Roe- since you are a dietician did you do the MRT testing?
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Lyrica side effects
Just wondering Roe, but do you have pets? Pets can also carry the Demodex mites. I had a friend who kept thinking he had an allergy to materials and chemicals and the skin on his hands were getting scaly with eczema all the time, but coincidentally this all began when he rescued a pet from the pound without first giving it a proper bath before letting it return to his home.
Also Demodex mites feed on yeast, sugar, wheat and gluten (there is much info on the internet if you google itand I noticed a lot of rosacea sufferers have alleviated symptoms when they eradicate those items in their diets. Which chemicals are you allergic to if I may ask?
I also think that your problems will get worse if you continue the steroid drops. Why don't you try treating the problem internally first instead of ******g the symptoms with the steroids which will only give you more complications later down the line? I think the Minocycline is not good to take long term either as it also kills the friendly bacteria in your system that you need to prevent Candidiasis and other diseases.
Logan x
I also think that your problems will get worse if you continue the steroid drops.
Not sure what your condition is but why were you taking lyrica in the first place?
Her original question was on finding effective pain relief for the corneal neuropathy.Last edited by littlemermaid; 09-Jan-2014, 03:11.Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere
I don't know what that the MRT testing is. I am allergic to idopropyl butylcarbamate (I did NOT spell that right!). Anyway it is in a lot of skin and hair products. If is says "for sensitive skin" it is in there! I am going to keep doing what my doctors tell me to do. Just looking for other ideas to try as well...I think you have to be as informed as possible
Hi Mermaid,
Actually taking a high dosage of steroid eye drops long term will GUARANTEE that Roe would eventually lose her eyesight. Doctors aren't Gods. Steroids don't cure people of ocular rosacea, it only temporarily masks the symptoms.
Logan x
Please be sensitive. My daughter is expected to have cataracts from steroids eventually although there has been no glaucoma from long term FML yet.
Have you understood that Roe has anterior basement membrane dystrophy? And that my child has an autoimmune disorder, possibly Behcet's? Do you have anything similar? Or was it taurine deficiency?
In my experience, and that of our Paediatric Rheumatologist, autoimmune disorders are being mislabelled as rosacea. Ophth and Rheumy advise minimum steroid and both are warning of steroid rebound. When inflammation is destructive, Ophth have had to use them.
We have treated demodex though. And we are rebalancing gut microbiota with diet and working on nutrients. Did you use oral ivermectin or something else for your parasites?
As you say, we are finding we are just treating symptoms secondary to the condition. But to save the eyesight.
Maybe it's about finding the right questions. Why does someone, even with a genotype, develop this when other people don't?Last edited by littlemermaid; 10-Jan-2014, 08:42.Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere
Roe72 - Sorry if you have answered this already but have you tried Gabapentin (Neurontin)? I've been offered it but yet to try it. I was prescribed Lyrica early last year to see if it would help with insomnia but it didn't and just made me feel dizzy and not quite with it.
I have facial rosacea, very mild, the ocular rosacea is much worse. Metrogel didn't help me at all, neither did a variety of other topicals for rosacea. I have subtype 1 so no papules or pimples. I believe mine to be more of a vascular problem than bacterial but who knows. Sounds like you've done well with the IPL.
With regards to steroid drops I think that is between you and your doctor. I would use them if they helped me but they don't. Some doctors are pro some are anti. My ophth said it was important to get the inflammation down to avoid more damage to the eye but made me aware of the risks.
Originally posted by littlemermaid View PostPlease be sensitive. My daughter is expected to have cataracts from steroids eventually although there has been no glaucoma from long term FML yet.
Have you understood that Roe has anterior basement membrane dystrophy? And that my child has an autoimmune disorder, possibly Behcet's? Do you have anything similar? Or was it taurine deficiency?
In my experience, and that of our Paediatric Rheumatologist, autoimmune disorders are being mislabelled as rosacea. Ophth and Rheumy advise minimum steroid and both are warning of steroid rebound. When inflammation is destructive, Ophth have had to use them.
We have treated demodex though. And we are rebalancing gut microbiota with diet and working on nutrients. Did you use oral ivermectin or something else for your parasites?
As you say, we are finding we are just treating symptoms secondary to the condition. But to save the eyesight.
Maybe it's about finding the right questions. Why does someone, even with a genotype, develop this when other people don't?
Many apologies, I didn't mean to be insensitive! I feel very strongly about the misuse of steroid drops for people and the inherit plethora of problems that people develop from it!
Anyhow, I didn't realize that Roe had anterior basement membrane dystrophy, but to my knowledge this is developed from deep corneal scratches, which would be much more aggravated by the steroid drops! I'm not sure of Roe's history, so she can clarify it here if she would like to share, but unless this condition was inherited, then it is possible the steroid drops actually CAUSED the ABMD.
Steroid drops makes it much easier for people to get corneal scratches, and thins the lining of the collagen and elastin fibers of the sclera, hence making the eye work harder to deliver nutrients to the retina. So I can see if Roe did not have this problem BEFORE the steroid treatment, that the steroid treatment could be responsible for this condition.
Also, and this might seem quite controversial, but I believe that auto-immune diseases are actually parasitic infections. Before you immediately dismiss this theory, please consider this information and take time to research it yourself, for the sake of your daughter.
Parasites from food and water sources (mainly raw fish, undercooked meat etc) enter the body and start multiplying within people's organs, and white blood cells counteract that by attacking the organ, but actually they are attempting to attack the parasites within the organ- hence it being named "auto-immune" disease. In actuality, I believe auto-immune disease is a condition of the body attempting to rid itself of parasites. People who have autoimmune diseases are highly susceptible to also developing cancer for the same reason.
Ivermectin is a powerful anti-cancer drug that also destroys white blood cells, hence further limiting the body's own response system to fighting. In 1998, the Nobel Peace Prize winners in medicine was awarded to Drs. Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad. They discovered that nitric oxide is responsible for the maintenance of the health of the body. The body itself can fight off all viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases when it has an abundance of nitric oxide. People who have "auto-immune" disorders and cancers have little nitric oxide, suppressed by both medications and infections.
Nitric oxide works by delivering oxygen to the entire body, hence the macrophages that are responsible for killing off infections are circulated everywhere. Nitric oxide is produced in the body by the amino acid L-Arginine. People who are suffering from diseases and cancers have low amounts of L-arginine in their bodies.
I think if I had a family member who was suffering from rosacea, I would increase the amount the of L-Arginine in her system by giving her supplementation. Current medical studies have been documented that L-Arginine (the precursor for nitric oxide) inhibits viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic growth and causes irrevocable damage to viral cells.
Treating conditions internally first always works best than simply ******g the external symptoms with anti-biotics and steroids. I hope this helps you to work towards a cure for your daughter.
Logan x
Originally posted by Logandly View Post
Also, and this might seem quite controversial, but I believe that auto-immune diseases are actually parasitic infections. Before you immediately dismiss this theory, please consider this information and take time to research it yourself, for the sake of your daughter.
Parasites from food and water sources (mainly raw fish, undercooked meat etc) enter the body and start multiplying within people's organs, and white blood cells counteract that by attacking the organ, but actually they are attempting to attack the parasites within the organ- hence it being named "auto-immune" disease. In actuality, I believe auto-immune disease is a condition of the body attempting to rid itself of parasites. People who have autoimmune diseases are highly susceptible to also developing cancer for the same reason.
Have you read anything about helminthic therapy? It's the treatment of auto-immune disease--with parasites! It's based on the observation that auto-immune conditions are relatively rare in the Third World, where parasitic infection is much more common. I would love for this to be clarified. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Originally posted by browneyesblu View PostInteresting. Here is the exact opposite theory:
Have you read anything about helminthic therapy? It's the treatment of auto-immune disease--with parasites! It's based on the observation that auto-immune conditions are relatively rare in the Third World, where parasitic infection is much more common. I would love for this to be clarified. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Helminthic therapy does not have successful long term effects. This was the main source of treatment in the 1400s during the Black Plague, when people developed parasitic infections from rats and undercooked meat.
Re-infecting yourself with multiple species of parasites does not cure you of the condition, but eventually leads to death.
Logan x
Logandly ~ you might like to help us think about how the normal human microbiome supports immune responses ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere
i have been on lyrica since oct 2009 for anxiety and initially helped me with only weight gain as a side effect. Having said this, i didnt have any eye problems until i first noticed i was photosensitive about 8 months later and its been getting progressively worse until now where i am functionally practically blind. i wonder if lyrica has a cumulative affect?
if i get my magic wand. you are all top of my list x
Hi Littlemermaid,
Thanks for the link, but the wiki article does not explain how the normal human microbiome supports immune responses but merely re-iterates that there are" friendly bacteria" that help people with digestion in addition to the more harmful bacteria such as e. coli.
Logan x