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Muro 128 and meibomian glands

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  • Muro 128 and meibomian glands

    Hi guys, I am currently using Muro 128 at bedtime after PRK surgery as per my doctor's instructions, but feel that the ointment is blocking my meibomian glands. Has anyone else found this happens, and is there an alternative that works without blocking the glands?

  • #2
    No one has chimed in so let me say this....when my eyes got injured, I didn't have that much pain, my MGD was there but it wasn't bad. Once I started using refresh optics I noticed that the excess would accumulate on my lid margins. I believe this caused my MGD to get worse. So do I think muro 128 will clog your glands, possibly yes. So after you apply it, if you get any excess on your lids, wipe it off with a cotton round.

    This is the the best advice I can give, good luck.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post
      No one has chimed in so let me say this....when my eyes got injured, I didn't have that much pain, my MGD was there but it wasn't bad. Once I started using refresh optics I noticed that the excess would accumulate on my lid margins. I believe this caused my MGD to get worse. So do I think muro 128 will clog your glands, possibly yes. So after you apply it, if you get any excess on your lids, wipe it off with a cotton round.

      This is the the best advice I can give, good luck.

      Thanks Dowork. By Refresh Optics are you referring to the ointment or eye drops? I also use the nonpreservative refresh optic fusion drops.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Johno_87 View Post

        Thanks Dowork. By Refresh Optics are you referring to the ointment or eye drops? I also use the nonpreservative refresh optic fusion drops.
        Sorry my phones correcting things I don't want corrected, lol. I was using the refresh optive drops, not the gel, just the 1% carboxymethylcellulose.

        I eventually switched to the systane preservative free, then those weren't offering relief, so I switched to theratears preservative free. The problem with all these drops is they just don't really offer great relief, each one has a drawback....the refresh would stick to my eyelashes, the systane was great but didn't last long, the theratears last longer but when I put them in it actually causes grittiness.

        the only tears I will continue to use are my autologous serum drops. They are perfect in every way for me. No foreign body, extremely smooth and soothing in the eye, and the beneficial effects last for hours and are superior to any other drop I've used.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

          Sorry my phones correcting things I don't want corrected, lol. I was using the refresh optive drops, not the gel, just the 1% carboxymethylcellulose.

          I eventually switched to the systane preservative free, then those weren't offering relief, so I switched to theratears preservative free. The problem with all these drops is they just don't really offer great relief, each one has a drawback....the refresh would stick to my eyelashes, the systane was great but didn't last long, the theratears last longer but when I put them in it actually causes grittiness.

          the only tears I will continue to use are my autologous serum drops. They are perfect in every way for me. No foreign body, extremely smooth and soothing in the eye, and the beneficial effects last for hours and are superior to any other drop I've used.
          Did you have to ask your doctor to try serum drops or did they suggest it to you?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Johno_87 View Post

            Did you have to ask your doctor to try serum drops or did they suggest it to you?
            I had to keep going to doctors and pushing for better treatment. I found a dry eye dr that knew a dr that made the drops, she suggested I go see him for the serum tears. I just kind of got lucky...he's the only guy in my area that does serum. But they made a huge difference.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dowork123 View Post

              I had to keep going to doctors and pushing for better treatment. I found a dry eye dr that knew a dr that made the drops, she suggested I go see him for the serum tears. I just kind of got lucky...he's the only guy in my area that does serum. But they made a huge difference.
              Thanks Dowork, I appreciate your insight


              • #8
                Originally posted by Johno_87 View Post

                Did you have to ask your doctor to try serum drops or did they suggest it to you?
                WHAT ARE SERUM DROPS???? They sound magical.

                I was diagnosed with dry eyes, blepharitis, and MGD last year as well as anatomical narrow angles. It was a nightmare. It got better with a regmine I chose, then it came back. I haven't been able to work and got into a dangerous living situation as a result of all of this. So I need to sort this out - and fast. Budget = huge concern. Time is of the essence.

                The biggest concern is the MGD. I'm convinced there has to be a "cure". Mine started when I had walking pneumonia and had to take an antibiotic the first time in 10+ years. I think it didn't get completely cleared up and the bacteria or whatever it is got into the system. I'm convinced the strange tear quality is from something that polluted the tear film (fungal, bacterial, etc.) or somehow impacted the texture and want to clear it up.

                Thanks and hope your eyes and everyone's here are improving.


                • #9
                  Hi PerfectEyes,

                  Serum drop is made from our own blood, seems particularly effective with water issue.

                  Since you got better, perhaps good to identy what might have gone wrong.

                  The effective/safe lid hygiene for blepharitis and MGD, according to most top doctors in USA is
                  pure HOCL, like Avenova, to control bacteria overgrow. The beauty of it is NO resistance, like antibiotic.
                  Have you heard of or tried it?

                  Diet such as omega 3, GLA helps too, many studies have shown. Have you tried them??

                  Hope you will find more relief soon!
                  Last edited by MGD1701; 20-May-2018, 02:34.

