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Dry Eye - A By Product of Refractive Surgery

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  • Dry Eye - A By Product of Refractive Surgery

    All -

    We all deserve to speak up, especially to the audience here. We are the force. I welcome your thoughts as well. I'm one of you.

    The topic of dry eye, post refractive surgery, (LASIK/PRK/EpiLasik/SMILE, etc.) is an alarming one. We here know it all too well. Some here have naturally onset of dry eye disease. It is pain at its purist. We want answers to this disabling condition, not tomorrow, not next week, not next five years, but yesterday.

    Prior to lasik, I NEVER had any dry eye issues with my eyes, EVER. Now, Post-Lasik all these symptoms and their unrelenting utterly misery is, well, purely unacceptable. It's heartbreaking the amount to stories there are out on the internet, this forum is one of them. Think about the tens of thousands that are not making to the web, etc. It goes on and on and on. This forum is only a drop in the barrel.

    How are we allowing the FDA to sweep us under the rug as this is just a simple complication of refractive surgery. Simple, yes simple they document. Neuropathic pain from the cornea can be and is one of the worst the human body can experience. The Neural anatomy of the cornea IS endowed with the highest density of sensory nerve endings of ANY tissue in the body, this is a scientific fact. A medical review board allowed the proceeding trials to become mainstream and the introduction of lasik "mills" in the early 90's started up. The misleadings of this marketing campaign and procedure is unethical and purely immoral to the human population that depend on some form of "device" to see well. It is the lowest form of a "sales" pitch one could encounter.

    Lasik/refractive surgeries are on the decline, this is a fact. I'm starting to see more (LASIK) ads on TV and hearing them on the radio, more so than when LASIK was the "new" procedure to do 25 years ago. Eyewear is more stylish and more of a fashion accessory these days, with tens of thousands of choices that are endless. What I'm spending in rehab, I could purchase hundreds, yes hundreds, of designer eye wear each year, it is honestly disgusting. I could wear one pair a day and throw them in the trash and get a new pair the next day. I can not. There are a small population that cannot wear eye wear for some certain condition, but their are few.

    One example...The government can simply budget 600 billion, yes billion, in defense spending for one fiscal year and we are left with endless senseless eye drops that are simply not the solution to the root problem to this elective epidemic. This needs to end.

    We can do more about our symptoms and finding cures, I believe that. We have to be vocal and keep pressing for the answers we deserve. Having a physician tell you to go home and "WAIT" is simply not the answer for a large population. I'm still told to wait.

    Lastly, where are all the research organizations, researchers, physicians, labs, eye speciality clinics, medical universities, etc. that should be on this board and many others seeking input and getting "hands" on with us individuals? Do they not want to be vulnerable? We are NOT here to cut and watch you bleed. Come out from behind your consent forms, enough is enough. We simply need help. Help from what you do each day to pay the bills. It's time to heal the wounded. We are all seeking relief from what I believe is curable with the right folks diving in.

    We need a movement.

  • #2
    With smartphones,sadly, i think this DED will affect 100 millions of peoples worldwide.


    • #3
      Hi BoneDry

      I just had Lasik a little over a month ago, felt instant regret the following day after opening my eyes. Felt very nauseous, which eventually led to me not being able to keep anything down and now have zofran on hand as needed. The drastic vision change and the fact that I have some refraction left over in my right eye causes the nausea.

      But yes I too had zero problems with dry eyes, except for when I would accidentally fall asleep with contacts in. Now I wake up with worse dry eye pain than I did when I would wake up with contacts in my eyes. I wake up with dry eye pain and swollen puffy eyelids, like I cried the night before. I had red eyes once in my entire life where I bought visine and never used it ever again. Now after about being up for an hour, I get blood vessels that branch towards the cornea. Everyone around me say they don't notice it, but I've always had white sclerals, with the exception of that one time visine use.

      I love wearing my contacts but knew it wasn't healthy to wear them for super long periods of time. I cut back the use of my contacts in hopes of stabilizing my eyes and prevent them from getting to a higher refraction. I had finally found a comfortable pair of glasses that I could wear and not get headaches from, until I broke them. My eyes were finally stable the last 3-4 years. But the frustration of broken glasses and refusing to wear my contacts to work (I'm a nurse in a hospital) because the environment is like walking through a desert, I thought it was time for Lasik. Thinking it was a good decision and having wanted it for soooo long, I honestly thought it was the right time. What loads of crap was I thinking. I am heartbroken at how much greed these surgeons have to justify messing up eyes and destroying lives.

      So yes I agree that everyone affected by Lasik and anything like it, needs to stand together to put an end to it.


