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Bad Day

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  • Bad Day

    Good Morning Friends,

    Thought I'd do some venting here since everyone is so nice and we seem to understand each other.

    Today is starting off as a bad eye day. An artic blast has hit the northeast (where I am) and I want to say this is not at all agreeing with my eyes. Additionally, I caught a cold over the weekend and it seems to have been sinus related as my nose and that whole region are in pain. I woke up this morning feeling ok, better than yesterday, and progressively got worse. I now have a headache, pain in the upper bone area of my eyes and of course dryness. The drops are not giving me any relief, nor is ibuprofen. I cannot tell if my condition has worsened because of the intense cold weather or the cold or both.

    I am at work right now, with a humidifier, sipping green tea - trying to focus on something else but I cannot as the pain is quite bothersome. I often get the pain on top of my eyes, around the bone area. Is this a common symptom as well?? On a good note, I was watching a sad show yesterday and was able to cry a good amount. I noticed the tears were not so thick which leads me to imagine that its mostly MGD and not so much aqueous deficient. I'm not sure what else I can do to unplug my glands! I see a new specialist on Saturday. Cannot wait!!

    Thank you for listening. Any insight or suggestions always appreciated.

  • #2
    Hi there! I am glad you found a dry eye specialist. It's so worth it!

    I was just like you last week. I had the flu, and the weather where I am it's extremely cold right now. Unbelievably, I didn't have anyyyy dry eyes! NONE! I did stay home the whole week cause I was so sick, but my eyes were great! even my boyfriend was surprised. So I don't know what's the deal!

    Hope you're feeling better though. And I was diagnosed with MGD btw..


    • #3
      Hi Sophie,

      Thanks for the reply. I just felt so lousy yesterday! I remember seeing several people post that they actually felt better when they were sick. I was hoping i'd get at least some eye relief out of catching something but it was the opposite- I felt worse. Today is not such a bad day, surprisingly, as it is the coldest day yet. I am in NJ, where are you?

      I received a call from the specialist's office yesterday asking that I set aside up to 2 hours for proper testing. I was happy as that hopefully means more examination and more insight. I'm kind of scared of all the poking and probing that will happen as well but I'm ready.


      • #4
        don't be scared! you'll be fine! I'm not getting the lipiflow done cause I'm too scared! haha

        Oh I was in NJ last week and it was REAAALLLLY cold! I'm in Virginia.. let us know how it goes!

