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No dry eyes?

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  • No dry eyes?

    So I’m super shocked and to be honest I don’t know what to think?

    As as everyone knows in this forum I’m super depressed because of my dry eyes, so I’ve been from doctor to doctor trying new methods, listening to new ideas and just using whatever is working to lessen my dry eyes.

    IVe been taking flax seed oil and fish oil omega 3 etc.

    so yesterday I went to a new eye doctor, and after talking about my whole story, and looking at my medical record with all the medicine I’ve tried, first thing he told me he was absolutely shocked no doctor has recommended a thyroid test, he says I’m too young (26) and that all the medicine I’ve taken is for 80 year old people. I shouldn’t have dry eyes at this age.
    Second he mentioned (after testing and examining my eyes, he added some weird yellow drops) that my eyes looked totally fine! He said I might have MILD dry eye and actually my eyes look absolutely perfect and even my nmeibomian glands were great! He did a test and he said tear evaporation time is 7. (I didn’t get it? But apparently in a scale 1-10 I’m a 7 and he wouldn’t even think I have dry eye, he said dry eye people would get a 3...

    he also mentioned that probably I did have dry eye (due to the hormone imbalance or thyroid problem) but flax seed oil and fish oil are greatly helping me.

    To be honest I’m doing super good I only have dry eyes know every once in a while maybe couple of days every 2 weeks but I can’t wear any makeup, he said that with time I will probably be able to; he also recommended to buy new eye liner and mascara and just to try a brand new product to make sure my old makeup is not infected with something and is producing the dry eye.

    What at do you guys think? I don’t know for example today I have super dry eye I’ve used my eye drops a lot (yesterday I was doing fine) so maybe he’s right? It’s a thyroid problem? One day I’m fine and the next I have dessert dry eyes?!..

    he also said the eye takes time to restore some cells or something and if my dry eye was produced due to medicine it might be a while before I’m “normal” again, is that true?

    What do you guys think?

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing. The most important issue is if there is 'clear' oil secrets when dr presses glands. Did he examine that at all or show you images?

    Last edited by MGD1701; 13-Oct-2017, 11:55.


    • #3
      He did pressed my glands and he said I was good, so I’m guessing they were clear. Should I get another opinion? Another doctor?


      • #4
        Was he a GP or an eye doctor/opthalmologist? I don't see the harm in getting a blood test to check if you have thyroid problems. It's worth checking. Your eye problems might be to do with that.

        I was told my eyes seemed fine and under control by a dismissive doctor just a few months before another one told me my eyes were very bad! Perhaps see how things go for a couple of months? (unless things get bad, in which case see a doctor sooner) If it still seems good, then just keep up what you're doing to look after your eyes. If things seem bad or get bad again, try another doctor for a second opinion.

        Hopefully your doctor was right and your eyes are getting better - perhaps helped by the omega 3. From what I understand (and don't take my word because I'm still confused by a lot of the info) dry eyes and/or mgd might have to be managed longterm - so that even if you're getting better, it's a good idea to keep up a maintenance routine (eye compresses, lid scrubs, omega 3, etc) to avoid it going bad again. But hopefully with a maintenance regime, you are doing well.


        • #5
          I second Charlie as I had a similiar experience. The lesson: to see (images) is to belive, unfortunately!


          • #6
            If it's a thyroid issue, he should have ordered a simple lab test to check TSH and free T4. Maybe your dr should also work you up for autoimmune causes like Sjogrens.

            MGD/dry eyes is a very common problem, esp in young ppl because we are constantly on our smartphones/computers. Also, many people subjectively feel worse than clinical tests will imply. If you are having dry eye pain, the quality of your tear film is obviously out of balance. You may have poor quality tears, meibum, and/or mucous. You may also have a component of corneal neuralgia or misfiring afferent corneal nerves that send pain signals to your brain for whatever reason. Getting the right diagnosis is 90% of the battle.


            • #7
              Thank yOu so much everyone for your kind words. This week I haven’t stopped using my eye drops, my eyes are dry (not as bad as before thought, I really REALLYYY feel omega 3 is helping me) but I’ve keeping record of my symptoms for 3 months straight now, everyday I write a diary, and I’m starting to notice a patron! I do get dry eyes after I’m done ovulating, basically when my progesterone goes down! Although this next few months will be totally different cause I had to take “the after day pill” (if you know what I mean) and that totally messes up my cycle..

              in in order to get a thyroid test he told me he has to refer me to my primary physician, which I don’t have, (well I have one but he’s pretty bad, he used to google my symptoms cause he didn’t t know what was wrong with me!)

              so he recommended a coleage but she’s so good she’s booked until Nov 28th.. so, I’m thinking I’m gonna start looking for someone else tomorrow!

              Hosanna13, you are SO right, getting an appropriate diagnosis is, for me, my 99% of the battle!!!! I need to know what’s wrong with me! I’m pretty sure it’s a thyroid disorder almost, I had other symptoms like sudden weight gain, weak nails, headaches out of nowhere. Etc!


              • #8
                Btw, he’s an optometrist.

