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Dry eye conference in Sydney, Australia and they want to hear from us!

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  • Dry eye conference in Sydney, Australia and they want to hear from us!

    The inaugural Ocular Surface and Dry Eye Conference organised by the School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of New South Wales will be held in Sydney from the 25th to the 27th of July 2014. Speakers include Dr Jim Kokkinakis, Assoc Prof Colin Chan and Assoc Prof Jennifer Craig who conducted a recent study of the E-Eye IPL device at the University of Auckland.

    It’s free and open to members of the public and advocacy groups. And yes I know, just the thought of an overly air conditioned, brightly lit conference centre would put most of us off, but please, any Sydneysiders brave enough to don your goggles and turn up will hopefully benefit from attending. On the final afternoon of the conference the coordinator, Prof Willcox, has set aside two hours for us. In his words ‘At present, this is perhaps the less developed area of the conference, but one I hope will succeed in putting people with dry-eye in contact with researchers, optometrists and manufacturers of products so that they can understand newer treatment options etc.’.

    My husband ‘neilw’ and I, (and hopefully ‘hankm9’), will be travelling from Melbourne and would love to meet you.

  • #2
    would it be please possible to give us some short summary afterwards? Or if the presentation will be available somewhere, that would be really great.
    Some presentations look really interesting and I would love to see them but going there from Europe is not possible .


    • #3
      Something else on E-Eye:


      • #4
        My wife Kathy and I will be going to this conference in Sydney (from Melbourne). Are there any other Australian DEZers planning to attend ?

        It would be good to meet other people from the DEZ. If anyone is going could they post to this thread or PM me so we can perhaps work out how to meet ?

        I think it certainly would be good if there are more than a couple of people representing dry eye sufferers at this conference.


        • #5
          The conference starts this coming Thursday. We just got an email from them indicating it was full, but if anyone else from the DEZ is going could they ley me know as it would be good to meet up.

          My wife Kathy and I are coming up from Melbourne to attend and will be there for each of the 3 days.

