Saw an ophthalmologists today - second time I've seen him. First time he said my eyes were dry. Now, apparently they are not that bad and I just need to patient. I am 10 months post LASIK. My last three schirmer tests have been low - around 2/3mm. I feel like he was bored with my problem because it wasn't serious enough for him. I have good TBUT (12 seconds) and a tiny amount of staining.
My right eye constantly waters, and the smallest gust of wind means they get sore, gritty and red. I'm waking up every 3/4 hours to top of my drops in the evening.
What do I do? Do I wait it out?
Or do I find someone else?
Anyone in London have aqueous tear deficiency and seen someone who is sympathetic and wants to treat it?
My right eye constantly waters, and the smallest gust of wind means they get sore, gritty and red. I'm waking up every 3/4 hours to top of my drops in the evening.
What do I do? Do I wait it out?
Or do I find someone else?
Anyone in London have aqueous tear deficiency and seen someone who is sympathetic and wants to treat it?