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  • Tbut

    Just saw my opthamologist who is a cornea specialist. She said my TBUT was normal, but I don't think she did it right. She didn't have me stop blinking. I continued to blink through the test. From what I've read here I was supposed to not blink for a period of time. Has anyone else had the test done like me? Now I'm thinking I didn't get a reliable result.
    Last edited by Max52; 24-Jul-2014, 13:00.

  • #2
    You're right Max52 - as far as I know and all the tests I've had tell me she should have asked you to keep your eye open and counted how long before it took for your tear film to break-up.


    • #3
      Hey, I saw an oph in April and my tbut was 3 and 4, he told me to blink when felt natural to me, then I saw an optometrist who was very rude and dismissive just about having eye surface photos taken she told me when to blink which was very frequent like very two seconds and she told me my tbut was over ten seconds and that it was all in my head basically and subjective to my environment! This is an interesting post, how is a tbut test meant to be performed then? Cath
      27, pinguecula, dry eye, Wirral, UK


      • #4
        Originally posted by cathy8889 View Post
        Hey, I saw an oph in April and my tbut was 3 and 4, he told me to blink when felt natural to me, then I saw an optometrist who was very rude and dismissive just about having eye surface photos taken she told me when to blink which was very frequent like very two seconds and she told me my tbut was over ten seconds and that it was all in my head basically and subjective to my environment! This is an interesting post, how is a tbut test meant to be performed then? Cath
        Up until the tbut test I actually had a lot of respect for my specialist's knowledge. She put me on serum drops then took me off because they weren't helping. She gave me lipiflow, but didn't want to repeat it because she didn't think it would help. She had azythromycyn compunded for me. I'd think she'd know how to perform a basic test,but it flys in the face of what I've read.


        • #5
          I've had approximately 8 ophthalmogists do TBUT tests. I war told by a couple of them I could come back an hour later and it could be a couple of seconds difference. My current ophth whom I'm really happy with filmed it so I could see myself and it was 3 to 4 secs. I'd been told a week before by a private ophth it was 12+ secs and completely normal.

          One thing with all of them is that they have told me to blink a couple of times then keep my eyes open. I don't see how they could count the seconds otherwise!


          • #6
            My opth., after putting in the yellow dye, would ask me to blink once or twice then keep my eyes open. He would then count out loud like "1 thousand, 2 thousand..."

