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Dropping out of university

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  • Dropping out of university

    University is just around the corner and my dry eyes are still quite bad. Should I drop out? I tried using the computer today for an hour but my eyes burned and felt uncomfortable. How am I supposed u function at uni with this disease and get work done. I’ll also have to go out a lot drinking in the evenings because my friends love to party, and I did til this disease changed me. Has anyone been in a situation like this before and coped?

  • #2
    Why don't you take a medical leave for 1 semester and try and improve your eyes. There's lots of hope. There's many things you haven't tried yet including Sclerals.

    You should also stop drinking, its both expensive and not good for your health. Although, I do find post alcohol, my dry eyes are least symptomatic.


    • #3
      Focus on treatment now. University will always be there later. Be as aggressive as possible to stop it from worsening. Do not go back to university. You wont have your network of support.

      Have you gotten a Lipiview or meibography? You need that checked asap.

      Get on restasis. Xiidra. Start IPL. Find a center near you.


      • #4
        Yes, taking a leave from university for 1-2 semester would be ideal. Using the computer and studying will only worsen your condition, as your blink rate will decrease or cause incomplete blinks, resulting in less natural expression of oils from blinking, the oils further clogging up your glands, and possible development of scar tissue over time. Assuming you do not have scar tissue, better to get some treatments to unblock the glands now, like manual gland expression, LipiFlow, IPL, or sone combination of those. If those don’t work, you might have very stubborn blockage or scar tissue, which would require probing.

        Things to help manage the symptoms like sclerals, autologous serum tears, etc. are just as important to making you feel better, even though these do not solve the root problem.

        I ultimately had to quit my job. I stayed as long as I could, but it was too long. I couldn’t bear using my eyes intensively at work anymore, it was making my condition worse, and I didn’t have enough time to focus on getting better. I’m one of those who ended up with many glands with scar tissue, so had to have probing, but only knew that after trying everything else for several years while still working. Fortunately I did get better, but don’t let your condition get as bad as mine did...waiting too long was a long and painful road.


        • #5
          I want to go back and continue studying however my mum and dad are keen for me to go back and not miss out on a great opportunity. I just wish they’d understand how hard it is but then again I didn’t know what dry eye even was before I got it and I probably wouldnt have stop to think for a second for people with it. It’s hard to tell my friends because they don’t understand. The only time my eyes feel normal is when I put on moisture goggles however they fog up and I can’t see the computer.

          Whats the chances of me recovering if I take a year out. If it’s unlikely I might as well just go and suffer at uni...


          • #6
            Hi SirDryEye

            It just occurs to me, perhaps good to share these 2 articles from these outstanding experts (#26 & 27) with your parents.
            I think it is important to get their support.
            It is from doctor prespective so they might understand better - what do you think?

            Last edited by MGD1701; 05-Aug-2018, 03:34.


            • #7
              SirDryEye , based on how much you are already suffering and you trying to use the computer for one hour with difficulty, I can’t see how you will be able to effectively study, attend classes, and use the computer for several hours per day if you return to school. It could affect your grades, let alone be debilitating and as mentioned above, can cause your situation to get worse. Then you’ll likely be trying to recover from a more progressed dry eye situation. Better to address it now than wait, IMO and experience.


              • #8
                What matter is you must stop progression
                - at earlier stage it is not that complex to fix, but only if you are lucky enough to find a real expert.


                • #9
                  The reason everyone is saying take some time off and concentrate on your eyes is because the damage is signifcant enough to be causing you problems. Keep pushing and it will only get worse.

                  Find a good doctor and get meibography done. Usually doctors that do lipiflow can do that. Meibography really tells the story of just how bad your glands are.

                  Stay off of all digital devices as much as possible for the time being.and use your mic when texting.

                  ​​​​​How long have you had this condition and what kind of treatments have you tried so far.

