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Weird dry eye?

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  • #16
    I don’t know. I’m so done. I really soooooo done! They drained more blood this week cause I called my doctor crying telling her I couldn’t stand my eyes, she told me she was going to do more tests so let’s see what she says! I really believe she thinks I’m crazy like seriously! No joke! I’m just so frustrated cause Ive always been a super healthy person and now I have dry eyes ugh I’ve lost the desire to LIVE


    • #17
      K here is something you have just learned. Public buildings particularly big ones like malls, airports, hospitals etc. have constant air circulation that is KILLER for dry eye. I don't know where you live but I am in Canada and the dry blowing air especially in the house is at the moment killing me. Airplanes are bad news (overhead air blowing plus movie watching, reading etc...bad combo) It is like a roller coaster ride. In malls I almost always try to wear my moisture chamber glasses and they are sunglasses so I feel like I am trying to look like a movie star. The good news is that they hide your eyes and nobody can tell that you are not wearing makeup...OK its a stretch but you gotta look on the positive side or you will go nuts.....F/G


      • #18
        Sophie. I know how you feel This past week has been hell for me. It might even be more than a week now I've had this horrible flare. Has a doctor given you a mild steroid to use when you are flaring?


        • #19
          hi Sophie
          You are on the right track and you have the best resources in the world.
          Soon you will find more relief. Think positively & keep learning.


          • #20
            Sophie, have you considered scleral lenses? You would probably be able to tolerate them really well since you don't have LASIK-related neuralgia. I'm going in for a fitting soon, but I haven't been able to tolerate 2 previous sets partly due to LASIK sensitivity, but also impatience on my part. I'm gonna try to give it an honest chance this time around.


            • #21
              I have tried 2 types, cant tolerate I am out 2 grand....sigh


              • #22
                I've tried them too. Couldn't tolerate them either. Dries my lids out. Also spent over a grand on them


                • #23
                  Those lenses are not covered by insurance? I’m really really depressed guys I hate having this flares. My boyfriends family is coming to visit soon and I can’t believe they will all see me without makeup! We haven’t see them in like 2 years... I’m really thinking about going back to Central America I never ever suffered.from any weird eye diasease over there! The weather it’s humid 24/7! I was such a healthy person and since I came here my eye problems started! And whole bunch of other stuff.. I’m always sick since I came to this country.. I am so so truly sad. I’m crying


                  • #24
                    Central America, seriously, what part? I live 5 months in Panama and will be leaving Dec 9th and can't wait to get out of this dry air but my problems don't go away when I am there, just different


                    • #25
                      Sophie, Scleral contact lenses can be covered on insurance in some cases, mainly the PROSE lenses. In some countries they are also available free on the NHS. I wouldn't dismiss trying them, I know the administrator of this site, Rebecca Petris, is doing great with EyePrintPro lenses with Hydra-PEG coating. There's just lots of different factors that can affect comfort of the lenses from what I've read such as:

                      - The fit, it can require multiple fittings. If the doctor says it's a perfect fit and you're still uncomfortble then seek a second opinion.

                      - The coating, Hydra-PEG is a recent thing which helps the surface of the lenses that eyelids come into contact with.

                      - The solutions used to clean the lenses, most suggest Clear Care and not the Hydraglyde version, they also suggest a rub cleaner like Lobob. Rinsing with saline too to remove any cleaning residue.

                      - The solutions used to fill them, some get on better with buffered vs unbuffered plain saline such as Purilens, ScleralFill, Xailin Wash etc., others need some preservative free artificial tears added to the saline such as Celluvisc etc.

                      Some with severe dry eye may still require adding artificial tear drops on top of the lens to lubricate the underside of eyelids, or wearing moisture chamber glasses when outside. But ultimately they can help many people by providing a layer of moisture held against the eye and a barrier from the environment / eyelid friction. The admin of this group runs an active Facebook group about sclerals with tips and advice:

                      Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
                      Avatar art by corsariomarcio


                      • #26
                        Phoenix eyes has some good info and what she/he says is true.

                        I guess that the point I am trying to make is that sclerals are not necessarily going to be the answer to your prayers and in fact can be quite costly. Since you are so new to this problem, there are a lot of other more minor things I would try first as soon as it becomes apparent that what you are doing is not working. I would not jump to sclerals until for example I had tried restasis, plugs or moisture chamber glasses because, as severe as my dry eye is (I have sjogren's) those last 2 things in combination have kept me from going over the edge. Sclerals in my mind are more of a last resort try, not a first resort.


                        • #27
                          Guys, I am super terrified of Scleral lenses, even contact lenses! I don’t know .. guys, my eyes are sooooo extremely dry! I’m wondering if it’s the progesterone cream I used for 2 weeks? (Due to my birth control I might be estrogen dominant) that’s the ONLY thing I’ve done differently this past weeks.. someone did tell me that if I am estrogen dominant the progesterone will make the estrogen go higher, like trying to fight back.. I don’t know I hope I get better this week.

                          I feel like I’m using makeup and i don’t have anything on my face!!!! I’m crying


                          • #28

                            Im unsure if you read my previous posts but at the end of Oct I tired birth control for a few weeks and then stopped. My eyes have been bad since. Maybe our hormones haven't gone back to normal yet BUT they will!! I think you will find relief soon I just stopped a course of ocular steroids as I'm starting to feel better. Could you ask your doctor for a mild steroid to use for a week or two just to get you through? Try not to cry your eyes will burn and get more swollen. Hang in there girl.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
                              Since you are so new to this problem, there are a lot of other more minor things I would try first as soon as it becomes apparent that what you are doing is not working. I would not jump to sclerals until for example I had tried restasis, plugs or moisture chamber glasses because, as severe as my dry eye is (I have sjogren's) those last 2 things in combination have kept me from going over the edge. Sclerals in my mind are more of a last resort try, not a first resort.
                              This is true, I agree. I have severe dry eye due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and am about to pursue scleral lenses on the NHS here in UK via Ken Pullum at Moorfields but before that I had tried:

                              - Artificial tears (Hylo-Forte, Hylo-Care, Hylo-Dual, Clinitas, Systane Balance, Thealoz Duo, Cationorm, Carmellose PF, Lumecare, Liquigel, EvoTears, Hyabak, Emustil, Refresh Mega 3 and more I'm forgetting)
                              - Ointments (VitA-Pos, Xailin Night / LacriLube, Muro 128)
                              - Steroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisilone)
                              - Antibiotics (Chloramphenicol, Levofloxacin)
                              - Mucolytics (Acetylcysteine eye drops)
                              - Cyclosporine (known as Restasis in US, Ikervis here in UK)
                              - Tear duct plugs, uppers and lower
                              - Moisture chamber glasses
                              - Sleep masks
                              - Eyelid hygeine (hyochlorous sanitizer, Ocusoft Plus, Cliradex tea tree oil)
                              - Eyelid moisturizers (iLast Hydraclean Gel, coconut oil, castor oil)
                              - Warm compresses, cold compresses, facial steamer
                              - Humidifier
                              - Nutrition and supplements, lemon green tea
                              - Software / browser add-ons
                              - Prokera Plus amniotic membrane
                              - Autologous blood

                              May be more I'm forgetting.
                              Sufferer due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis.
                              Avatar art by corsariomarcio


                              • #30
                                Thanks everyone..
                                That's why I like this please it's a SUPPORT GROUP for me.
                                I don't think I'll ever go back to normal again in my life, this has changed my life forever. My eyes are so absolutely irritable right now, I'm extremely sensitive to light right now. My eyes are red. It looks like an allergy to be honest, you know that feeling you get when you get shampoo in your eyes? that's exactly how I've been feeling for this past few days.

                                By the way, when they drained more blood last week, (to test me for sjogren's syndrome) my doctor also wanted a urine sample. Maybe she thinks I'm on drugs or something haha cause every single time we talk I'm crying and super anxious

