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Polysorbate 80

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  • Polysorbate 80

    One of the first drops I used when I first started having my dry eyes get worse was it dropped the contain polysorbate 80. This drop made my eye burn for 3 hours after using. Forgot what drop it was but what was a major name brand. Was browsing the web and found that someone else used a drop with polysorbate 80 that had previously not had this in it. My dry eyes are not thoroughly diagnosed. Doctor said I have mild blepharitis and a little clogging of the meibomian glands. But he only expressed one side. Didn't tell me whether or not the oil was good or not or do any test on it. Just prescribed me Restasis and said keep my eyes clean wash with baby soap do warm compresses to help make sure the oils are coming out. So my question basically is anybody else have problem with drops with polysorbate 80. I noticed that Restasis has polysorbate 80 in it and have tried it and it does Sting and burn my eye for about an hour. Perhaps that's why Restasis Burns more for some than others also I'm sure it depends on the degree of your dry eye. I have only tried it in what I call my good I the one that's not as bad. I first noticed at the onset of my dry eyes actually having pain in my left eye first which is the worse eye. I get no relief from preservative free drops that I use refresh celluvisc and Bausch & Lomb lubricant. My situation is complicated I think I may have some sinusitis again as I do have runny nose and stuffy nose and sometimes clear nose completely. Have a history of a deviated septum that I had surgery on about 15 years ago and had a cyst in the sinus cavity removed and the septum opened up to allow more airflow so cyst does not occur again. My left nasal passages frequently dry but I also take an antidepressant that has a high antihistamine property to it called mirtazapine. Didn't even think of the correlation of possibly sinusitis causing some of the dry eye problems currently. Also suffer from anxiety and depression for quite a long time and know that anxiety can create a lot of inflammation in the body. Also lost lots of weight loss the past 4 years for multiple reasons. First one was a flare-up of pancreatitis. Second one was getting fired from my job and not eating well for 2 weeks. Third one was developing gastritis and losing weight from that and thirdly was from suffering from anxiety so severe that it affected my eating terribly. Bounced back a little bit from that and get worse anxiety again and ended up losing more weight. have been experiencing the symptoms of sinusitis again for the past six or seven months didn't really realize it as a runny nose is a side effect of the Klonopin I take. I tend to get the stuffy nose usually at night and mouth breathing. Nose is runny during the daytime. Saw an ENT doctor little over a month ago due to sore throat and trouble swallowing I also have Gerd that's what they attributed to. I did mention to him that I had the Sceptile plasty surgery in the cyst removed 15 years ago. but now I'm correlating the possibility of sinusitis contributing to my dry eye onset at least. Anyone else have pain with drops with polysorbate 80. Planning on seeing another eye doctor or going back to the same one maybe I'm not sure and going over things more thoroughly and also going to see the ENT doctor about the sinus issues and discuss the dry eyes problem with him also. Sorry for such a long post any input would be appreciated. I asked you right on the internet to polysorbate 80 comes in different grades of forms and is actually an eye irritant.
    Last edited by ozzyz666; 17-Mar-2018, 13:23.

  • #2
    Don't know about polysorbate but you should do some tests to get the right diagnosis: TBUT, Schirmer, Lipiview.
    Baby shampoo is not recommended anymore;


    • #3
      What the best to clean eyes with


      • #4
        Wow you sure have a lot going on don't you, sorry about that!

        A lot of drops have polysorbate 80 but a lot don't so should not be too difficult to avoid if you know that one is a problem for you? We have a handy ingredient reference list here.

        For lid cleansing, there's an awful lot of products on the market, plenty in drugstores and more online. Totally agree re no baby shampoo - it helps and harms at the same time, better to use something that will not mess with your tear film. For a simple one, I've always liked the basic Ocusoft foam (though I don't care for the pads) but there's lots of options. We have quite a few in the dry eye shop also if you want to use that to browse/get ideas.
        Rebecca Petris
        The Dry Eye Foundation


        • #5
          Originally posted by ozzyz666 View Post
          What the best to clean eyes with
          ill add my experience with lid hygiene. I was using avenova first, with azasite for two weeks..dropped the azasite and kept with the avenova (hypochlorus acid). This treatment got my flame torch like burning down A LOT . However, as I kept using avenova to clean my lids, my eyes would get inflamed and the lids would get dry. Brought this up to my doc and said I feel cleaning with avenova now is causing me more issues. Plus I was still in serious pain but no longer suicidal dying for relief. So he switched it up and told me to try the pre moistened lid scrubs by Alcon...this product does not bother my eye, the ingredients seem safe and it pretty effective. Not as effective as avenova but now I have no more ocular inflammation with cleaning using these pads.

          i wish I could use avenova without a bad's a great product. If you can try it, give it a go. Warm compress also induces a lot of inflammation for me so I limit them to once a week. Otherwise I get more ocular inflammation.

          Good luck with the lid hygiene and finding a product that works for you.


          • #6
            Thanks for your replies. I had been using a product called hyadrate lid and lash cleaner. Similar ingredients to avenova. Small bottle went pretty fast though. started doing warm compresses once or twice a day and got them to feel a little bit better for about a week. Then it seemed like the compresses just increase the inflammation. Think I was using them a little too warm hard to judge the temperature.

            Went to another doctor and she expressed all my glands on the bottom and said they were okay. I was expecting her to use her lipid view thing but she did not . Said to use genteal gel at night which I tried before and that one tended to burn my eyes more than others. And to use lacrilube at night if I need to which I had tried a long time ago and it seemed to make them worse after using it for about a week . Also a royal pain the clean up all the grease afterwards . Somehow I don't think putting Vaseline and mineral oil in your eye is the best thing either . Have been using refresh celluvisc gel at night for quite a while even though it does initially sting at first it seem to keep my eyes okay till the morning till a few weeks ago. Doesn't cut it anymore. Was suggested to try xiidra or Restasis.

            Regarding the whole correlation of the sinuses in the dry eyes the other doctor who I saw him recently suggested that I go to the University of Chicago where they have high end Top Notch Dr the could analyze and correlate the whole problem potentially. Can't get in to see them for over a month though. Have a virus right now just getting over it and on the onset of the nose and stuffy nose eyes got worse with that cold of course. After leaving a message with the one eye doctor asking him if there could be a correlation with the sinus itis issues he's the one that referred me to the University and would not call me back and his assistant in the office would not even give him a message that I just wanted to ask him one more question she said this is what I was told to tell you and he basically dismissed me as a patient. Was also told a while back by doctor that I seen that I did not blink completely. If I'm not blinking completely also possible that I may sleep with my eyes open a little bit too is what my regular doctor said as I am waiting to have a test for sleep apnea and unfortunately went to a doctor that I didn't know had much of availability near my house so I have to wait 3 more weeks to get my home equipment to do it. The insurance would not approve it to be done in a lab. I think in those sleep studies they're able to tell if your eyes open up or not while you're sleeping cuz I know they look at you on the monitor but I think they can hook up other equipment to you also.

            So basically his advice was take Restasis keep your eyelids clean with baby shampoo use gel drops at night. He also did say that I had some mild blepharitis. He gave me an antibiotic appointment which I put on for several days and it seemed to help at night as some of it obviously got into my eyes but the next day my eyes were tearing from it. Initially he tried putting in the punctual plug in the worst I and it felt so uncomfortable I didn't know if I could get used to it or not I guess I should have tried it for a couple days but I had them take it out he suggested leaving it in for a couple days and I have very high anxiety so I'm very sensitive to pain and different Sensations. so at that time I just had him take it out. I just wanted to ask him if the Restasis would even help if the majority of my dry eye seems to be coming from the mirtazapine antidepressant that I take which is a very strong antihistamine property do it. I'm sure it doesn't help. but his assistant wouldn't let me ask her the one question to give to him to call me when he can about the mirtazapine.
            I use Bausch & Lomb soothe during the daytime and it's usually okay but sometimes it actually stinks the lid margin on the bottom I guess that's because it's dry.

            just tried Oasis Tears few days ago and they seemed okay at first but after a while in the eye pocket as he would call it in the bottom after a while started burning down in there seem to irritate it had high hopes for that one as I read a lot of good things about it. So I'm back to using the refresh celluvisc at night which initially stings a little bit and if too much gets out onto the lid margin on the bottom will sting that for a while too so I have to block whatever drips out for the Kleenex. If I happen to wake up a couple hours later that drop has worn off in my eye is already burning and tearing now. The right one which is a little better it is also tearing within a couple hours of putting the drop in.
            Tried quite a few others too. First eye doctor I saw equated the drops with putting lotion on a sore and he said if your eyes are very dry and irritated anything is going to sting and burn a little bit which I don't completely agree with for a artificial tear at least that's supposed to be soothing and lubricate the eye. Or at least if it initially stings a little should go away.

            my other problem right now is I don't even have any money to buy more lid cleaners until my mom gets her social security check I have applied for disability and get some general assistance from the local Township for rent and a $25 a month gift card 4 Walmart. And of course get supplemental food income snap as it's called I guess in Illinois. But basically both of us are only living off my mom's Social Security right now. Spent $24 on the Oasis Tears but I most likely won't be able to continue using. Also tried systane Ultra preservative free those burned my eyes. Up until recently the Bausch & Lomb soothe is what I use during the day frequently never irritated the eye itself just the rims or sometimes even the very dry skin that I have around my eyes.

            so since I'm on Medicaid I am limited to Dr but the university does take my Medicaid plan.
            Last edited by ozzyz666; 30-Mar-2018, 18:42.


            • #7
              Alright, I have a few more opinions...if you have inflammation, a lot of things you put in your eye will sting. The type of drop matters, I can pretty much only use theratears. It's hypertonic and my eyes like that, I also like isotonic solutions. But for me, some drops throw of the osmotic balance of the epithelium. If you have inflammation, doing a hot compress too hot or too frequently will make things worse by increasing inflammation. When I reduced my hot compress to once a week, after doing it the way you did, my eyes got better. Avenova also causes inflammation for me. The hypochlorous acid was irritating my cornea and drying my lids. My doc said stop that, and gave me these Alcon pre moistened lid cleansers. No irritation with those but not as effective as avenova sadly.

              I live really close to Chicago, after seeing a few doctors local I decided to go to northwestern university to get my eye looked at. Complete waste of's a teaching hospital so they were more worried about teaching the interns than helping me with my problem. I hope your experience is better.

              i believe if you keep presssing for answers you'll find them and you'll get better...your biggest issue right now is cash, sorry about that.


              • #8
                Thanks again dowork123. I live near Chicago to. As you can tell a lot of this is very new to me. How do I know if isotonic or hypertonic. I already have very dry skin all around my eyes including the lids and was actually just using a neutral non-drying body wash for a while to clean everything with. Just using baby shampoo in the shower to wash my eyelids dries them out. The hydralate product contains the same type of acid didn't seem to dry my Lids much.


                • #9
                  Also now that my virus is getting better at least during the night. But I got up about 5 a.m. to use the bathroom I only opened my right eye and it was not tearing like it had been for the past week and a half. The left side is still bad but it's always been the worst side seems like it's the side that still has more of the virus infection in it and potentially sinus infection.


                  • #10
                    Also found a helpful link to blinking exercises as I was told that I also don't blink fully. One cause of this is neurological and can be related to taking a lot of neurological drugs which I have. The link gave a good analogy of retraining your eye muscles to Blink properly and minded show signs of neurological interference. One is I felt the weakness of the eye muscle when I would blink we link said to close your eye and hold your finger on the side of your eye and if you feel it wiggling a little bit that means it's week good info on this site


                    • #11
                      ozzyz666 PM me if I can help with the 'practical stuff' side of things (for example Oasis drops, the company sends of lots of samples. The exhorbitant out-of-pocket costs of dry eye are something else. I was going to suggest autologous serum till I read a little further on your situation. But with the pain side of dry eye, there's usually a lot of mileage to be had with plain old physical barrier protection, which comes pretty cheap.
                      Rebecca Petris
                      The Dry Eye Foundation


                      • #12
                        What are your suggestions for physical barriers for the pain as you stated in your message sorry for the long reply.

