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Dry eyes and cannabis, pot, weed in 2018

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  • Dry eyes and cannabis, pot, weed in 2018

    Hello everyone, I tend to believe this may be a controversial topic. However, I also believe this topic isn't discussed nearly enough and could be useful . When I first found the site, I was searching for people that smoked/ate cannabis like myself and how they did so with dry eyes. I found one thread on here from a gentleman in the Netherlands that said smoking weed helped his dry eye. The responses from most of the people back then, over a decade ago, were unsatisfactory for me at least. So my goal is to update the ideas surrounding pot and give a title that would help someone searching for this information.

    About whole life I was depressed. I would come home every day after school and cry for hours on end. My family abused me at home, kids made fun of me at school for being fat and awkward...I felt trapped in this life of pain. I remember at age 15 going to my county library and researching drugs, illicit drugs like marijuana, lsd, etc. when I found out cannabis had been used as medicine for over 5000 years by many different cultures AND I couldn't kill myself by overdose, I was sold. I said, this may be what helps me feel I experimented with it. The first time I got high I thought, this is how other normal people feel about the world. It changed my life...I finally felt joy, I didn't want to kill my self everyday...I was finally living. So I used pot from age 16-27 pretty much daily. Around 27 I was diagnosed as possibly being bipolar, my therapist believed she couldn't truly diagnose me unless I quit smoking. I was growing cannabis at the time just so I didn't have to pay for it. So I said alright, I trust you, let's see what happens if I quit. Checked into a rehab in 2007 for 90 days, paid cash for the facility and did what I had to do. Sober 100% for 2 years...I was diagnosed bipolar and the meds they put me on caused more suicidal ideation. It was bad, so I decided to go back to pot. It was safe, made me feel good, why am I torturing myself. I wasn't sleeping well those two years, threading my now wife very poorly. So I started again...and my life instantly got better again. More love for being alive, more kind to my now wife, better sleep...I was just better.

    So heres where it gets funky...I should have been paying closer attention to what was happening here. Let me also say, a few things. My problem is the reason doctors are not allowed to write themselves scripts...I couldn't temper my use. I went from smoking flower, to smoking hash, and then just increasing my hash intake to just insane levels. I felt like this, pots safe, I can't OD, just flood the receptors. This was bad....why? Because it causes transient dry eye every time you smoke, I was smoking non stop from waking til sleep. I was eating edibles that would put people in the hospital (out of fear). I believe my heavy cannabis use was one of many factors (sound familiar, multifactorial disease) that caused my abrasion/dry eye to be so bad.

    So let's talk about the injury, I got dust in my eye on two occasions on the same day. I was repotting a plant and some dust flew into the air, got into my eye, blinked a few times and went on about my work. Then, went to push my garbage can down and a cloud of dust again came up, into my eyes, I blinked and felt normal so thought nothing of it. This has happened in the past with no issues. Here's what was different now...extremely heavy hash use, meaning much drier eyes. I didn't rinse my eyes because to be honest, I didn't realize there was anything in them that could hurt my eyes, super dumb. I'm older now and I believe I had MGD prior to the injury. I noticed at night staring at my phone my eyes would burn. I would just close and squeeze them and was fine. I was photophobic, I couldn't go outside and not feel some eye soreness. But I always drive and I have 5% tint on my car, so I created an environment that put my symptoms on the back burner. Once the particles got behind my lids and stick there, I was scraping my cornea every blink, every R.E.M. sleep I had, then after a few days I noticed major issues, extreme photophobia, my 1000 watt lights were really hurting my eyes in my grow room. Also, my near vision was effected but zero pain. Then I woke up from a nap on day 5 or so and rubbed my eyes...biggest mistake ever. That caused two big abrasion behind my lids...which initiated the extreme dry eye disease. Still no pain oddly enough. I go in, doc doesn't stain me, sends me on my way...then a couple days later...the pain started, the burning and pinching feeling, foreign body, you guys and gals know what I'm talking about. And now I'm here, talking to all of you.

    whats my point? Well I want to say that I believe cannabis made this worse in the acute phase, why? I believe it was drying me so bad it was causing the erosions...if I had known that it was an issue I would have stopped. It was too late before I had realized the pot was making the healing worse. Not to mention I am sure I had MGD prior to this it was just asymptomatic.

    so I wanted to post this so people know, do not smoke pot before lasik, prk or a debridement. If you get an abrasion stop smoking immediately. Find something else less drying to help. For me, it was xanax. I hate taking pills, however I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for the xanax and the hydrocodone here and there to get me through those really painful times.

    I still smoke pot once a day, I actually vaporize it now because smoking in and of itself agitates my body. Causes inflammation, vaping thankfully doesn't. I cannot eat cannabis as a lot of docs suggest. Eating it is worse, because it's stronger so any increased effects for the good are also increased dryness effects.

    So I'm curious are there any pot smokers out there with issues? I cannot take the antipsychotics and anticonvulsants, so my only relief is from pot and now that's been halted a bit. Any other bipolar folks out there having a hard time dealing with the disease?

    Do do I think pot is bad for dry eye? Well for mine it is, I'm curious if anyone actually finds relief from cannabis. It is said has anti inflammatory properties, so I'm sure it could be useful....just not sure how and from who.

    thanks for reading, much love to all!

  • #2
    It's funny you should mention marijuana and dry eyes. I saw a doctor the other day who recommended CBD (one of the active ingredients in marijuana) as a way to relieve dry eye pain. Apparently, CBD can give you some of the benefits of marijuana (pain and anxiety relief) without the major adverse effects. If marijuana is legal in your state, you should have no problem finding CBD oil at a local pot shop.

    Here's an article written by someone who took CBD oil for anxiety:

    What you need to know about computer-induced dry eye
    Dry Eye Survey
    IPL Doctors
    Probing Doctors


    • #3
      This is hardly proof that long term it is a useful tool having only taken it for 2 days. She went from one dropper of oil the first day, was supposed to up it to 2 the next but then instead took 4 droppers and was looking forward to her fix the next morning. It sounds like she could end up being an must approach with caution because as Dowork123 said "I couldn't temper my use" and that got him into trouble. It's like the old saying 'if a little does a little good, a lot will do a lot of good'....NOT
      Last edited by farmgirl; 09-Apr-2018, 14:52.


      • #4
        Originally posted by pythonidler View Post
        It's funny you should mention marijuana and dry eyes. I saw a doctor the other day who recommended CBD (one of the active ingredients in marijuana) as a way to relieve dry eye pain. Apparently, CBD can give you some of the benefits of marijuana (pain and anxiety relief) without the major adverse effects. If marijuana is legal in your state, you should have no problem finding CBD oil at a local pot shop.

        Here's an article written by someone who took CBD oil for anxiety:

        I have 99% cbd on hand, it personally did next to nothing for my inflammation and I still got a drying efffect...however, it's worth a try. For some people thc and/or cbd relieves pain, for me, it intensifies it. Just my biochemistry I assume. So I would not rule out cbd just yet...I will say it's very safe and a dose suggested for ocular inflammation would be around 200-300mg cbd if it's 99% pure...from my experience and research, that's my take on it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
          This is hardly proof that long term it is a useful tool having only taken it for 2 days. She went from one dropper of oil the first day, was supposed to up it to 2 the next but then instead took 4 droppers and was looking forward to her fix the next morning. It sounds like she could end up being an must approach with caution because as Dowork123 said "I couldn't temper my use" and that got him into trouble. It's like the old saying 'if a little does a little good, a lot will do a lot of good'....NOT
          let me say, if you are referencing the study/blog python finder put up, she wasn't getting high from cbd. It has literally zero psychoactive effect. It's like taking Advil. I think she was just trying to find her dose to be fair and I think it really relieved her symptoms so I wouldnt call her an abuser personally. I was an abuser, 100%. But I didn't see it that way at the time. I thought i was effectively managing my bipolar, and I was, but at what cost?

          Yeah, the main reason I didn't temper my use was because I told myself a lie and didn't realize it. I felt I could literally flood my receptors and nothing terribly bad would happen. Pots safe, it can't kill you...which is true. That said, to think it would have no effect on my body was just dumb. However, looking back, I needed to stop consuming all that hash. The hash, which is concentrated marijuana, is akin to sugar. When you extract and concentrate sugar you get health issues like diabetes. When you eat corn or sugar cane that doesn't happen...I mean you'd break every tooth in your face trying to eat sugar cane, lol. I feel the same about smoking flowers, it limits your ability to ingest insane quantities of thc...but once you concentrate it, health issues become more apparent. That's why I grew it, I couldn't smoke the amount I was smoking and have people using pesticides and fungicides and nutrients with heavy metals in them. I was trying to be safe I was just slightly misguided.

          I actually had to quit for a while, a few times, just because I couldn't tolerate the burning. When I went back to it, I would get a paychedelic effect and thought to myself, how on gods earth was a consuming 10-20 times this amount. Because I've grown pot for 15 years I had access to amounts no human could ever really afford. I smoked about 5,000 USD worth of pot a month. Again, I was being my own doctor/pharmacist I just didn't have the foresight to cycle my use so that I could get a maximum effect with a minimal dose. My bipolar anxiety/manic/hypomanic states just kept me so agitated I couldn't stop.

          Let me also say, there's a super fine line between an effective dose and abuse. The issue with any drug sadly, is that you will eventually build a tolerance and need more, so you have two choices, keep pushing it so that you maintain maximum effect and cause possible health issues, or cycle it back, have a few shitty days so that you can use less and achieve your desired result.

          Lifes a strabge balancing act. The days I quit smoking my depression was so bad, the suicidal thought were so bad, I said well, it's either physical pain or mental pain you gotta choose. So I'm vaping once a day now. That's my sweet spot...the eyes are feeling better every day, have another topic I'm going to post soon about hard shower water...fixing that has been huge as well.


          • #6
            Dowork123 Thank you for your detailed post and sorry for the problems you have been going through since your childhood. I suffer from similar problems since my early ages and due to antidepressants, acne medications and contact lense overwear I have severe dry eyes at the age of 30. While struggling with my eye issues, 3 months ago I started to suffer from constant and high pitched ear ringing that is called Tinnitus, which is not treatable similar to dry eye, according to modern medicine. So I am searching for alternatives to overcome the anxiety associated with Tinnitus (since I fear to take antidepressant that can further damage my eyes), because I cannot sleep anymore due to loud noise in my head which in turn deteriorates more my eyes.. Long story short, I read that many Tinnitus sufferers use CBD oil to fight with anxiety and insomnia and I also want to try it, eventhough in my country it is prohibited I search for ways to bring it. But now I started to question whether it will make my eye dryness worse, while trying to suppress my Tinnitus related problems..


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

              I have 99% cbd on hand, it personally did next to nothing for my inflammation and I still got a drying efffect...however, it's worth a try. For some people thc and/or cbd relieves pain, for me, it intensifies it. Just my biochemistry I assume. So I would not rule out cbd just yet...I will say it's very safe and a dose suggested for ocular inflammation would be around 200-300mg cbd if it's 99% pure...from my experience and research, that's my take on it.
              That's too bad it didn't work for you. I'm sure there's plenty still out there for pain management, though.
              What you need to know about computer-induced dry eye
              Dry Eye Survey
              IPL Doctors
              Probing Doctors


              • #8
                Originally posted by chuto View Post
                Dowork123 Thank you for your detailed post and sorry for the problems you have been going through since your childhood. I suffer from similar problems since my early ages and due to antidepressants, acne medications and contact lense overwear I have severe dry eyes at the age of 30. While struggling with my eye issues, 3 months ago I started to suffer from constant and high pitched ear ringing that is called Tinnitus, which is not treatable similar to dry eye, according to modern medicine. So I am searching for alternatives to overcome the anxiety associated with Tinnitus (since I fear to take antidepressant that can further damage my eyes), because I cannot sleep anymore due to loud noise in my head which in turn deteriorates more my eyes.. Long story short, I read that many Tinnitus sufferers use CBD oil to fight with anxiety and insomnia and I also want to try it, eventhough in my country it is prohibited I search for ways to bring it. But now I started to question whether it will make my eye dryness worse, while trying to suppress my Tinnitus related problems..
                Im sorry to hear about your troubles as well. I totally understand the ringing ears...I do not have tinnitus but I've had episodes of ringing in my ears and it's not fun. I know it's always scary to try new things in fear they may make you worse off...but if you can try cbd, give it a shot. Any dryness will be transient and subside in a few hours, at least for me it does. Everyones chemical makeup is so different, what works for one person may not work for another and vice versa. I really hope you find some seems people like us, with anxiety and depression, suffer physical pain more than "normal" people. Just sucks.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post
                  let me say, if you are referencing the study/blog python finder put up, she wasn't getting high from cbd. It has literally zero psychoactive effect. It's like taking Advil. I think she was just trying to find her dose to be fair and I think it really relieved her symptoms so I wouldnt call her an abuser personally.
                  Just because it does not have any psychoactive effects doesn't mean it cannot be abused. My niece died from Tylonal abuse, it shut down her liver which shut down the kidneys and there was no recovering. I guess my real point was that she should have used it more than 2 days before writing her testimony for the world to see.


                  • #11
                    Don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting that you shouldn't try or use cbd. In fact in July when cannabis becomes legal in Canada I will probably be one of the first on the band wagon to try it both for sleep and dry eye. My point was that I think that after 2 days it was a bit premature to declare cbd the answer to all prayers regarding any condition. One must always proceed with caution when it comes to drugs, ANY drug especially ones that are really in the realm of the unknown. It is only in the last few years that medical marijuana has been touted as the answer to prayer regarding many conditions and in reality very little is known about the long term use or potential for abuse. I believe it has great potential but one cannot be certain of the addictive nature of it nor the long term effects on the neural pathways in the brain.

                    I recently saw a video where Pharmaceutical companies were touting the wonders of opioid pain medications and declaring that only 1% of patients became addicted to them but don't tell that to people like my son who has struggled (and still continues to struggle) for over a year to get off of the Fentanol he was prescribed like candy for pain following a severe car accident. He gets no high from it he only gets the severe withdrawals if it is denied.

                    Here is a short enlightening article of the history of opioids and it is very sad....who knew what these miracle drugs could lead to.


                    I repeat one must proceed with caution.


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by farmgirl View Post

                      Just because it does not have any psychoactive effects doesn't mean it cannot be abused. My niece died from Tylonal abuse, it shut down her liver which shut down the kidneys and there was no recovering. I guess my real point was that she should have used it more than 2 days before writing her testimony for the world to see.
                      You said, she was looking forward to her next fix... I was not addressing abuse, I was addressing your assumption that she was getting a "fix" from her use. Anything can be abused.


                      • #13
                        I didn't make that up it is kinda what she said and I quote...'I woke up seriously looking forward to my morning CBD oil fix'....

                        Now having said that I know that it was tongue in cheek but that is how she felt about it day 3 and I repeat....proceed with caution and write your testimony after having used it for a year and when you have determined exactly how it works, for how long and whether or not the effects are sustained and can you live without it should you choose. That would be a worthwhile testimony.


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
                          I didn't make that up it is kinda what she said and I quote...'I woke up seriously looking forward to my morning CBD oil fix'....

                          Now having said that I know that it was tongue in cheek but that is how she felt about it day 3 and I repeat....proceed with caution and write your testimony after having used it for a year and when you have determined exactly how it works, for how long and whether or not the effects are sustained and can you live without it should you choose. That would be a worthwhile testimony.
                          I think your recommendation to proceed with caution is very intelligent. I agree completely, research, use wisely, write a log on how you feel, etc.


                          • #15
                            I posted an update but for some reason it didn't let's try again.

                            i have been vaporizing pot exclusively smoking (no combustion) and no eating, just heating to vapor. The drying effect is reduced 70% just by avoiding burning the material. Just goes to show you (me also) that smoking anything is bad.

                            My last dr visit, to a specialist that hates prescribing drugs, was very positive. He said keep using the marijuana he thinks it's a great idea. I didn't probe him and ask why...he mentioned that it's natural and he prefers natural methods. I just thought it was odd for him to support cannabis...not bad, just odd...I think because when this all happened it was causing me more problems.

                            In general I'm doing well, my treatment, diet, training, etc. is really helping my condition. The specialist wanted me to start taking doxy because he said my meibum was foamy...never heard foamy before, but I'm starting the doxy if he thinks it will help. Of course my OCD has me researching and finding that azithromycin oral or topical (azasite) are more effective than doxy. But I'm going to just take the doxy and see what happens. The guy is one of the best in my area. Only person in my state that compounds his own autologous serum drops. He's also going to make me a preservative free version of I can avoid long term exposure to the preservatives

                            I'll keep you all posted but so far vaping has given me relief...feeling good.

