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Huge foreign body in eye for almost 3 months!

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  • Huge foreign body in eye for almost 3 months!

    I have had dry eyes for years. I do warm compresses, have taken doxycycline on and off, tried Restasis and most recently Xiidra. I also take fish oil. The condition has been manageable for the most part.

    In early February (almost 3 months ago), I woke up with a very red right eye. The redness was diffuse but more severe in the lower half of my eyeball. There was no real pain (nothing worse than the pain/discomfort of dry eyes).

    It was bad enough that I went to see an optometrist on a Sunday at an eyeglass shop. The optometrist diagnosed an irritated dry eye and prescribed a steroid/antibiotic eye drop and also the Xiidra.

    The steroid drop reduced the redness and I quit using it after about a week (as directed).

    The redness would return periodically. Worse in the mornings. Only right eye.

    I went back to my regular ophthalmology practice 3/31. That doctor also diagnosed an irritated dry eye and put me on Lotemax gel. This helped the redness but when I stopped using it the redness returned.

    Yesterday, 4/27, the redness was really bad. I called the same practice and they fit me in same day. This time I saw the "head Dr", an attending (sorry, not sure of terminology). He asked me many questions, such as did I have an illness before this started, an infection anywhere in my body, checked my TSH prior lab results, felt my lymph nodes, asked if there was anything I was doing differently to my right eye (I wasn't).

    He then proceeded to to a VERY thorough exam, pulling my lower lid down HARD, digging around. . . wait for it . . then pulled out a LARGE CLUMP OF DOG FUR from MY EYE.

    This clump was about an inch long and the width of a blade of grass (in fact when I first saw it I thought it was a blade of grass). The Dr. examined it for some time using the slit lamp and concluded that it was indeed hair/fur. He then dug around in my eye some more and found a couple more hairs.

    WHAT THE HELL!?! (yes I do have a dog). But how on EARTH could I have had such a large foreign body in my eye for almost three months?

    More importantly, how did it get in there without me noticing?? And how can I prevent this from happening again?

    I'm incredibly relieved. Also embarrassed - makes me look like a dirty person (I shower once a day, wash my face twice a day, vacuum my house, wash my bedding once a week).

    Please, any insight would be much appreciated.

  • #2
    Maybe a mirror with 10-20 zoom would help you find such things much easier??


    • #3
      Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
      Maybe a mirror with 10-20 zoom would help you find such things much easier??
      I actually do have a 15x lighted mirror that I use frequently, especially after I do my warm compresses. I like to make sure the oil is being released on the surface of my eye.

      I saw 3 doctors and only the third one saw it - all three looked under my lids, upper & lower. When the third doctor found it, he had to pull my lid WAY down and DIG the hair out - it was lodged all the way back. There is no way I would have been able to see it myself.

      I appreciate your thoughts though!


      • #4
        15x lighted mirror - mind sharing the brand? Thanks!


        • #5
          Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
          15x lighted mirror - mind sharing the brand? Thanks!

          Absolutely! I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond, the brand is Floxite. Here is a link to the product:

          Edited to add - some reviewers say that it stops working after a while if you keep opening and closing it (I'm guessing this wears out the wiring inside). So I just keep mine in an open position in my bathroom drawer. It's a design flaw I guess. But anyway, mine's been fine for about 2 years now; just need to replace the batteries a couple times when the light starts to get a little dim.


          • #6
            I have found another brand. Thanks for your help.
            Last edited by MGD1701; 12-May-2018, 04:56.


            • #7
              The hairs were probably accumulated over time. Does your dog sleep in your bed, if so, not a good idea. You will not be able to find things buried that deep even with a good mirror. I know because one time I had a similar sensation and the Dr dug around and pulled out a good sized chunk of a planters peanut bag along with assorted eyelashes. It was not visible without some deep digging, he almost turned my eyeball around to find it, it seemed to be kinda behind the eyeball.


              • #8
                A lot of foreign bodies are trapped underneath the top eyelids; in an area called the superior fornix.

                Unless you or an eyecare professional flips your top eyelid to look in that area, there may be foreign bodies that remain hidden inside your eye.

                I once found a germinating grass seed in a child's eye even after he was seen multiple times for a foreign body sensation. There's a lot of space in there for things to hide!


                • #9
                  This is crazy! Now I am slightly paranoid about having some actual foreign bodies in my eye


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by eyes78 View Post

                    I actually do have a 15x lighted mirror that I use frequently, especially after I do my warm compresses. I like to make sure the oil is being released on the surface of my eye.

                    Hi eyes78
                    Can you see oil is being released on lower lids with such mirror?
                    If so, mind sharing HOW? I could only see from uppers.

