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FMT and Dry Eye

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  • FMT and Dry Eye

    I know this is a kind of ‘icky’ topic. But has anyone else looked into this?

    Here is an article where it reverses dry eye in mouse models.

  • #2
    Interesting article, shakenbake. Yes, have heard more recently about using FMT to treat autoimmune disease in humans, to help get rid of bad bacteria. I've read increasing studies that supporting too much bad bacteria in one's gut is the cause of most autoimmune disease and many other diseases. I looked into ways to change my diet to address my gut bacteria, and for me this did help my severe dry eyes.

    I supposedly have the autoimmune disease Sjogrens, which typically affects the moisture glands in the eyes and mouth. When I drank fresh lemon juice in strong green tea for about a week, my eyes started to feel less dry. When I stopped, my eyes started feeling dry again, so am positive it helps me. I think somehow the antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of the lemon/tea helped the bacteria in my gut and my overall immune system. For me, it was what my body needed to help manage my dry eyes from the inside out. It's not the solution for everyone as there are so many root causes of dry eyes, but I do know other people with dry eyes it has helped:

    I have subsequently read this study from Purdue University on tea/lemon/citrus combo helping intestines and boosting the immune system and overcoming diseases:
    Last edited by Hokucat; 03-May-2018, 23:13.


    • #3
      I have done FMT with no effect on dry eyes, but I also had complications that I believe compromised the effect of the FMT altogether. I am doing it again in June and will report back if there are any miracles, but I doubt it. I am doing it primarily for GI issues after many rounds of antibiotics, but have a small hope it can address my inflammation issues, including dry eye and sinus problems.

