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Conjunctival chalasis or something else? Getting worried.

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  • Conjunctival chalasis or something else? Getting worried.

    I have been having a few hard days. I’m not sure what is going on and I was hoping for some input from people who have had conjunctival chalasis. How did you get diagnosed? What did you feel? I do not have pain. However, it feels like there is some kind of foreign body under my lower eyelid but sometimes it goes from one spot to another or disappears completely for hours. It’s intensity also changes.

    I even feel this sensation with my eyes closed. In fact, I usually feel worse in the mornings (but not always).

    That to me does not seem like CCH. I’m going to be seeing several specialists about this but I am not sure how familiar they are with the problem.

  • #2
    I have very similar symptoms. However, my foreign body sensation is localized, always same spot not moving. My dr thinks the foreign body sensation is caused by SLK not conjunctival chalasis for myself personally.

    My understanding is that you really need to find an expert doctor to get a proper diagnosis here. Ask them about it specifically.


    • #3
      deep_dry_eye interesting. What signs and symptoms do you have?


      • #4
        Originally posted by hopeful_hiker View Post
        deep_dry_eye interesting. What signs and symptoms do you have?
        I used to have a lot of burning and tired problems, including staining, but since being placed on restasis + xiidra combo, I rarely staining. I am also on monthly-IPL as I believe that to help.

        My MGYLS went from approx 8 to 12, so 50% increase in gland secretions which I attribute to IPL and Xiidra mostly.

        My meibography shows structural improvement in one of my eyes (i.e., less inflammation, structure of the glands look much more clean) -- this is after treatment of Xiidra + Restasis BID + monthly-IPL.

        I also had near constant foreign body sensation localized to an area (but getting a better since I did AMT Prokera).


        • #5
          deep_dry_eye Thanks for the details.

          So the SLK manifested itself through burning and foreign body sensation?

