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The mistakes myself and my dr made in regards to my treatment regimen.

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  • The mistakes myself and my dr made in regards to my treatment regimen.

    So my dry eye stared before my corneal abrasions, I believe I've had MGD for some time. So to recap, hurt my eyes, dry eyes insued, the corneas healed somewhat imperfectly but not too bad, but I couldn't get any relief from the burning, searing pain of inflammation. So I want to start this story when I started my regimen, at dr number 3, the first guy to diagnose my MGD and give me some relief. But I didnt respond well or quickly at all to my treatment and I want to address why.

    so I meet Dr Buck and he finally says you have dry eyes...he goes on to further explain I have inflammation of my eyelids, gave me azasite once a day and avenova once a day. This got my pain from suicidal to just feeling horrible. But I was still miserable, my days consumed with the pain, anxiety, fear, depression that I'm sure we all know too well. I'd say at this point dry eye was still ruining my life.

    So so I go back complaining again but have to see another dr because dr buck wasn't available that day. The doctor expressed my glands and said you have some blockage but it's not that big of a deal from what I can see. I went in because the inner left portion, nasal side, of my left eye was was inflamed with insane veins. He suggested warm compress which dr buck never even mentioned. So I started that and it helped a bit more, still pretty miserable.

    So im feeling fine for a few weeks again I go in and see dr buck because I'm still in pain, still inflamed so he writes me a steroid prescription for alrex and restasis. So I start those....the steroids are a gift from god. They got me under control and regaining my life back but again something was still I went to see another dr for a meibography.

    when I saw dr fluder I realized from the meibography my glands are good just plugged up with gunk and I had only 1 complete blink. So I add blinking exercises. That helps again.

    Now why why am I writing this, because Imrealizing had dr buck given me the steroids along with the compress, the azasite and the hypochlorous acid spray, I probably would have healed much sooner, months. I don't blame him for his diagnosis, he was right, evaporative dry eye caused by MGD. He thought if he treated the MGD the inflammation would go down and I'd feel better. But he never took into account the ocular surface inflammation. I had to piece meal my regimen and with zero detailed instructions.

    So what were my mistakes...well I was putting a cotton round between my compress and my eyes to prevent oils from dirtying the compress effectively making it ineffective. So literally just the other day I put it straight on my eyes, and wow, when I tried to open my eyes they were glued shut. I for the first time, actually got the oil out, then I massaged my lids, clean with avenova put in my steroids, wait 15 mins and put in the restasis...then I also had serum drops made and that took me to nearly asymptomatic. No otc drops can compare to serum tears. They improved my eyesight, no blurry vision upon application, my eyes just feel healthy. I smoked a joint outside in the wind with zero discomfort. Something I never thought I'd be able to do again.

    Im writing this because simple mistakes, not addressing every issue like the ocular inflammation, me making my hot compress nearly ineffective with the cotton rounds, adding the serum tears, blinking exercises, lid massage, all this stuff finally has me feeling pretty much normal.

    So take a look at your regimen. I also noticed if I went too hot with my compress my eyes would get so dry I'd be playing catch up all day trying to get them right. So I use a laser thermometer to check my compress around 107-111F is where I like it. Any hotter it can dry me any cooler I get no expression.

    I feel like i was poinning my wheels because we were addressing each problem slowly over time and my doctors really never explained how to do this stuff properly. The main reason I used the cotton round besides sanitary purposes was hearing people warp their corneas with hot compresses that were too hot. Same reason I didn't do lid massage but that was necessary to open up those glands.

    All the foreign body sensation on my ocular surface I believe now was due to the inflammation and swelling of my upper lid. Filled with trash oil, it was pressing against my already agitated ocular surface. It's why I couldn't fully blink, everything was too swollen.

    Its all making sense for me now...everyone said, I don't see a real problem here, hot compress and tears 4 times a day...I would be like you don't understand I'm in serious pain. Well now I can say their diagnosis matches my symptoms and I'm super happy. Only used my serum 3 times today instead of 4 I felt so good.

    Addressing my hormones was huge too, especially for depression. I just feel way better, took a lot of work and research but I feel human again.

    appreciate you all!

  • #2
    Congratulations Dowork I am so happy that you found your answers, which just goes to show we are all on our own journey but with the help of others we hopefully can piece together what works for us. Also, it you are not getting results with one Dr seek alternate opinions. I hope it stays that way.


    • #3
      Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
      Congratulations Dowork I am so happy that you found your answers, which just goes to show we are all on our own journey but with the help of others we hopefully can piece together what works for us. Also, it you are not getting results with one Dr seek alternate opinions. I hope it stays that way.
      Thank you very much, It always amazes me how doing something so seemingly insignificant played such a huge role. No longer putting those cotton rounds on my compress...and elmers glue started flowing from my lids, lol.

      Im not perfect by any means but I definitely feel I'm getting my life back. I dont feel as limited, it's been the first time in a while I haven't been scared to do things. I mean, I just took for granted riding in a car with the windows down. Now being able to do that again, I feel genuinely very lucky. I have no idea what the future holds in regards to my eyes, but I'm going to just focus on my good days I've been having.

      Hope you're doing well.


      • #4
        I am a bit worse right now, partly because I came from humid Panama to dry old Alberta so my eyes are not liking that. I just had the first proper exam done on my eyes only to find that I have no oils expressing on my lower glands which are very truncated and the uppers had about 3-4 glands that expressed. I was supposed to have an IPL the same day but there were too many things that precluded me from the treatment that day so I will wait until the end of May....sigh. Actually I am not all that sad because I found that the thorough eye exam left me a bit worse for wear, hopefully that will straighten around. Hopefully this too will pass....cheers


        • #5
          Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
          I am a bit worse right now, partly because I came from humid Panama to dry old Alberta so my eyes are not liking that. I just had the first proper exam done on my eyes only to find that I have no oils expressing on my lower glands which are very truncated and the uppers had about 3-4 glands that expressed. I was supposed to have an IPL the same day but there were too many things that precluded me from the treatment that day so I will wait until the end of May....sigh. Actually I am not all that sad because I found that the thorough eye exam left me a bit worse for wear, hopefully that will straighten around. Hopefully this too will pass....cheers
          Yeah, I read that you weren't informed of how to properly prepare for the IPL. I hope you get some relief soon. Genuinely hope the IPL works out for you.


          • #6
            Yeah thanks, me too. Actually I think I was given the information but then left for 5 months and oops forgot to read the instructions.


            • #7
              Originally posted by farmgirl View Post
              Yeah thanks, me too. Actually I think I was given the information but then left for 5 months and oops forgot to read the instructions.
              You must have had a really good 5 months in Panama then assuming you weren't obsessively focused on the IPL? Or am I assuming wrong?

              Im the kind of guy that would have tanked my whole vacation reading about IPL procedures lol.


              • #8
                Thank you for sharing this! Isn’t it crazy how much difference a tailored regimen can make? I hope I find mine soon, too.


                • #9
                  Can you explain how you do your blinking exercises?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dnivara View Post
                    Can you explain how you do your blinking exercises?
                    There are two ways I have found to do it. One is to put your finger on your temples, not your eyes, but your temples. Then you blink and if you feel any muscles in your temples moving, then you're using the wrong muscles to blink. You only want to use your eyelids. The other way is to pretty much do exactly what you just did, except look in every direction and blink five times. So look left blink five times look right blink five times look up blink 5 times etc.


                    • #11
                      Let me also put this in here in case anyone else is having this symptom...when I close my eyes shut completely and add pressure, I get a foreign body type grittiness in my eyes. This is why I was a partial blinker during this whole issue. Because blinking all the way down, the correct way, was very uncomfortable. Now that I released all that glue like oil, I don't have that foreign body sensation when I snap my lids shut completely.

                      Im assuming it's because I relieved the congested meibomium glands in my upper lid...I'd bet money on that assumption being correct.

                      Thats another thing i want to bring up, most doctors only focus on the lower lid when they express the gland and make assessments because it's assumed the lower lid is where most of the oil productions for your lipid layer comes from. But I was/am clearly having issues with those upper glands. If we don't address all the meibomium glands, top and bottom lid, I can see why so many people aren't getting relief. You do your compress wrong, you do your lid scrub wrong or use and inferior lid scrub product, I could keep going...but any one single thing could make or break your regimen.

