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Has anyone stopped using night ointments after suferring erosions

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  • Has anyone stopped using night ointments after suferring erosions

    16 months on from suffering my big first erosion I've used night ointments everyday. Having done a stromal puncture 4 months ago my left eye appears better. However i still have a pain sometimes, not a tear, which i cannot explain. I often hear mixed messages about night ointments and wonder if anyone has come of them and felt better.
    I'll be having a stromal puncture on the right eye soon, which still tears. I'm hoping in the long run i eventually get of the constant drops day and night. But I'm also prepared for a dependency if needed.
    BTW My erosions were induced by Lasek.
    However I'm slowly getting my life back.

  • #2
    I didn't get erosions but I did develop a sensitivity to petroleum (a lot of the night ointments are basically petroleum). I'd wake up in the morning with very dry, very red (redder than usual), and swollen eyelids (top and bottom). I stopped using it and the problem went away. At night, I still need protection though so I use a method that someone on here recommended a long time ago -- plastic wrap (Glad Clingwrap works the best IMO). I cut two generous rectangles, large enough to cover each of my eyes and slightly more, and place one on my closed eye, then gently press down with the palm of my hand so that it "sticks", then do the same with the other eye. It's not perfect but I haven't had a negative reaction. If I need to get up in the night, sometimes I can open the wrap like doors and they will stay but sometimes I have to start all over again with new wrap. I've been using this method long enough that I buy a new roll Clingwrap, take a clean box-cutter, and cut the roll into 3s or 4s (sorry, I can't remember but I do prefer a generous rectangle so it's probably 3). I have one roll that lives in my suitcase so I don't forget it when traveling (I put a SMALL scissors inside the roll for cutting -- I've had no problem with TSA / carry on) and one roll in my bedside table with another pair of scissors. The last roll, I keep in the box in my linen closet as a replacement roll. It lasts forever but when I dig out my last roll, that's when I buy a new box of Clingwrap and do some cutting.


    • #3
      I had RC Erosion. What helped me seem to be
      swimming goggle
      Vit A-POS but it contains woolwax.
      wash eyes with warm/hot running water to get ride of debris etc. before bedtime

      Last edited by MGD1701; 04-Oct-2017, 13:29.


      • #4
        Originally posted by PotatoCakes View Post
        I didn't get erosions but I did develop a sensitivity to petroleum (a lot of the night ointments are basically petroleum). I'd wake up in the morning with very dry, very red (redder than usual), and swollen eyelids (top and bottom). I stopped using it and the problem went away.
        It could be the lanolin in the ointment that you're allergic to, and not the petrolatum. Every nighttime ointment on the market at present (as far as I'm aware) has lanolin. If you read the fine print, you'll see that it's actually only 99-point-something percent petrolatum (the number may be off, but you get my drift) - the non-medicinal ingredient that makes up the remaining tiny percentage has been lanolin every time I check.

        Genteal ointment USED to be 100% petrolatum (no lanolin), but sadly is NOT available that way anymore as far as I know.

        Only mentioning this because I had the same issue as you and developed an intolerance to the ointment I'd been using - the fix for me was to switch to the Genteal ointment back when it was still 100% petrolatum (no lanolin). One day my pile will run out, and then I'll likely have to try the same saran wrap solution you're using, unless I can find a manufacturer somewhere in the world that makes 100% petrolatum sterile eye ointment. (I don't tolerate any of the commercially available gels - they make my eyes bloodshot as all hell, and drops don't do a good enough job for me overnight.)

        If anyone knows of another manufacturer ANYWHERE in the world that makes sterile 100% petrolatum eye ointment with ZERO other ingredients, I'd love to know about it. <3

