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MGD Success / Hope?

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  • MGD Success / Hope?

    They say MGD is not curable. Does everyone out there agree with this? Has anyone cured themselves? The thought of living like this the rest of my life makes me want to cry, barf, or die. I had 11 years of bad quality of life and was trying to turn it around by working a job where I got walking pneumonia and this whole eye drama started. I'd hate to think I ruined my life and eyes over some job that treated me badly anyway. For what a few paychecks? I'm an artist and love life and need this solved. I can't concentrate well and can't relax or create. I meditate, etc. Anyone? Anyone have success? Not just for a few months, but success as in gone/healed? I can't handle this. No one can. There must be a cure. Not just a way to manage, but a CURE.

  • #2
    As far as I know, there is NO cure - we can only stop progression - at least at this stage.

    What sad is:
    Progression/Prevention can ONLY be possible if doctors do their jobs properly = detect it earlier enough.

    It is really easy & costs no extra, just: express glands & take images with slit lamp, camera, takes only 1 min.
    Decent/responsible doctors tell patients if they do NOT have knowledge/capacity to help, I've met ONE only.
    If I were a doctor, I feel useless, if I could't help patients - simply there are more can be done than drops.

    My eyes have been manageable after countless experiments/studies
    and I am still searching for solutions for more relief in order to work again.
    I can just stay positive, do my utmost and do not give up until I get results!!
    This is how I have found the pure HOCL spray, NatraSan/made in UK, after 3rd attempt though,
    since I can not get Avenova. It helps surprisingly (even all 10 doctors said I did not have inflammation).

    Dont lose hope - more and more 'useful' treatments are underway.
    Last edited by MGD1701; 22-May-2018, 04:57.


    • #3
      Hi PerfectEye,

      After what you've gone through and then suddenly finding that you suffer from MGD, I perfectly understand your reaction and your desire for a cure of your eye problem. But irrespective of whether there is a cure or not for MGD, Posterior Blepharitis, or Ocular Rosacea (I suffer from all three of them) my aim is to find a way so that I can live comfortable with these eye conditions. Once you've found that way, then a chronic condition no longer bothers you and the problem is largely resolved. At my age (77) I have had to overcome a number of bad health issues that are of a chronic nature. On each occasion I started investigating and reading as much as I could about the problem, and then after - usually quite a long period of one to two years - I found a way, a formula or treatment that allowed me to live with them in a way so that none of them really bother me today.

      This is my aim with regard to my eye condition. To read and investigate as much as I can about it , and to see what useful stuff I can find out - after all, new discoveries are constantly made. Therein lies hope! My question is, PerfectEyes, won't you join me in this task to investigate our eye condition, and then to report back to this community to what we've found out? This way we can create hope for everybody!

      (Note, the information must be bonafide, such as articles by ophthalmologists, Optometrists information from health websites, Youtube videos from independent health professionals, and scientific research papers on the subject.)


      • #4

        My question is for MGD1701, the pure HOCL spray that you have mentioned above ? Do you spray this directly on your eyes?

        Please could you send me the correct link so that I can purchase the correct one?



        • #5
          NatraSan First Aid Spray
          I spray to 'closed' eyes. It is NOT Avenova so please do your own research first.
          Its full name see above.

          Hope it will help you too.
          Last edited by MGD1701; 18-May-2018, 10:30.


          • #6
            MGD 1701,could you please tell us for what eye condition you use this spray - for MGD, anterior or posterior blepharitis or any other condition?


            • #7
              I searched, found 3 alternatives/brands & tried them out just out of curiosity
              since all +10 doctors said I did not have inflammation.
              Yet, only NatraSan has solved my watering and discharge problems just in a few days.

              I have noticed many (and more), if not all, top doctors in USA recommend pure HOCL, like Avenova.
              According to doctors it is safe/effective & no resistance like antibiotic, particularly for bacteria.

              It is really very interesting topic and there are many educational videos/articles at YouTube and
              in professional journals respectively.

              One American dr even mentioned (in an educational workshop) that
              such spray is good for patients but not good for them (she meant for her business).
              Last edited by MGD1701; 20-Aug-2018, 15:40.


              • #8
                MGD 1701
                Thanks for this information - very interesting!

