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Expanded plica semilunaris

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  • Expanded plica semilunaris

    I noticed the plica semilunaris in both eyes has slid by 2mm onto my eyeball, from being completely invisible. With the membrane covering above and below the caruncle region too, and you can see the membrane as far up and down when you lift either upper or lower lid.

    This happened possibly due to over-removing eye mucus in the morning, OCD cleaning eyes of mucus with water. And since the plica moved, I no longer get much eye mucus at all in the morning.

    And from the plica expanding, I have had mild dry eye since. And both eyes have 20% more, over all light redness.

    Was wondering if anyone has experienced this? And what can I do to get the plica to recede to its former position?

    Thanks everyone.

  • #2
    Hi, thanks so much for your post, as I seem to be having the same problem. Did you ever find out the cause of this and recommended treatment? Any insight appreciated! Thank you!

