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My Visit with the DE Specialist

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  • #16
    warm compress is not good when one has bacterial infection (normally with foams, yellowish discharges) as it makes eye worsen - sorry if did not make it clear enough.

    antibiotic/doxy: if we can control inflammation with diet, safe/effective lid cleanser (pure HOCL can kill staph bacteria), why use antibotic?

    Massage: I will bring professional medical q-tips for my next dr appointment and ask dr to express glands, if clogged - wont hurt to try my luck. Some months ago I found a dr did that for me with a small q-tip, just like examined glands, so only took 1-2 minutes (as my secretion was not so thick) - better than nothing - safer & effective! - inexpensive too! Good idea??
    Last edited by MGD1701; 07-Jan-2018, 05:50.


    • #17
      doxy: yes I suppose if no inflammation no need doxy. I read a medical report that said doxy fluidizes oil.

      expression: yes trying your luck, but I never found a doc who checked all my glands. If I come with a tool to express clogged glands they will laugh at me, they always are in a hurry.
      usually they only express the central glands on the lower eyelid. They don't care others glands.
      Lower glands produce 75% of oil. Nasal glands produce more than central which produce more than temporal. That's why they always check only central glands (good average)

      root cause: one thing is not enough clear for me : what is the root cause of MGD ? inflammation, thick oil, or bacteria's ? in which order are the cause and the consequence ?
      My understanding is first thick oil induces more bacteria (because more food) then induces inflammation, do you agree ?


      • #18
        Hi MB,

        Yes, sorry I do mean MiBo Thermoflow. Are you familiar with this technique? Have you had it done?
        Currently I use Body Shop Tea Tree Facial Cleanser. It's mild enough that it does not sting at all. I follow this up with Burts Bees Sensitive Skin Moisturizer to avoid any drying out.
        I was reading up on Alrex yesterday and saw a lot of "treats seasonal allergies", not specifically pollen, but it wouldn't surprise me that it would be one of the big ones it works on. I did read that a side effect of it is drying of the eye. I wonder if that could hurt instead of help me. Luckily tomorrow is my last day of 3x day. I then go to 2x for one week and 1x after that. I'll see if any symptoms were due to that. My eyes this week have been drier than ever.

        I started pressing harder during the massage today. I can't say that I felt any difference but I have always been rather gentle on the massage so I figure being a little harder on the edges especially might not hurt.

        To MGD1701s point...I have always heard that cold compresses are for inflammation. I have yet to find out how that affects MGD if it does at all. I would love to try but am afraid that it will counteract the warm massages I do per day. The specialist said cold might make me feel better but wouldn't help much so to focus on the warm.

        Which drops did your doctor prescribe for allergies?


        • #19
          Hi Mommy,

          No I don't know about Thermoflo. Seems to be same effect as compresses and massage.
          Thanks for the info. I've found "Body shop tea tree oil".

          My Doctor suspected an allergy but he is not sure, so he prescribed me Cromedil drop to try. I suspected too because a strong pain that stung came suddenly on spring and I still have irritation until now. I wonder how to see an allergy.
          He saw some secretion on the eyelash, but didn't say anymore. I'll see him again at the end of January.

