I'm not sure where to begin, but I had LASIK 2 months ago on April 4th. I've had dry eyes ever since, with my right eye being considerably worse. I've read a lot of this forum over the last couple of months and I understand that this can be quite along process before the dry eyes go away. After the first 2 weeks my vision was excellent so at least I can still see well. I can't thank the people on this board enough for their contributions. They have been very helpful to me over this time.
I decided to seek a 2nd opinion on Friday, May 30th from an eye doctor who's office is part of the Boston Foundation for sight. I've read they've handled many dry eye cases. She did some tests and after looking at my corneas under the slit lamp she said I had dry spots on them and they weren't lubricating well. She said I should wait another month and keep using preservative free eye drops and Genteal at night. She doesn't like restasis and is a big fan of plugs, but she wants to give it more time before we try anything. Interestingly enough with my dry eyes have been a lot better this week. I think it's because of the increase in humidity. Hopefully, it stays like this.
Unfortunately, I am experiencing a new problem. My left eye is a little blurry, not a lot, but enough to be a little distracting. This started right after they placed the filament paper in my eye for the Schirmer test. It burned a lot and I had her take it out. The doctor said the tech's probably didn't use enough numbing drops. I declined taking the test again and she said the test wasn't really important because it's been clear to both of us that I have dry eyes. Strangely enough, she didn't even suggest doing the particular test. It was my idea. Could a simple test like that have irritated my eye and be giving me issues? I can't attribute the change to anything other then the test.
I know it sounds crazy, but the eye has been off ever since the day I saw the new doctor. If i contact my LASIK surgeon, I bet he'll think I'm out of my mind and probably be annoyed I went to see someone else.
Do you guy all have any thoughts on what could be happening? My vision isn't greatly affected, it's more of just an annoying distraction. Sort of like an odd blue. It's very slight, but I notice it and it hasn't been there before. If there was a flap issue there would be a huge loss in vision right? Anyone who's had LASIK ever have the Schirmer test done before? At 2 months was this to soon for me to get a test that places something in my eye? Hopefully it eventually goes away.
Thank you in advance for your response. Sorry for the long post. I hope you're all having a great weekend!
I'm not sure where to begin, but I had LASIK 2 months ago on April 4th. I've had dry eyes ever since, with my right eye being considerably worse. I've read a lot of this forum over the last couple of months and I understand that this can be quite along process before the dry eyes go away. After the first 2 weeks my vision was excellent so at least I can still see well. I can't thank the people on this board enough for their contributions. They have been very helpful to me over this time.
I decided to seek a 2nd opinion on Friday, May 30th from an eye doctor who's office is part of the Boston Foundation for sight. I've read they've handled many dry eye cases. She did some tests and after looking at my corneas under the slit lamp she said I had dry spots on them and they weren't lubricating well. She said I should wait another month and keep using preservative free eye drops and Genteal at night. She doesn't like restasis and is a big fan of plugs, but she wants to give it more time before we try anything. Interestingly enough with my dry eyes have been a lot better this week. I think it's because of the increase in humidity. Hopefully, it stays like this.
Unfortunately, I am experiencing a new problem. My left eye is a little blurry, not a lot, but enough to be a little distracting. This started right after they placed the filament paper in my eye for the Schirmer test. It burned a lot and I had her take it out. The doctor said the tech's probably didn't use enough numbing drops. I declined taking the test again and she said the test wasn't really important because it's been clear to both of us that I have dry eyes. Strangely enough, she didn't even suggest doing the particular test. It was my idea. Could a simple test like that have irritated my eye and be giving me issues? I can't attribute the change to anything other then the test.
I know it sounds crazy, but the eye has been off ever since the day I saw the new doctor. If i contact my LASIK surgeon, I bet he'll think I'm out of my mind and probably be annoyed I went to see someone else.
Do you guy all have any thoughts on what could be happening? My vision isn't greatly affected, it's more of just an annoying distraction. Sort of like an odd blue. It's very slight, but I notice it and it hasn't been there before. If there was a flap issue there would be a huge loss in vision right? Anyone who's had LASIK ever have the Schirmer test done before? At 2 months was this to soon for me to get a test that places something in my eye? Hopefully it eventually goes away.
Thank you in advance for your response. Sorry for the long post. I hope you're all having a great weekend!