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  • #16
    Hi Sophie,

    Sorry to hear about your recent situation. I also have MGD with Rosacea too and I know it’s very hard. I am just wondering if you have ever been for a meibography before? I am going for one on Thursday and I’m pretty worried about it I have a feeling my glands are not in great shape! Any advice would be great? Not sure what questions to ask!


    • #17
      I haven’t, but I have an appt with a dry eye specialist next Tuesday. I’m hoping he can help me


      • #18
        When lotemax gets rid of the inflammation, I always feel much better after. I wish it could be used all the time Honestly diet also helps me a lot.. it tough to keep up with BUT that burning pain for me just isn't worth the sugar. Anyway, glad to see you are doing much better ☺️ Keep us updated


        • #19
          Hi guys! So, I just finished my first appt with my regular doctor, he really is not a dry eye specialist but I wanted to hear his opinion.

          First of of all my eyes are super bad today, he told me that birth control might have started this, and if it did, maybe I had a mild dry eye before and it just push me over the edge when using those pills. Second, I told him I have good and bad days, days where I don’t even use eyedrops at all. He said I’m too young and he expects me to have a full recovery, BUT he also knows of some people who never recovered. He says it’s like when you are in s hole and you’re trying to get out, sometimes is just doesn’t happen.

          He wanted to do the the puntal plugs today, but I didn’t want to.

          He asked me if I wanted to start Restasis again, I really didn’t want to, and he said that’s okay we will work with lotemax twice a day and some Nano tears preservative free as needed.

          He said between MILD, MODERATE, And BAD DRY EYE, I have moderate.

          I asked him to check my glands, he checked them and expressed them and he said I’m producing clear oil and they all look great (I don’t know why I don’t believe this part)

          but anyway, I have the next appt in 3 months with him, and if I decide that is just not working he wants to do the plugs. (Which really doesn’t make sense to me cause If im producing enough oils, my problem is my tear is disbalanced, I mean is not a production problem?)

          what at do you guys think?

          I’ll go to the dry eye specialist next Tuesday, he does lipiflow and stuff like that. This doctor Doesn’t.
          he told me doesn’t see any MGD or blepharitis


          • #20
            Hi Sophie
            Thanks for sharing. What tests did dr perform?
            Osmolarity and InflammaDry tests to detect the tear quality (content of salt etc) and inflammation?


            • #21
              I don’t think he did any of those. He simply kindly expressed my glands!


              • #22
                Update: UMM I don’t think I wil be able to continue with my treatment, either lotemax, Restasis or whatever he wants to do since I just went to the pharmacy and they told me I had to pay $600 for lotemax... UNMM absolutely NOT! So I guess I’ll just trust in my over the counter eyedrops!!! Yesh


                • #23
                  We wish you luck Sophie, report back when you have seen the specialist. $600 for Lotemax...that is bizarre, it is practically free in Canada, like $38. I pay $84 for the non preserved Minims by Bosche and Lomb....F/G

