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Constant smearing (oil?) on my glasses. One eye (the less bad eye).

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  • Constant smearing (oil?) on my glasses. One eye (the less bad eye).

    Anyone else who wears glasses experience this? Since I've been using night ointment, things have been better in that I get less pain (still bad but less unbearable). I was getting multiple corneal abrasions especially in my worse eye until I started the ointment - so I don't want to give it up.

    But since I started using it (and now I remember why I gave up the optimmune I was given a few years ago), my other eye (the less bad eye) is causing my glasses (on that side) to be constantly smeared. I'm having to take them off and give them a wipe literally every few minutes.

    My vision is poor in the glasses anyhow (rgp lenses are the only proper sight correction for my complex prescription) but this makes things even worse, and it's putting extra strain on my bad eye because it's kind of doing all the seeing (which seems to make the dryness, soreness, pain, etc worse in then ever - I guess because it's not getting any rest).

    I'm starting to think I should only use the ointment in my bad eye - but the "good" eye is still quite bad and I don't want to risk damaging it with anymore night-time abrasions.

    I think perhaps I only have oil in my good eye? Any advice or tips for stopping this smearing?

  • #2
    I dont have such experience but maybe reduce ointment/pain would be a good start.
    I used it for about 4 years (instructed by dr) but now I think it was a bad idea.

    I do not suffer (night) pain any more. What helped me seem to be:

    wash eyes with warm (running) water to get ride of bebris, bacterias etc x2/day (before compress)

    put 12-15 drops/eye SALINE after compress, massage - to remove debris etc - I do twice a day - with wet heat, debris, ducts etc easily come out but with saline, I still can get a bit of dischrages out - which is good, I think

    try to use less ointment (before I even applied twice at night, 1cm/each time - I think that could block glands??)

    wear swimming google.

    Hope these help.
    Last edited by MGD1701; 03-Aug-2017, 14:54.


    • #3
      Thanks for the suggestions - any advice is welcome )

      I know you're probably right - the opth told me I was using too much (when I told him I was going through about 2 or 3 tubes of the ointment a week) but I find the pain doesn't go away until I put more in - and since I've been using loads at night, I haven't had anymore corneal abrasions in the night so I'm scared to cut down.

      I might try less ointment in the smeary eye. The painful eye doesn't smear the glasses at all - even although I put loads of ointment in there. I think I might have different oil in each eye or perhaps just one eye is worse.

      I'm glad you don't get night pain anymore - I feel better that at least some people are progressing (even a bit). It gives me hope too.

      I do all these scrubs and compresses, etc - so wonder if I have something else as well as MGD. But then again, I get the pain constantly in the bad eye - day and night now. I don't seem to have much discharge at all (except this smearing on the glasses - from the better eye) so I don't know what's going on with my eyes really. I'll have to ask at my next appointment.

      Swimming goggles - thanks! I can't afford moisture chamber glasses right now, but swimming goggles would be an affordable option for me. I'm going to see if they help.

