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Two vicious circles that contribute to worsening 'Dry Eye' over time.

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  • Two vicious circles that contribute to worsening 'Dry Eye' over time.

    The ophthalmologist Dr. Craig Blackwell described in a video two separately vicious circles that often combine to worseness a Dry-Eye-Condition over time. I have combined these descriptions into one graphic representation in the hope that this will help to further understanding of how the circles influence each other. The representation is based strictly on what Dr. Blackwell said in two Youtube-videos which I highly recommend watching. I provide a link to a model in the online platform 'Insightmaker' called 'The dry-eye-cycle' which shows the graphic and includes the URLs to the videos mentioned. Any comments would be welcome.
    Ophthalmologist Craig Blackwell described the 'Dry Eye Cycle' in two excellent videos with graphic descriptions. From his description it becomes clear that the Dry Eye Cycle really consist of two self-reinforcing feedback loops. I have constructed these feedback loops here because they help explain the cycle, and understanding it may be very useful for suffers of the often debilitating 'dry eye syndrome '. The process usually starts with one of two deficiencies: the oil secreted from oil glands is too thick and does not adequately cover the aqueous film leading to evaporation and dryness or tear glands do not produce enough tears.  Dr. Blackwell stresses the role of inflammation which can lead to the progressive worsening of the condition and  which should be controlled. He suggests various treatments. I highly recommend watching the videos
    Last edited by hannsho; 13-May-2018, 00:12.