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Dry eye at 22

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  • Dry eye at 22

    Hi everyone, I am pretty new here. I am 22 years old, and I have one year left before I graduate from college.
    I have been having problems with my eyes for about two years now. About couple months ago, everything went south.
    At first, I often feel that there is something in my eyes, but it only lasts for few seconds. Then, my eyelid started twitching out of the blue; it hasn't stopped since then. I have visited two doctors, both of them thought it was just an uncomplicated disease, and told me that it would go away on its own. However, it has gotten worse as I have to keep putting eye drops in my eyes every 20 mins or so. Until recently I went to visit new optometrists, and I have been diagnosed with chronic dry eye and MGD.

    Based on my research, is it true that there is no cure for these symptoms ?? Because I am feeling depressed and pessimistic right now. It seems like " I AM THE UNLUCKY ONE, " and this is " the end of the world."

    I want to know how did you guys get through this transition period and " how to cope with these symptoms" PLEASE SHARE YOUR STORIES WITH ME !!!!

  • #2
    Hey Kevin,

    hope you’re doing okay! I feel your pain, I really really do. You’re not alone.

    i’m 22 also and i’ve been suffering from this for almost 2 years, my problems all escalated because eye doctors just didn’t take my initial complaints seriously and now i’m Left with severely dry eyes and inflammation that won’t go away. Could sound dramatic but it’s starting to depress me, I just feel so envious of other people who aren’t experiencing it. I’m haunted at the idea of having it for the rest of my life because i’ve Tried basically everything and nothing has helped.

    what regimen are you doing at the moment and what drops are you using?

    hang in there, we all have up and down days!


    • #3

      Hi, this is Kevin.

      I am sorry to hear that, and I am still in the transition period.
      However, I got to be honest with you. Based on my research and consultation with my optometrists, there is NO cure for this symptom. I was prescribed with LOTEMAX GEL as my main medicine to ease the pain ( 3 times a day) since the GEL lasts longer than the drops. I am also using HYLO eyedrops on the side just to lubricate my eyes as needed.

      Regarding food, I am trying to consume as much OMEGA 3 as possible, which includes salmon and Fish oil. On the other hand, I also had to quit caffeine, anything that contains caffeine is a BIG NO, which includes coffee, tea, alcohol, or even coke.

      I hope that helps.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kevinhairspray View Post
        However, it has gotten worse as I have to keep putting eye drops in my eyes every 20 mins or so. Until recently I went to visit new optometrists, and I have been diagnosed with chronic dry eye and MGD.
        HI Kevin: This comment you made makes me think of how I was feeling. I wrote this post some time ago but you might find it gives you some pause for thought. I sincerely hope that you can get a handle on your situation.

