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Risk flying if suspected RCE not yet diagnosed/treated?

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  • Risk flying if suspected RCE not yet diagnosed/treated?

    Haven't flown for several years. Think I got (yet another) corneal abrasion 2 weeks ago (seems slightly better now), and think the inflammation is currently flaring up (eyes been painful and burning constantly since last night). I also seem to get corneal abrasions every time I cry - so if things are still that bad, terrified what the dry air in a plane will do. Last time I flew a few years ago my eyes weren't so bad. Just mild-moderate mgd. My eyes were still very red and burning for a few days afterwards but I managed. Not sure if I should risk it now.

    Due to leave in a few days so probably too short notice to get any really useful help in time, i.e. plugs, sclerals, etc. TBUT was 0-1 when last saw opth (and doesn't feel any better now), corneas were severely inflammed (too damaged for accurate sight test apparently), and I had multiple corneal abrasions (suspect some/all happened a month before I saw opth when I had 2-3 days of severe pain worse than any other time with my eyes - and even prescription codeine didn't help.

    Can't get hold of last opth I saw (no-one answering phone for several days). Don't want to give up on my trip away (things have been so bad - mostly due to the eye issues, I really want/need a break/time away). Thinking maybe I should get my (bad) eye looked at to see if still has abrasion/s - but don't want to go to eye casualty if not emergency. Don't know what to do. Local opticians say they can't examine eyes unless full test booked so only option is the hospital eye department.

    Would it help if I got some steroid drops for emergency i.e. if plane does cause corneal damage/abrasion? I was on FML drops for a month but finished now.

    Currently on ikervis but only been a week or so, so no effect yet. I plan to put night ointment in my eyes for the flight - would that be enough to prevent damage?

    Sorry this post is long - I'm panicking because I was thinking of giving up on the holiday but decided I want to try to go.

  • #2
    When my dryness was severe, on the plane I used to wear goggles/air shields AND use Genteal Severe Eye Gel, to give double protection from the dry air. Actually, for at least two years when things were really bad, I used the Genteal by itself everyday, even while at was the only thing that was soothing and gave me some temporary relief. And I think using it regularly was a major reason I never got a corneal erosion. Genteal Gel is a little less thick than the night ointment so things don't look as blurry, but I think gel in general will last longer and seal the air out better than drops on the plane. So the night ointment is a good idea.

    I also used Nature's Mist eye spray, which was a quick and convenient way to moisten and refresh my eyes on the plane as needed. But don't know if it's available in the U.K.

    It always helped for me to sleep or close my eyes during most of the plane ride too.

    And yes, maybe good to have steroid drops handy, in case you get an erosion.

    I hope you have a safe and at least reasonably comfortable trip, Charlie. Take care.
    Last edited by Hokucat; 22-Sep-2017, 14:33.


    • #3
      Thanks so much for the advice and tips, Hokucat. It really is much appreciated

      To be honest I think the biggest barrier now is the lack of planning. I was so convinced I wouldn't be able to go because of my eyes I didn't sort anything out - including the hotel, travel insurance, etc. I've travelled last minute before but with the eye issue I'd rather be more prepared.

      I have a few days left to decide - and I can change the flight dates for a very small fee so might postpone the trip. I'll see.

      I think the eye hasn't got an erosion/abrasion right now - so if I'm careful with it the next day or so, it might be ok. I'm decided to buy a sleep/eye mask for the plane. I also plan to use Xailin night on the plane if I need to. I might look messy but I'll just have to ignore the embarrassment.

      I've also seen self-heating eye masks in the chemist, which would be helpful because the hotel room doesn't have a microwave for the eyebag. Thanks fo the genteal gel link. They wouldn't be able to deliver in time if I go - but I might order some to try out for when I get home.

      My GP gave me extra eyedrops (Thealoz Duo) and night ointment, which hopefully will keep me going. They wouldn't prescribe me steroid drops without the authorisation of an opthalmologist - and my current opth is away until Monday, which is too late. I'll try to get some whilst I'm away if things get really bad, or I'll get some when I get home if I need them.

      If nothing else I feel better after posting on here - and managing to read a few posts from other people about going away. I think even if I postpone this trip, I will be able to manage a holiday again - so thanks to all on here.


      • #4
        I had RCE for 2.5 years. Went to corneal specialist, opthamologists, etc... besides getting prescribed Xiidra, buying an assortment of eye gel drops, lubricants, etc... they still persisted, about once a month.

        I finally, earlier this year, ran across a white paper online about an infant with a corneal abrasion that wouldn't heal. Turns out the infant was zinc deficient. Once zinc levels were fixed, the abrasion healed. Here's one example FROM 1982... you'd think they'd have put 2+2 together with this already.

        I got my zinc checked, and I'm deficient! I started taking chelated zinc, 30mg once a day with food in the mornings and haven't had a single erosion in 6 months!! I did, however, at once point, have a severe eye twitch problem for weeks, and read that can be a sign of too many minerals, so I backed off the zinc to a couple times a week and still- no erosions! Turns out there are zinc deposits in the eye, and zinc is a necessary mineral to make the eyes function properly, so please, please, request your PCP check your essential minerals (calcium, zinc, etc..) because those could be underlying issues with eye health.

        I'm be curious to know if this is the same issue with other people. Essential minerals aren't routinely tested. How many people may be suffering when it's a simple daily mineral pill to fix it?!


        • #5
          Originally posted by stackedcreative View Post
          I had RCE for 2.5 years. Went to corneal specialist, opthamologists, etc... besides getting prescribed Xiidra, buying an assortment of eye gel drops, lubricants, etc... they still persisted, about once a month.

          I finally, earlier this year, ran across a white paper online about an infant with a corneal abrasion that wouldn't heal. Turns out the infant was zinc deficient. Once zinc levels were fixed, the abrasion healed. Here's one example FROM 1982... you'd think they'd have put 2+2 together with this already.

          I got my zinc checked, and I'm deficient! I started taking chelated zinc, 30mg once a day with food in the mornings and haven't had a single erosion in 6 months!! I did, however, at once point, have a severe eye twitch problem for weeks, and read that can be a sign of too many minerals, so I backed off the zinc to a couple times a week and still- no erosions! Turns out there are zinc deposits in the eye, and zinc is a necessary mineral to make the eyes function properly, so please, please, request your PCP check your essential minerals (calcium, zinc, etc..) because those could be underlying issues with eye health.

          I'm be curious to know if this is the same issue with other people. Essential minerals aren't routinely tested. How many people may be suffering when it's a simple daily mineral pill to fix it?!
          Thanks for the post!


          • #6
            I hope you took the trip and it went well Charlie.

