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Tested positive for a crazy amount of food allergies/intolerances/candida

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  • #16
    Just an update: after a few weeks of doing the candida diet and supplements my eyes were MUCH better, no redness, oil was coming out of my glands ect. I was so happy but depressed at the same time as I had die off symptoms. A few days ago my symptoms started creeping back, and I don't know why! I was totally fine for weeks...

    Do you think it could be a result of cutting back on the antibiotics? I'm worried I was ok for a while without them but still need them for my eyes (skin is clear) I didn't plan on being on them long term but fear my condition is to bad without them. My optho once told me he didn't think I'd ever be able to get off them. I really thought eating this way would help. Maybe I should cut fruit out completely?

    Or could this be a worse before better thing?

    Ladiva- how is the Brady barrows diet going?


    • #17
      Hi Faith,

      I am new to the forum and came across your post. Last September, I went to a naturopath who said I had candida and put me on a candida cleanse. It was a massive amount of pills from a company called Nature's Sunshine. I also did a Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse with her. She also implemented a strict anti-candida diet. Well during the first few days I experienced die-off symptoms just like you did. I had burning skin, itchy skin and eyes (felt like something was "crawling" in them), extreme fatigue and I can't remember what else. Anyways she said those were symptoms of Candida die-off. I was still having symptoms at the end of the 2 week cleanse, so she wanted me to do another one. After the die-off symptoms went away, I started experiencing some improvement in my eyes. Generally they felt a little better and even watered a few times a day. Once I stopped the cleanse, I did go back to eating a few of the foods that weren't on the Candida diet. The improvement went away. Even though I am pretty much eating the Candida diet again, my eyes have not experienced any improvement. I am wondering if you have been tested for heavy metals? I have read that you cannot get rid of the Candida without getting rid of the heavy metals first, and actually many people who have done the heavy metal cleanse got rid of their candida by doing just that. I had a hair analysis done and the doctor said I had slightly elevated levels of aluminum and mercury.

      Personally, I have not been put on any antibiotics for my dry eye even though I have been told I have ocular rosacea. My skin, like yours, has completely cleared up but my eyes have not. Are your eyes still feeling bad after lowering the dose?


      • #18
        I still have four days left on the candiclear kit I got from the naturopath. My first few weeks on it, I was doing ok. I had die off symptoms but nothing to do with my eyes. I was tired and sluggish, sweat a lot but my eyes were good. Then two weeks ago, they flared up BAD but it was a different type of pain. My face turned red, eczema showed up on my right cheek( that I never had before) and everything went downhill. My naturopath doesn't know what happened. I am now back on doxy, and skipped the probiotics today and my eyes are way less burning. It may be die off, but am not sure.

        So I am still continuing the diet, but back on doxy. I think the diet part is helping the most. I stopped eating eggs, grains, dairy, gluten, and cut back on fruit. I eat mostly vegetables and meat. I may try a metals detox kit... I know I've seen them at a health food store here!

