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One side of face affected along with eye

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  • One side of face affected along with eye

    I think I brought this up before but I wanted to see if I could get more opinions. So first off it's only my left eye and my left side of face. My right eye is completely fine. This has stumped most doctors. But the whole one side of face just feels weird. From above my eye all the way down into my throat. Like a numb, dead feeling. Like my muscles are being twisted. When I swallow the left side of my neck feels tight and weird while my right side is fine. Awhile back before I was diagnosed with MGD I thought I may have nerve damage but the neurologists checked me off. He didn't do any scans of my face but he said it wasn't a neurological issue. I haven't yet been tested for Sjorges. I have the paperwork to get tested but havent had a chance yet. The doctor said shes about 100% positive I don't have it because I don't match any of the symptoms. Some of the weird sensations I feel may be an illusion. Like my eye is in so much discomfort that it creates the illusion my face is in discomfort too. Or maybe as one doctor brought up and almost quickly swept under the rug that the pain is triggering my trigeminal nerve. It's just awful. Restasis is next in line for me but if that doesn't work I feel I'm out of options. I feel like there has to be something aside from MGD causing this. Something the doctor hasnt found. Apparently I don't even have dry eyes. My tear tests come back perfect.

  • #2
    hi Dk,
    just wondering if youve looked into TMJ/TMD? its caused by clenching your jaw (can be done in day without noticing it) or grinding teeth at night. I had a lot of pain one side of my face and getting a night time guard and TMJ jaw massages really helped. Also ive read of some who have eyes pain and dry eye because of this (i found a website with a dentist who said this was the case for a small percentages of his clients) just an idea but thought i would put it out there.
    People have recovered, so can we.


    • #3
      I have not looked into but I definitely will! Thank you for the feedback. I will make an appointment with dentist.

