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Tested positive for a crazy amount of food allergies/intolerances/candida

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  • Tested positive for a crazy amount of food allergies/intolerances/candida

    Hey Everyone

    As you know, I have been seeing a naturopath for many months now. So far she has discovered my stomach acid is very very low (I could have like ten HCL pills without any symptoms) and there is something wrong with my digestive system. She said this could be for a variety of reasons, antibiotics and stress. My eye issues started during a stressful (yet happy) time in my life. I have a very type A personality and am a perfectionist with everything, especially how I look. So things a normal person wouldn't react to, I freak out about, like a skin rash or something silly. I have been this way since I was young and suffered with skin issues my whole life.

    Anyway, to get to my point.. I always noticed when I ate high carb, high sugar my eyelids would go nuts,face would turn red, ect. I have mentioned this many times in my previous posts! This happens every time. I just got a juicer and was all excited and started juicing (high sugar) guess what? I'm paying for it now!! Bright red lids, acid tears (you know how it goes)

    My lab results came back last week which showed I'm pretty much intolerant to everything. Dairy, wheat, all grains except for a few hard to find ones, salmon, almonds,eggs, high sugar fruits ect. All I can have is veggies and meat.. Also my candida test came back as "high candida" There was a low,moderate and high range. So.. I have candida. This didnt surprise me, I have all the symptoms.

    I am HOPING if I can kill it, my eyes will improve? I have read some stories on here of ocular symptoms from it... But who knows, I'm not holding my breathe...

    Thanks for listening. If anyone has any input or TIPS I would be grateful.

  • #2
    Hi Faith,
    Right now I am doing Brady Barrow's "The Rosacea Diet". I think it is probably similar to Adkins. No bread, 30 carbs or less per day, lots of protein, leafy greens, eggs, cheese, meat, seafood. Strangely, I did not think I could tolerate bacon and eggs, but can when I don't add the carbs. Not sure if I can stick to this or not. We will see. That is my tip: take a look at "The Rosacea Diet". You can buy it for iBook and probably all of those other downloadable gizzmos. Good luck.


    • #3
      Faith- What test or tests did you do? I did the MRT test and came back "reactive" for about a dozen foods. But on my test they have 2 levels of reactive. High and moderate. Overall I feel like that is good news in that you FINALLY might have a source of the eye discomfort and can start addressing those issues. What therapy did you NP suggest for the candida?


      • #4
        Kate- all I know is I had a food intolerance test.. There were different levels of reactivity. My naturopath said to eliminate all the moderate to high reactions. I reacted to almost everything She said candida can cause the body to react to everything. She has ordered me a cleanse kit, it's not here yet. I think the kit consists of probiotics, antifungals and some other stuff. I will let you know once I get it. I mean its kind of good news that it MAY be the reason...but I'm at the point where I have had it for three years (blepharitis now going on like ten months). I am unsure it will ever go away. I know that's a bad attitude but I can't help it.

        Ladiva I have read the book and the candida diet is similar minus eggs and dairy.

        Enough about me lol how are you ladies doing?!


        • #5
          Faith, do you have acid reflux? I've read that candida-like symptoms (i.e., coated tongue, thrush, heartburn, periodontal disease, insomnia) are many times attributed to reflux. And reflux can be brought on by high doses of antibiotics (such doxy) and sometimes antidepressants, which kill off gut bacteria, and in turn, upset the acid levels in the stomach. I see a lot here on "candida," and while I'm not entirely discounting it, it just seems to mimic so many other conditions that could be treated through safe and more inexpensive means. That's a heckuva lot of food intolerances...I mean, ALL grains? Even rice? Or potatoes?

          Now, there is what's called fructose intolerance which can cause a buildup of gas producing bacteria in the gut, which is easily treated through the FODMAP diet. Apples cause me great pain. That would make more sense to me. But wild caught salmon and even goat milk? Those are pretty benign for much of the world's population. Not trying to offend, I just want you to enjoy life and not have to stress so much about food...what's the point if you can eat ANYthing? Cheers.


          • #6
            I am really trying to find out WHY I have symptoms out of no where just one day boom, and I've never been the same since. I'm not saying I found out why I have MGD and dry eye.. Candida usually causes people to have bad food intolerances actually and the naturopath said I wouldn't be doing this forever. Yes I have a really white tounge, anxiety, weird skin rashes, chronic yeast infections, dry inflamed eyes ect. The list goes on

            I would enjoy life more if this went away, I honestly don't care about eating things that are harmful anyway.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Faith1989 View Post
              I am really trying to find out WHY I have symptoms out of no where just one day boom, and I've never been the same since. I'm not saying I found out why I have MGD and dry eye.. Candida usually causes people to have bad food intolerances actually and the naturopath said I wouldn't be doing this forever. Yes I have a really white tounge, anxiety, weird skin rashes, chronic yeast infections, dry inflamed eyes ect. The list goes on

              I would enjoy life more if this went away, I honestly don't care about eating things that are harmful anyway.

              OK--well, if you don't find it too restrictive, it's worth a go. Hope you feel better soon! : )


              • #8
                Thanks notears! I do find it difficult but I am getting better at eliminating sugars. When you are desperate like I am, you will do anything to have your life back. Thank you for the concern though that's what this site is for! I really do not think candida is my only issue.. But it could be making it worse. There's only one way to find out. My boyfriend called this morning and told me to hold on while he ordered Starbucks, large coffee with lemon poppyseed loaf.. I almost cried of jealousy. It upsets me sometimes that some people can eat whatever they want and will have no pain. I guess my favourite professor was right when he told us everyday to remember that life isn't fair....


                • #9
                  Don't ever kid yourself Faith, those choices will probably eventually come back to haunt him and you will be bouncing around dancing attendance on him and he will be envious...LOL....Keep the faith (pardon the pun)...cheers...F/G


                  • #10
                    Farmgirl- your post made me smile and laugh out loud!! Thanks


                    • #11
                      Faith, at the risk of being a old nag, you have the book, but did you try the diet? I was fine with the dairy until we hit cottage cheese today. Or it could have been dinner at mom's with rhubarb chutney. Not sure. It is a joy to be able to finally eat a more varied array of food.


                      • #12
                        So I have been pretty good at starting my anti candida diet... I have "cheated" once or twice and had a banana but other than that I'm doing well cleaning out my body. I have had no sugar, or bread like products, and zero alcohol. Do I feel terrible? Yes. I expected this but I am tired, have brain fog, just want to be alone, mood swings, sweat a lot, crave anything sweet real bad, and am overall sluggish. My eyes have been better but it's to soon to tell. I'm still using Alrex sparingly, and Restasis. For inspiration, I have been watching nutrition and healing with food documentaries on Netflix. I'm a big believer in this stuff, I know some people aren't but like others on here, I will persevere and beat this chronic inflammation!!!


                        • #13
                          Faith- my nutritionist said that for a candida diet stevia is ok, berries are ok and green apples/pears. Also if you are doing nuts you need to blanch them (soaked in water) overnight.
                          What supplements are you doing or are you just doing diet? I am doing the same thing but cheated with two ribs last night oh and martini a few days ago


                          • #14
                            Thanks I didn't know those fruits were okay. From my understanding it takes time and perseverance. I am taking HCL, some Chinese herb, PRN omega 3, and a candiclear 4 kit... Which contains probiotics, antifungals ect. I am already feeling a sense of hope and a better connection with my body. It's hard to explain. There was a family dinner at my boyfriends house tonight, but didnt stay because they had butter chicken and white rice. I didn't even want it. I came home, juiced some veggies and 1/2 an apple, had steamed veggies and chicken.

                            Have you been tested for candida?


                            • #15
                              I have been diagnosed but not tested. I had colon hydrotherapy done last week by a nurse who said she thought my signs were very obvious I had candida. I've taken antibiotics long term (For MGD) and was on and off anti depressants for a little while about 10 years ago. Plus I used to eat SO MUCH junk food. Now I eat extremely clean but my weakness are nuts. I know I eat too many. Oh and not drinking enough water. I think I need to see a naturapth though for the candida treatment and not just focus on diet. Although everything I read says that diet is number 1.

