature conditions).
I talked to at least 10 friends or acquaintances who had lasik before I did this and they all thought it was a snap and the best thing they ever did. Those I've talked to again since my procedure are astounded to hear the bad time I've had, so it's obvious this is not "normal." I do know one person who had transient light sensitivity, but her symptoms were very specific (not like this) and she is happy w/results, never had blurriness, just the light thing.
Where Things Stand Now with Symptoms
The main problem is everything is still blurry/smeary/hazy through my right eye. Left eye is crystal clear.
Until just a few days ago I could also hardly get both eyes to look at the same object without a huge amount of effort if it was more than a few feet from my face. It was painful to try to focus them both on one thing. About a week ago, I tried to help out in my daughter's kindergarten class and it was a nightmare. Could hardly read the teacher's instructions on the board. Five year olds were easily out-reading me!
A few days ago, I finally noticed something shifting - a little more ease in focusing both eyes on same object (thought object is still not clear in right eye) and some lessening of the pain, discomfort and sensitivity (thought it still fluctuates each day or even each hour). So that helped me feel a little encouraged and I'm functioning slightly better now.
The right eye is still having burning and irritation, sometimes a little of that nerve-pain feeling, really sensitive to cold and air, and most frustrating, it's still blurry with varying levels of haze and seeing double or ghosting on words at a distance, where the other eye is seeing crystal clear. Light sensitivity is pretty much gone, other than the glare when driving at night.
Two docs have been monitoring me pretty closely and very open and let me come in for lots of extra checks.
I don't necessarily think the surgery center has done anything wrong and they have been accessible (doc gave me personal cell #) and thorough in all their diagnostic tests. I'm also under team care with my ophthalmologist who has been amazing through all this, running extra tests and returning my text messages at 10 pm!
But it's still frustrating and get the sense the doctors just look at the diagnostics and aren't really hearing me when I tell them how debilitating this was for the last month.
At my 1 month appt. a few days ago, the surgeon told me everything I'm experiencing at this point "is normal." What?! All this can't be normal.
He says that edema is gone, doc says cornea looks perfectly clear to him and vision is 20/20 in blurry eye (20/15 in the other eye), no astigmatism in either eye, says cornea is crystal clear from his view and flap looks same in the blurry eye as in the other eye so no signs of trauma/debris/scarring...nothing unusual.
I do have a lot of dryness, but he says it's a normal level for 1 month post lasik.
Nobody seems able to explain all the pain I've been through other than maybe it's dry eye.
They keep telling me right eye is just "healing slower" and "just a little behind" my left eye, and they admit this is most likely because of the wrinkle and flap re-float. They say I'll "be fine" and continue to stabilize and improve, just wait.
Which I can do. I'm very patient. But I'm also just afraid that if I wait then later I'll find out I have a problem that could've been avoided if I'd taken some action sooner.
Does that make sense?
-I've been taking Lotemax almost the whole time, was 3x daily, just tapered down to 2x daily. Doc told me to go down to 1x daily last week, but things seemed to get worse immediately when I did that. So now I went back up to 2x (and still not sure that's helping - maybe should go back to 3x).
-Just started Restasis a few days ago so that hasn't kicked in yet.
-Because of allergy symptoms (eyes and other) I am on Zyrtec and Flonase. I have tried going up to a week without them and if anything my eye gets worse b/c of the allergies. They don't seem to significantly increase dryness, though I know that is a concern.
-Using tons of artificial tears. Preservative free of course.
-In the beginning I also did Muro 128 when the edema was visible. Now they say it's gone (thought I'm still blurry).
It is so frustrating that they just keep saying "yay, you're 20/20" when my vision is still blurry. Just b/c I can figure out half the letters on that line of the chart in the controlled environment and lighting of their office does not mean my vision is fine b/c when I try to read a sign on the wall across a room in everyday situations I can't tell what the heck it says!
Someone just told me about contrast sensitivity, which I wish I'd known to ask about at that last appointment. I'm going to ask at the next appt. for sure (seeing opthalmologist today actually).
Or could I really have astigmatism and they are wrong?
Could this all really just be dry eye? Then why isn't my left eye experiencing any of it when it's supposedly equally dry according to all the tests?
Might there be edema or scarring they cannot see looking in, but that affects me looking out? (Both docs say highly unlikely.)
Also I'm wondering is it too soon to get a 2nd opinion? Everyone I asked at both drs. offices tells me one month is too soon to tell and if that's true, then if blurriness persists when should I do so?
Thanks for reading and any words of wisdom!!
And sorry for any typos, I tried to blaze through this so not looking at the screen any longer than necessary.
In Short
I had lasik one month ago, on 10/4/2013, which resulted in flap wrinkle with corneal edema and I still have blurry vision in one eye, even though doc says I'm 20/20. Also still struggling with post-operative dryness, pain and other symptoms, especially sensitivity to cold air. The one thing that has gotten noticeably better is light sensitivity, that's only bothering me at night now for the most part.
How It All Went Down
My flap wrinkle was obvious almost immediately after surgery (I called surgery center within an hour or so after b/c of one eye being cloudy, while the other was clear). At 1 day check, they easily saw the wrinkle and re-floated the flap. Then a horrible month of crazy fluctuating symptoms ensued, including lots of pain and discomfort and barely being able to drive or function normally. My eyes have been sensitive, painful at times (sometimes feeling like an exposed nerve pain, other times shooting pains behind the eyes or overall aching and feeling like someone is squeezing my eyeball). My right eye is also sometimes burning and watering or when exposed to very cold air (grocery stores) it will sometimes "go crazy" (don't know how else to describe it - it's like all of a sudden symptoms all come on at once and I can hardly deal with looking at things) anytime I left the house and tried to do anything where there was a change in light or temperature conditions).
I talked to at least 10 friends or acquaintances who had lasik before I did this and they all thought it was a snap and the best thing they ever did. Those I've talked to again since my procedure are astounded to hear the bad time I've had, so it's obvious this is not "normal." I do know one person who had transient light sensitivity, but her symptoms were very specific (not like this) and she is happy w/results, never had blurriness, just the light thing.
Where Things Stand Now with Symptoms
The main problem is everything is still blurry/smeary/hazy through my right eye. Left eye is crystal clear.
Until just a few days ago I could also hardly get both eyes to look at the same object without a huge amount of effort if it was more than a few feet from my face. It was painful to try to focus them both on one thing. About a week ago, I tried to help out in my daughter's kindergarten class and it was a nightmare. Could hardly read the teacher's instructions on the board. Five year olds were easily out-reading me!
A few days ago, I finally noticed something shifting - a little more ease in focusing both eyes on same object (thought object is still not clear in right eye) and some lessening of the pain, discomfort and sensitivity (thought it still fluctuates each day or even each hour). So that helped me feel a little encouraged and I'm functioning slightly better now.
The right eye is still having burning and irritation, sometimes a little of that nerve-pain feeling, really sensitive to cold and air, and most frustrating, it's still blurry with varying levels of haze and seeing double or ghosting on words at a distance, where the other eye is seeing crystal clear. Light sensitivity is pretty much gone, other than the glare when driving at night.
Two docs have been monitoring me pretty closely and very open and let me come in for lots of extra checks.
I don't necessarily think the surgery center has done anything wrong and they have been accessible (doc gave me personal cell #) and thorough in all their diagnostic tests. I'm also under team care with my ophthalmologist who has been amazing through all this, running extra tests and returning my text messages at 10 pm!

But it's still frustrating and get the sense the doctors just look at the diagnostics and aren't really hearing me when I tell them how debilitating this was for the last month.
At my 1 month appt. a few days ago, the surgeon told me everything I'm experiencing at this point "is normal." What?! All this can't be normal.
He says that edema is gone, doc says cornea looks perfectly clear to him and vision is 20/20 in blurry eye (20/15 in the other eye), no astigmatism in either eye, says cornea is crystal clear from his view and flap looks same in the blurry eye as in the other eye so no signs of trauma/debris/scarring...nothing unusual.
I do have a lot of dryness, but he says it's a normal level for 1 month post lasik.
Nobody seems able to explain all the pain I've been through other than maybe it's dry eye.
They keep telling me right eye is just "healing slower" and "just a little behind" my left eye, and they admit this is most likely because of the wrinkle and flap re-float. They say I'll "be fine" and continue to stabilize and improve, just wait.
Which I can do. I'm very patient. But I'm also just afraid that if I wait then later I'll find out I have a problem that could've been avoided if I'd taken some action sooner.
Does that make sense?
-I've been taking Lotemax almost the whole time, was 3x daily, just tapered down to 2x daily. Doc told me to go down to 1x daily last week, but things seemed to get worse immediately when I did that. So now I went back up to 2x (and still not sure that's helping - maybe should go back to 3x).
-Just started Restasis a few days ago so that hasn't kicked in yet.
-Because of allergy symptoms (eyes and other) I am on Zyrtec and Flonase. I have tried going up to a week without them and if anything my eye gets worse b/c of the allergies. They don't seem to significantly increase dryness, though I know that is a concern.
-Using tons of artificial tears. Preservative free of course.
-In the beginning I also did Muro 128 when the edema was visible. Now they say it's gone (thought I'm still blurry).
It is so frustrating that they just keep saying "yay, you're 20/20" when my vision is still blurry. Just b/c I can figure out half the letters on that line of the chart in the controlled environment and lighting of their office does not mean my vision is fine b/c when I try to read a sign on the wall across a room in everyday situations I can't tell what the heck it says!
Someone just told me about contrast sensitivity, which I wish I'd known to ask about at that last appointment. I'm going to ask at the next appt. for sure (seeing opthalmologist today actually).
Or could I really have astigmatism and they are wrong?
Could this all really just be dry eye? Then why isn't my left eye experiencing any of it when it's supposedly equally dry according to all the tests?
Might there be edema or scarring they cannot see looking in, but that affects me looking out? (Both docs say highly unlikely.)
Also I'm wondering is it too soon to get a 2nd opinion? Everyone I asked at both drs. offices tells me one month is too soon to tell and if that's true, then if blurriness persists when should I do so?

Thanks for reading and any words of wisdom!!
And sorry for any typos, I tried to blaze through this so not looking at the screen any longer than necessary.