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corneal erosions from flying

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  • corneal erosions from flying

    I have been on holiday to a hot climate and I really struggled with my eyes. They especially started hurting on the flight back and since I have been back just under 48 hours my vison has been really, really blurry. My eyes did this last time I went away in September, and took about 5 days to be back to normal vision. Has any one else had a similar problem? I descried it to an ophthalmologist abit ago and he said that when your eyes get dry and dry for awhile the cells on the front of your eye can be removed by blinking disorienting vision. Any one else had a similar issue? And hoping my vision comes back.

  • #2
    No not exactly but sometimes flying can be so-o-o-o hard on your eyes. I usually wear my moisture chamber glasses which is a real pain because they are polarized and it make is difficult to see the TV to watch a movie. Once the burning starts it seems that there is no relieving it. I hope that your vision corrects soon and make sure to wear tight fitting glasses if you can, even get some cheap motorcycle sunners if you don't have the big dollar glasses and pour in the drops to keep them from drying too badly.


    • #3
      I went for an appointment at an opticians today the only one that was open I had not been to this one before. My eyes had alot of staining when they put the dye I I usually haven't. And a tear film break up time of only 5 seconds. Has previously been over 10. Wondering if this has caused my blurred vision.


      • #4
        Do you use serum drops. I used to have dry spots every time I went but since I have been on serum drops ( about 5 years) not once have I had dry spots. Did he think that had caused the blurred vision?


        • #5
          I don't no. Are they the ones made from your blood? The optician didn't say she didn't seem very experienced in dry eye. Though my vision has started to improve. Though eyes still saw. I won't be flying again untill i can improve my condition.


          • #6
            Glad to hear they are slowly improving it is very scary when weird things happen to your vision. Yes the serum drops are made from you own blood.


            • #7
              Dry eyes can caus dry,blurred,filmy,or hazy vision

