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Great news for those who suffer from pinguecula / ptegyrion !

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  • #16
    Hey realMadridFTW,

    how are your eyes doing? Did you get rid of the inflammation and the red veins?
    Im curious to hear some good news.



    • #17
      I too am very interested in these results, thank you realMadridFTW for keeping us informed.

      I wonder about the cosmetic usage of this drug, since it is a vasodilator and seems to have a powerful effect on eye veins - the before and after photos are remarkable. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory effects....could be promising for all dry eye sufferers.


      • #18
        Hi penny,

        I didn't think that these drops were vasoconstrictors, I may have missed something in the article I had read about them. I was just wondering where you read that they were, feeling less positive about them now lol, thanks, cath
        Originally posted by pennyparade View Post
        I too am very interested in these results, thank you realMadridFTW for keeping us informed.

        I wonder about the cosmetic usage of this drug, since it is a vasodilator and seems to have a powerful effect on eye veins - the before and after photos are remarkable. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory effects....could be promising for all dry eye sufferers.
        27, pinguecula, dry eye, Wirral, UK


        • #19

          Dipyridamole is not a vasoconstrictor but a vasodilator. It dilates healthy veins and redirects blood flow from stenosed veins. It is primarily an antiplatelet used to prevent blood clots after heart valve surgery. It also inhibits the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines MCP-1 and MMP-9. These cytokines play a key role in dry eye inflammation. It is a complex drug with multiple effects. It is marketed under the name Persantine for systemic usage if you want to Google it further.

          This is the only study (as far as I know) considering an ophthalmic usage for Dipyridamole.


          • #20
            I just give you some news.
            My eyes look healthy !

            There are well hydrated and my pingingula are no longer inflamed !!
            Before the start of this treatment when I got up in the morning, and I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were often red.
            Now it's no longer the case, even in the morning, my eyes look healthy.
            I am very happy with this result!

            However my pinguecula are still present, my eyes are still yellowish
            But I must be very patient to benefit from the antineoplastic effect.


            • #21
              [QUOTE=realMadridFTW;93511]I just give you some news.
              My eyes look healthy !

              There are well hydrated and my pingingula are no longer inflamed !!
              Before the start of this treatment when I got up in the morning, and I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were often red.

              Hi realMadrid,

              That's great news! Has all the veins disappeared? How are the pingingulas looking now? Do you have pictures you can show us?

              I'd be so scared about forming my own eye drops. I have spoken to a lady who works at the clinic that are producing these eyedrops, she said they are still in the trial stage but should be out in the next few months.


              • #22
                Originally posted by realMadridFTW View Post
                I just give you some news.
                My eyes look healthy !
                Hi realMadrid

                I echo what other people say - its both risky and very brave of you to make yourself a test case but I am in awe of you for reporting your progress to us all - Im delighted for you ( and hopefully for us all ) that you are seeing such positive results - please keep the progress reports coming but please ensure you are getting regular checkups from a good opth


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ClaireW View Post
                  I'd be so scared about forming my own eye drops. I have spoken to a lady who works at the clinic that are producing these eyedrops, she said they are still in the trial stage but should be out in the next few months.
                  Thanks ClaireW - are you talking to Medinsight? Ive been chatting to them and they are making progress on producing the eyedrops but they are not ready yet


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by steveyez View Post
                    Thanks ClaireW - are you talking to Medinsight? Ive been chatting to them and they are making progress on producing the eyedrops but they are not ready yet
                    Hi Steveyez,

                    I'm speaking to Shira from medinsight. I asked for an update last week but haven't heard back yet. I'm really eager to see how they are getting on! I imagine they must be swamped with people wanting to know their progress.


                    • #25
                      hi realMadrid, I have some questions for you, did you buy persantine? or how were you able to get the dipyridamole? I need a prescription here in Canada for that medication, have you noticed any improvements in the pinguecula?

                      thank you!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by ClaireW View Post
                        Hi Steveyez,

                        I'm speaking to Shira from medinsight. I asked for an update last week but haven't heard back yet. I'm really eager to see how they are getting on! I imagine they must be swamped with people wanting to know their progress.
                        Thanks Claire

                        Yep we're speaking to the same person - I guess you're right about them being swampted - Shira said there's been some kind of delay with getting limited production sorted / tested but was hoping for progress soon

                        Take care


                        • #27
                          I bought it on (pure Dipyridamole powder)


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by realMadridFTW View Post
                            I bought it on (pure Dipyridamole powder)
                            Hi realMadrid,

                            Are the drops helping your pinguelas yet? Did they help reduced general redness and vein size? Are you experiencing any side effects? Sorry for all the questions just really curious, still waiting on more news about these dipyridamole drops and wishing the manufacturing process would hurry up!


                            • #29
                              The big veins have not really gone.
                              They are much less noticable.
                              And my eyes are not inflamed anymore.

                              In the study on PubMed, the ptygerium has disappeared in one year.
                              So it's too early for that.

                              My camera is not good enough to see the details of my pinguecula on a photo.
                              Maybe you can give me advice on setting the camera.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ClaireW View Post
                                Are you experiencing any side effects?
                                No, tolerance is very good, I have no side effects

