Speaking of Korb... You might want to read this abstract about recovery time for optimally secreting MGs: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19387230
They write (paraphrased)
In other words, I would think that your glands may not recover enough between compresses if you are doing them too often. But this is just MY GUESS, based on this one study of "normal" folk!
They write (paraphrased)
12 patients with *no* dry eye symptoms
The times to drain the gland of available liquid secretion, for the drained gland to recover, and then be redrained were measured.
* mean time to drain the marked meibomian gland was 8-20 seconds;
* partial recovery of the drained meibomian gland was 1.5-2.5 hours;
* to redrain the meibomian gland after recovery was 5-10 seconds.
This report shows that (1) a single OSMG can be drained of its liquid secretion in 8-20 seconds upon application of a constant force of 1 g/mm, and (2) a partial recovery occurs after approximately 2 hours, evidenced by detectable liquid secretion which then expressed for only half of the original time.
The times to drain the gland of available liquid secretion, for the drained gland to recover, and then be redrained were measured.
* mean time to drain the marked meibomian gland was 8-20 seconds;
* partial recovery of the drained meibomian gland was 1.5-2.5 hours;
* to redrain the meibomian gland after recovery was 5-10 seconds.
This report shows that (1) a single OSMG can be drained of its liquid secretion in 8-20 seconds upon application of a constant force of 1 g/mm, and (2) a partial recovery occurs after approximately 2 hours, evidenced by detectable liquid secretion which then expressed for only half of the original time.