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Weird dry eye?

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  • #31
    oh and I still have some Dexamethasone (steroids) but it BURNS by eyes! and they turn soooooo red every time I use them!


    • #32
      Try non preserved steroids Minims by Bausch and Lomb could be that the Dexamethasone is preserved with BAK (benzalkonium chloride) cause that will do it. I cannot use anything preserved with BAK burns like hell and eyes turn all red and bloodshot and sore, almost immediately.


      • #33
        Do you know where I can find testosterone cream?

        I've reading this:
        Testosterone Cream. Research conducted at Harvard Medical School confirmed several years ago, that an imbalance of too much estrogen and not enough testosterone is linked to the presence of dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis. Women using birth control pills, for instance, will often experience problems with dry eyes. Testosterone plays a crucial role in producing the oil, the lipid constituent that lubricates, covers and protects the tear film on the eyes. Developing a testosterone eye drop to address dry eye, MGD, and blepharitis, which concern the lids rather than the eye itself, has not been very effective for any number of reasons. Most notably, only 1 to 3 percent of an eye drop actually penetrates the eye to reach the intended target tissue, the remainder will drain away. The eye’s rapid turnover of tears also creates a problem for any eye drop. It’s no surprise that topical creams have proven to be far superior to drops for the treatment of dry eye, MGD, and blepharitis, as they provide longer residence time at the site of application and also insure much better penetration.

        Doctor Belmont states that “correcting the imbalance locally, with a topical testosterone cream applied directly to the skin on the eyelid has been very successful for our chronic sufferers.”


        • #34
          GUYS! remember the day I told I managed to express my glands by myself? THIS IS EXACTLY HOW IT LOOKED, then why doctors keep telling me MY EYES LOOK fineeeeee!!!!!!


          • #35
            Originally posted by sophie0416 View Post
            Do you know where I can find testosterone cream?

            I've reading this:
            Testosterone Cream. Research conducted at Harvard Medical School confirmed several years ago, that an imbalance of too much estrogen and not enough testosterone is linked to the presence of dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis. Women using birth control pills, for instance, will often experience problems with dry eyes. Testosterone plays a crucial role in producing the oil, the lipid constituent that lubricates, covers and protects the tear film on the eyes. Developing a testosterone eye drop to address dry eye, MGD, and blepharitis, which concern the lids rather than the eye itself, has not been very effective for any number of reasons. Most notably, only 1 to 3 percent of an eye drop actually penetrates the eye to reach the intended target tissue, the remainder will drain away. The eye’s rapid turnover of tears also creates a problem for any eye drop. It’s no surprise that topical creams have proven to be far superior to drops for the treatment of dry eye, MGD, and blepharitis, as they provide longer residence time at the site of application and also insure much better penetration.

            Doctor Belmont states that “correcting the imbalance locally, with a topical testosterone cream applied directly to the skin on the eyelid has been very successful for our chronic sufferers.”

            Testosterone eye drops/cream can work for many indeed. Particularly menopausal women, but it definitely points to a hormonal imbalance regardless of age. A shortage of androgens is well established cause of drying in women. Originally this is what I looked into for my daughter for her severe MGD but learned doctors are very resistant to prescribe it, for younger women especially. If you have a doctor willing though, it would surely be worth a try. If nothing else this is another indication that hormones are the issue often which is what originally made my mind wander to progesterone cream. No prescription needed, and just waiting on the shelf. Miraculously it just happened to be the solution in her case. Every body is different but most certainly hormone balance is critical for many of our bodily functions. Perhaps Sophie, in time your body will naturally recover from the assault of the birth control pills and balance will be restored.


            • #36
              I will ask my doctor I hope he wants to.


              • #37
                My doctor prescribed me a 5 percent testosterone cream a while back. I know hormones are an issue for me so I figured this would work. I think all the cream did was clog my glands up and I ended up feeling worse in the end. I read this mainly only works in menopausal women. I am now trying the progesterone cream on my inner thighs daily. It's only day 2 though. I read progesterone is an anti inflammatory hormone so here's hoping. I am 28 but have had this since 23.


                • #38
                  Gosh don’t even tell me about years it’s been a year for me and I’m ready to commit suicide like this is absolutely horrifying I cannot believe this is how I’ll have to live the rest of my life... I refuse.


                  • #39
                    So sorry. My intention was not to discourage you! I have gotten a lot better in those years!! Don't give up. You will find your answer.


                    • #40
                      Just today I had a horrible day I want to cry I don’t know but I feel like my eyes are inflamated even my co workers told me I looked like I’ve been crying all day! And I look tired I don’t know what’s wrong


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by PhoenixEyes View Post

                        This is true, I agree. I have severe dry eye due to Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and am about to pursue scleral lenses on the NHS here in UK via Ken Pullum at Moorfields but before that I had tried:

                        - Artificial tears (Hylo-Forte, Hylo-Care, Hylo-Dual, Clinitas, Systane Balance, Thealoz Duo, Cationorm, Carmellose PF, Lumecare, Liquigel, EvoTears, Hyabak, Emustil, Refresh Mega 3 and more I'm forgetting)
                        - Ointments (VitA-Pos, Xailin Night / LacriLube, Muro 128)
                        - Steroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisilone)
                        - Antibiotics (Chloramphenicol, Levofloxacin)
                        - Mucolytics (Acetylcysteine eye drops)
                        - Cyclosporine (known as Restasis in US, Ikervis here in UK)
                        - Tear duct plugs, uppers and lower
                        - Moisture chamber glasses
                        - Sleep masks
                        - Eyelid hygeine (hyochlorous sanitizer, Ocusoft Plus, Cliradex tea tree oil)
                        - Eyelid moisturizers (iLast Hydraclean Gel, coconut oil, castor oil)
                        - Warm compresses, cold compresses, facial steamer
                        - Humidifier
                        - Nutrition and supplements, lemon green tea
                        - Software / browser add-ons
                        - Prokera Plus amniotic membrane
                        - Autologous blood

                        May be more I'm forgetting.
                        Hey man,

                        I am from the UK, did any of the above help you? Hylo-forta isn't really doing anything for me tbh, around evening time my eyes start to sting like a ***** and glow red.

