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I just need to vent

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  • I just need to vent

    Hi all- I'm 26 years old with severe dry eye (both MGD and AD)

    I'm so, so, so depressed. I had so many things I wanted to accomplish in life. So many goals and aspirations. I had just gotten into my dream PhD program in my dream city. My life was taking off. And dry eye has taken ALL of that away. I had to quit my job and move in with my parents. My social life went from great to nonexistent.

    Im not looking for "Have you tried _____?"--- I'm just looking for "I fee your pain"

    I just needed to vent :/

    PS all of you older people- I can't even begin to explain how envious I am that this hit you later in life. Losing your youth totally sucks.

  • #2
    I do feel your pain, DryinNYC. I have both MGD and AD and was in your situation for several years. I know it doesn't seem possible that it can get better right now, but it can. It's fortunate that you are able to move in with your parents at least.


    • #3
      I also feel your pain. I'm in my late 20s and I recently moved to LA to work at my dream company, Disney, to make movies. My eyes got so bad in the dry, polluted city of LA that I had to put my job on hold and move back with my parents in Florida to deal with my eyes. Depression is real with dry eye. I'm even more depressed because I couldn't enjoy my new city or my new job. It helps to talk with others with similar issues.


      • #4
        I totally commiserate with you. When I had LASIK at the age of 23, my life too was over. I have severe MGD and AD. I had just started medical school and wanted to drop out. Some days I still feel suicidal, but I took life a day at a time, and looking back, so many wonderful things have unbelievably happened despite this disability and depression: I met and married my wonderfully patient and loving husband, graduated from medical school, and matched into my #1 choice residency. Now I'm a physician with even more responsibilities, stress and anxiety for the future, but I do genuinely believe that things will get better. I think for you, scleral lenses are going to give you the most immediate relief/bang for your buck while you try out the myraid treatments out there. I hope you find your miracle soon.


        • #5
          I feel your pain. Think of how lucky you are in the USA where has the world richest resources/treatments/technologies in terms of dry eye care. I can not express how much I envy you!

          Last edited by MGD1701; 11-Oct-2017, 03:54.


          • #6
            Im 26 too. I'm a woman and I can't wear makeup. I am depressed too..


            • #7
              It's nice to know there are others out there. It just feels so isolating in real life!


              • #8
                I'm 28, but got MGD/rosacea at 22. It did get better but I know exactly how you feel.. I wish I could stop worrying every second of every day.


                • #9
                  I'm 27 and due to an allergic reaction (TEN) 2 years ago it has left me with scars underneath my eyelids and severe dry eyes. I also had to move back in with my parents. About 5 months ago I ended up having a corneal ulcer in my left eye and now I am partially blind in that eye (I no longer use my left eye), but hey, I still have one eye left even though it is plagued by dry eye. I no longer have the vision that I once did, but I'm still kicking butt and taking names or at least trying. Before all of this I was welder and I still plan on getting back into that profession. I am currently looking for a job in that field as I write this.


                  • #10
                    Hi Arcluce, I got TEN a year ago and also have been left with scarring and severe dry eye. Your attitude is very inspiring. I'm still struggling with debilitating pain at the moment. I used to be an illustrator, loved long video games and appreciating detail in animated movies / series. I hope we all find relief someday and recapture our lives.
                    Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
                    Avatar art by corsariomarcio


                    • #11
                      Wow, I've never heard of TEN- that's intense.

                      I'm sorry


                      • #12
                        I developed MGD suddenly after I turned 29. I literally woke up one day and around 10 am I had a sharp pain in my right eyelid, and my life has never been the same. I had been living in a new city and started my own business in graphic design. I tried to cope and go about my life for the first few months but was so miserable, after dealing with it for almost a year I had to move back home. I also had to quit my work as a graphic designer. I'm now 30, have tried so many treatments, and am still not feeling better. I'm so depressed and hopeless. This is an utterly miserable disease and I can't see how I can live with it. I'm so terribly sorry for everyone else suffering with it.

