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Help help helpppp!!!

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  • Help help helpppp!!!

    Guys! So I was doing my normal routine, washed my face, carefully washed my eyes, warm water, then proceed to clean up my eyelids with the special wipes. Anyway, after all this I warm up my eye mask, had it on my eyes for about 10 minutes and I always proceed to “massage” my glands.
    Tonight I was sitting on my makeup table cause I had my vitamins there and I was getting ready to take them, my beauty light was on, and I was massaging and looking myself in the mirror, when suddenly I noticed something was coming OUT OF MY LOWER LEFT GLANDS! I noticed they looked kinda bigger than normal (mines are very well defined and doctors THEY ALL TOLD ME IM OKAY) so I kept massaging and did it kinda harder like pressing a pimple and I swear it was like exploting 5 pimples at a time on my lower waterline!!!!! It all came out!!! I swear they were like pimples I didn’t noticed any yelowish color, I kept pressing but nothing else came out!
    My waterline its irritated but I’m producing the oil clear now and I’m fine (?? I guess?)

    should I call my doctor tomorrow? What should I do? Can I get an infection? I just washed my hands? Is it bad what I did?

    Someone help what do I do now????

  • #2
    Sophie, without seeing a picture, it almost sounds like you have chalazions or styles. They are like pimples (that for some people can get really swollen and red), and when they burst, usually there is pus build up that comes out. I had one a few months ago right on or near the meibomian glands. Try googling to look at some images, if it might be something similar to what you have.

    You should check with your eye doctor if they want to take a look at it and/or prescribe any meds, sometimes it can get infected. Try not to touch it before then. If you have preservative-free saline like Purilens, perhaps you can rinse with that. Often chalazions and styles can resolve on their own, but not always.


    • #3
      Hopefully you just unplugged some blocked glands and if that is the case...good work! Don't panic you are probably not going to get an infection if they weren't already infected, and if they were you would know because they get very sore and red like a boil and you would not be pressing on them without it being painful. If everything looks fine in the AM I would not rush off to the Dr. I would just carry on with the heat and massage and keep up the good work. I hope that someone had instructed you in the art of massage so that you don't overdo it. If you feel something is not right in the AM then by all means have the Dr take a look. In the meantime, have a good sleep...cheers...F/G


      • #4
        Guys! This is exactly how it looked!

        of course I don’t have that tool (freaked me out by the way!)

        i was just just massaging my eyelids!

        What i cant understand is, why doctors keep telling me my glands are perfect?! Dear God if I just unplugged my glands clearly I have an issue! I cannot believe I’ve visited at least 4 to 5 eye doctors and they couldn’t detect this!

        My waterline feels a little weird but I feel fine!

        one of the doctors gave me “tobramicyn and dexamethasone ophthalmic suspensión” I remember he told me it was to kill bacteria so I just used it! It burn my eyes but I hope it killed everything that was bad

        I really hope I don’t get an infection


        • #5
          Yep, that's exactly what you did, good work, it's no wonder that you are having problems. My son had his expressed by a Dr. who knew what he was doing and it came out like toothpaste. The Dr told him that he had never seen glands so plugged. Sorry that your doctors are not trained to treat dry eye. I recommend you find a new Dr who specializes in dry eye. My first question to him/her would be, do you know how to express meibomium glands. That will tell the story. I seriously doubt you will get an infection, on the contrary, you probably avoided one....F/G


          • #6
            Hi Sophie,
            great you detected it. Well-done.
            Many doctors still do know about MGD but they dont tell us - terrible doctors who abuse our trust.
            Glands and lids could look so prefect/clean but NO function - more than 50% MGD suffers have NO signs.
            If dr does not press glands to check function, look for another doctor.
            Best is you see the IMAGES - to see is to believe.

            Massage: Just curious, you just massaged with fingers/thumbs? you squeezed? How long?
            your Mirror: 20-zoom? I can only see oil drops from uppers.
            Last edited by MGD1701; 31-Oct-2017, 13:09.


            • #7
              I’m jealous you managed to do this yourself! I also want to know how you did it? I never see anything come out of mine


              • #8
                Hi guys! Gosh I don’t know how to explain what I did, but I think what really help was to clean them with a warm cloth, and then I did the warm eye mask, to be quite honest, it’s always hot, not warm (please don’t do thiS, the doctor clearly told me to do Warm, not hot) but I just like to leave it for like 5 minutes, not more, I’m really impatient! And then I proceeded to massage them; I hold the skin under my eye, and then try to umm kinda like squeeze my waterline, gosh it sounds so weird, My mirror is the magnifying one,from my makeup kit, so I don’t know maybe 20x? I can only think when I’m pressing my toothpaste to come out.

                I usually press until I see oil coming out.

                so guys if I see oil coming out of every or most of my glands, does that mean they’re not clogged anymore? Or can they have residues and just expulse a little bit of oil? To be honest, when I pressed them, They’re expulsing oil now, and they’re not so white anymore (I swear they looked just like pimples yesterday)

                and today I had a great day, I only used my eye drops once but I feel like the candy is affecting me too, I didn’t even had lunch I’ve been eating candy all day!

                And i lookeup up up a dry eye expert near me, and now I remember why I didn’t make the appt, cause he’s more than 2 hours away from me, but I called and he’s in Fairfax Va so I’ll have to drive over there Nov 16th.

                I cant wait for my test results to come back Thursday and let’s see what my physician says!


                • #9
                  No if you are getting clear oil they are not clogged. Nix with the candy, give your body something to work nutrients


                  • #10
                    Hi guys I found the video I watched a couple of months ago, around minute 1:00 they show how to massage lids and this is exactly what I’m doing!

                    hope it helps my friends



                    • #11
                      Aaaand this is the warm compress mask I use



                      • #12
                        Thanks Sophie
                        What I have read is once you got such oil out, your eyes should feel better.


                        • #13
                          I hope so, I doing okay now, but I never trust my eyes and I really want to wear makeup but I’m afraid


                          • #14
                            I'd hold off on the makeup for a bit until you are sure everything is calmed down and even at that I would start off slowly, one product at a time and using it sparingly. Good luck....F/G


                            • #15
                              Hi guys! So I don’t know if anyone will care, but I thought I would give you an update. Almost all my blood test came out normal (thank God) but, my thyroid results were kinda high, so I’m starting treatment. Also I am super low on Vitamin D3, I’ll start with that one too.

                              Im about a month I’ll start wearing makeup again and let’s see how it goes, I’ll keep you posted

